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為了更容易(同時也更安全)地使用動態內存,C++11標准庫提供了兩種智能指針(smart pointer)類型來管理動態對象。智能指針的行為類似常規指針,重要的區別是它負責自動釋放所指的對象。C++11標准庫提供的這兩種智能指針的區別在於管理底層指針的方式:shared_ptr允許多個指針指向同一個對象;unique_ptr則"獨占"所指向的對象。C++11標准庫還定義了一個名為weak_ptr的輔助類,它是一種弱引用,指向shared_ptr所管理的對象。這三種類型都定義在memory頭文件中。智能指針是模板類而不是指針。類似vector,智能指針也是模板,當創建一個智能指針時,必須提供額外的信息即指針可以指向的類型。默認初始化的智能指針中保存著一個空指針。智能指針的使用方式與普通指針類似。解引用一個智能指針返回它指向的對象。如果在一個條件判斷中使用智能指針,效果就是檢測它是否為空。

Pointer misuse can be a major source of bugs. Smart pointers prevent most situations of memory leaks by making the memory deallocation automatic. More generally, they make object destruction automatic: an object controlled by a smart pointer is automatically destroyed (finalized and then deallocated) when the last (or only) owner of an object is destroyed.

In C++, a smart pointer is implemented as a template class that mimics, by means of operator overloading, the behaviors of a traditional (raw) pointer, while providing additional memory management features.

std::weak_ptr is a smart pointer that holds a non-owning ("weak") reference to an object that is managed by std::shared_ptr. It must be converted to std::shared_ptr in order to access the referenced object.

std::weak_ptr models temporary ownership: when an object needs to be accessed only if it exists, and it may be deleted at any time by someone else, std::weak_ptr is used to track the object, and it is converted to std::shared_ptr to assume temporary ownership. If the original std::shared_ptr is destroyed at this time,the object's lifetime is extended until the temporary std::shared_ptr is destroyed as well.

In addition,std::weak_ptr is used to break circular references of std::shared_ptr.

weak_ptr is primarily useful in the rare cases where it is needed in order to break'circular references' – a problem with the use of reference counting in shared_ptr.

Sometimes an object must store a way to access the underlying object of a shared_ptr without causing the reference count to be incremented. Typically, this situation occurs when you have cyclic references between shared_ptr instances. The best design is to avoid shared ownership of pointers whenever you can. However, if you must have shared ownership of shared_ptr instances, avoid cyclic references between them. When cyclic references are unavoidable, or even preferable for some reason, use weak_ptr to give one or more of the owners a weak reference to another shared_ptr. By using a weak_ptr, you can create a shared_ptr that joins to an existing set of related instances, but only if the underlying memory resource is still valid. A weak_ptr itself does not participate in the reference counting, and therefore, it cannot prevent the reference count from going to zero. However, you can use a weak_ptr to try to obtain a new copy of the shared_ptr with which it was initialized. If the memory has already been deleted, a bad_weak_ptr exception is thrown. If the memory is still valid, the new shared pointer increments the reference count and guarantees that the memory will be valid as long as the shared_ptr variable stays in scope.


weak_ptr用於解決”引用計數”模型循環依賴問題,weak_ptr指向一個對象,並不增減該對象的引用計數器。weak_ptr用於配合shared_ptr使用,並不影響動態對象的生命周期,即其存在與否並不影響對象的引用計數器。weak_ptr並沒有重載operator->和operator *操作符,因此不可直接通過weak_ptr使用對象。weak_ptr提供了expired()與lock()成員函數,前者用於判斷weak_ptr指向的對象是否已被銷毀,後者返回其所指對象的shared_ptr智能指針(對象銷毀時返回”空”shared_ptr)。


weak_ptr並沒有重載operator->和operator *操作符,因此不可直接通過weak_ptr使用對象,典型的用法是調用其lock函數來獲得shared_ptr示例,進而訪問原始對象。



下圖列出了weak_ptr支持的操作(來源於C++ Primer Fifth Edition 中文版):

\   下面是從其他文章中copy的測試代碼,詳細內容介紹可以參考對應的reference:
#include "weak_ptr.hpp"

// reference: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/weak_ptr
std::weak_ptr gw;

void f()
	if (auto spt = gw.lock()) { // Has to be copied into a shared_ptr before usage
		std::cout << *spt << "\n";
	else {
		std::cout << "gw is expired\n";

int test_weak_ptr1()
		auto sp = std::make_shared(42);
		gw = sp;



	return 0;

// reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12030650/when-is-stdweak-ptr-useful
int test_weak_ptr2()
	// OLD, problem with dangling pointer
	// PROBLEM: ref will point to undefined data!
	int* ptr = new int(10);
	int* ref = ptr;
	delete ptr;

	// NEW
	// SOLUTION: check expired() or lock() to determine if pointer is valid
	// empty definition
	std::shared_ptr sptr;

	// takes ownership of pointer
	sptr.reset(new int);
	*sptr = 10;

	// get pointer to data without taking ownership
	std::weak_ptr weak1 = sptr;

	// deletes managed object, acquires new pointer
	sptr.reset(new int);
	*sptr = 5;

	// get pointer to new data without taking ownership
	std::weak_ptr weak2 = sptr;

	// weak1 is expired!

	if (auto tmp = weak1.lock())
		std::cout << *tmp << '\n';
		std::cout << "weak1 is expired\n";

	// weak2 points to new data (5)

	if (auto tmp = weak2.lock())
		std::cout << *tmp << '\n';
		std::cout << "weak2 is expired\n";

	return 0;

// reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh279672.aspx
class Controller
	int Num;
	std::string Status;
	std::vector> others;
	explicit Controller(int i) : Num(i), Status("On")
		std::cout << "Creating Controller" << Num << std::endl;

		std::cout << "Destroying Controller" << Num << std::endl;

	// Demonstrates how to test whether the pointed-to memory still exists or not.
	void CheckStatuses() const
		for_each(others.begin(), others.end(), [](std::weak_ptr wp) {
			try {
				auto p = wp.lock();
				std::cout << "Status of " << p->Num << " = " << p->Status << std::endl;
			catch (std::bad_weak_ptr b) {
				std::cout << "Null object" << std::endl;

void RunTest()
	std::vector> v;

	v.push_back(std::shared_ptr(new Controller(0)));
	v.push_back(std::shared_ptr(new Controller(1)));
	v.push_back(std::shared_ptr(new Controller(2)));
	v.push_back(std::shared_ptr(new Controller(3)));
	v.push_back(std::shared_ptr(new Controller(4)));

	// Each controller depends on all others not being deleted.
	// Give each controller a pointer to all the others. 
	for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
		for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [v, i](std::shared_ptr p) {
			if (p->Num != i) {
				std::cout << "push_back to v[" << i << "]: " << p->Num << std::endl;

	for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [](std::shared_ptr& p) {
		std::cout << "use_count = " << p.use_count() << std::endl;

int test_weak_ptr3()
	std::cout << "Press any key" << std::endl;
	char ch;
	std::cin.getline(&ch, 1);

	return 0;

// reference: https://oopscenities.net/2014/08/03/c-smart-pointers-part-5-weak_ptr/
struct Child;
struct Parent
	std::shared_ptr child;

	~Parent() { std::cout << "Bye Parent" << std::endl; }

	void hi() const { std::cout << "Hello" << std::endl; }

struct Child
	std::weak_ptr parent;
	//std::shared_ptr parent; // memory leak

	~Child() { std::cout << "Bye Child" << std::endl; }

int test_weak_ptr4()
	auto parent = std::make_shared();
	auto child = std::make_shared();

	parent->child = child;
	child->parent = parent;
	// child->parent->hi();

	return 0;

// reference: http://thispointer.com/shared_ptr-binary-trees-and-the-problem-of-cyclic-references/
class Node
	int value;
	std::shared_ptr leftPtr;
	std::shared_ptr rightPtr;
	// Just Changed the shared_ptr to weak_ptr
	std::weak_ptr parentPtr;
	Node(int val) : value(val)     {
		std::cout << "Contructor" << std::endl;
	~Node()     {
		std::cout << "Destructor" << std::endl;

int test_weak_ptr5()
	std::shared_ptr ptr = std::make_shared(4);
	ptr->leftPtr = std::make_shared(2);
	ptr->leftPtr->parentPtr = ptr;
	ptr->rightPtr = std::make_shared(5);
	ptr->rightPtr->parentPtr = ptr;
	std::cout << "ptr reference count = " << ptr.use_count() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "ptr->leftPtr reference count = " << ptr->leftPtr.use_count() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "ptr->rightPtr reference count = " << ptr->rightPtr.use_count() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "ptr->rightPtr->parentPtr reference count = " << ptr->rightPtr->parentPtr.lock().use_count() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "ptr->leftPtr->parentPtr reference count = " << ptr->leftPtr->parentPtr.lock().use_count() << std::endl;

	return 0;



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