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Check common encryption algorithms in Python Crawlers




1. Basic knowledge

2. Base64 Pseudo encryption

3. MD5 encryption

4. AES/DES Symmetric encryption

secret key




Today, Xiaobian will take you to review these mainstream encryption algorithms in the process of data capture , What are their characteristics 、 What are the encryption methods and so on , Knowing this will help us to reverse crack these encrypted parameters !

I believe that when you capture data , You will encounter many encrypted parameters , Like "token"、"sign" wait , Today, Xiaobian will take you to review these mainstream encryption algorithms in the process of data capture , What are their characteristics 、 What are the encryption methods and so on , Knowing this will help us to reverse crack these encrypted parameters !

1. Basic knowledge

The first thing we need to understand is , What is encryption and decryption ? seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function

encryption (Encryption): The process of transforming plaintext data into ciphertext

Decrypt (Decryption): The reverse of encryption , That is, the process of recovering the original plaintext from the ciphertext .

The operation of encryption and decryption algorithms is usually carried out under the control of a set of keys , Become the encryption key respectively (Encryption Key) And decrypt the key (Decryption Key),

As shown in the figure below :

The encryption algorithms are divided into symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption and hash algorithm , among

Symmetric encryption : That is, the same key is used for encryption and decryption , for example RC4、AES、DES Equal encryption algorithm

Asymmetric encryption : That is, different keys are used for encryption and decryption , for example RSA Encryption algorithm, etc

Hash algorithm : Also known as hash function . Produces a fixed output for input messages of different lengths , The output value is the hash value

2. Base64 Pseudo encryption

Base64 Strictly speaking, it is not an encryption algorithm , Just a way of coding , It is a kind of use 64 Characters , Namely A-Z、a-z、0-9、+、/ this 64 Characters , Realize the coding of data , Can be used in HTTP In the environment, the longer identification information . use Base64 The code is unreadable , It needs to be decoded before reading . We use Python For any web address Base64 The encoding operation of , The code is as follows :

import base64# Want to encode the string into base64, First convert the string into binary data url = "www.baidu.com"bytes_url = url.encode("utf-8")str_url = base64.b64encode(bytes_url) # The encoded parameter must be binary data print(str_url)

Output :


So again , We can also decode it , The code is as follows :

url = "d3d3LmJhaWR1LmNvbQ=="str_url = base64.b64decode(url).decode("utf-8")print(str_url)

Output :


3. MD5 encryption

MD5 It is a widely used linear hash algorithm , After encryption, a fixed length is generated (32 Bit or 16 position ) The data of , It consists of letters and numbers , Unified case . The data generated by the final encryption is irreversible , That is to say, the encrypted data cannot be easily restored to the original string , Except by brute force .

We are Python To realize MD5 encryption :

import hashlibstr = 'this is a md5 demo.'hl = hashlib.md5()hl.update(str.encode(encoding='utf-8'))print('MD5 Before encryption :' + str)print('MD5 Encrypted as :' + hl.hexdigest())

Output :

MD5 Before encryption :this is a md5 demo.
MD5 Encrypted as :b2caf2a298a9254b38a2e33b75cfbe75

As mentioned above , in the light of MD5 Encryption can reduce its security by brute force cracking , Therefore, in the process of practical operation , We will add the salt value (Salt) Or double MD5 Encryption and other methods to increase its reliability , The code is as follows :

# post Incoming parameter params = "123456"# The salt value to be spliced after encryption (Salt)salt = "asdfkjalksdncxvm"def md5_encrypt():m = md5()m.update(params.encode('utf8'))sign1 = m.hexdigest()return sign1def md5_encrypt_with_salt():m = md5()m.update((md5_encrypt() + salt).encode('utf8'))sign2 = m.hexdigest()return sign24. AES/DES Symmetric encryption

First, let's talk about DES encryption , The full name is Data Encryption Standard, Data encryption standard , It is a common kind of symmetric encryption , That is, the keys used in the encryption and decryption processes are the same , So if you want to crack it , Through violent enumeration , As long as the computing power is strong enough, it can still be cracked .

AES The full name is Advanced Encryption Standard, yes DES The replacement of algorithm , It is also one of the most popular symmetric encryption algorithms . Want to find out AES Algorithm , First, we have to understand three basic concepts : secret key 、 Fill and pattern .

secret key

We have talked a lot about the key before , You can think of it as a key , It can be used for locking , It can be used to unlock .AES Supports three lengths of keys :128 position 、192 Bit and 256 position .


As for the concept of filling ,AES We need to understand the characteristics of packet encryption , The details are shown in the following figure :

Simply speaking ,AES When the algorithm encrypts plaintext , It is not to encrypt the whole plaintext into a whole ciphertext , Instead, the plaintext is divided into independent plaintext blocks , The length of each plaintext block is 128 The bit .

These plaintext blocks go through AES After the complex processing of the encryptor , Generate independent ciphertext blocks , Putting these ciphertext blocks together is the final AES The result of encryption .

So here's a question , If the length of a plaintext is 196 The bit , If you follow every 128 Bit is a plaintext block to split , The second plaintext block is just 64 Bit , Insufficient 128 What should bit do ? At this time, it's time for filling to play its role , The default fill method is PKCS5Padding as well as ISO10126Padding.

But in the AES When encrypting, a certain filling method is used , The same filling method must be used when decrypting .


AES Working mode of , It is embodied in the process of encrypting plaintext blocks into ciphertext blocks , There are five different working modes , Namely CBC、ECB、CTR、CFB as well as OFB Pattern , similarly , If in AES A certain working mode is used in the encryption process , The same working mode must be adopted for decryption . Finally we use Python Let's do it AES encryption .

import base64from Crypto.Cipher import AESdef AES_encrypt(text, key): pad = 16 - len(text) % 16 text = text + pad * chr(pad) text = text.encode("utf-8") encryptor = AES.new(key.encode('utf-8'), AES.MODE_ECB) encrypt_text = encryptor.encrypt(text) encrypt_text = base64.b64encode(encrypt_text) return encrypt_text.decode('utf-8')

This is about the inventory Python This is the end of the article on common encryption algorithms in crawlers , More about Python Please search the previous articles of SDN or continue to browse the relevant articles below. I hope you will support SDN more in the future !

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