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FATAL   嚴重毛病
cannot open file不克不及翻開文件
I/O error closing fileI/O毛病 正在封閉文件
I/O error writing fileI/O毛病 正在寫文件
I/O error reading file            I/O毛病 正在讀取文件
out of memory              缺乏內存
assembler limit : macro parameter name table full      匯編限制:宏參數名表已滿
invalid command-line option           有效敕令行參數
nesting level too deep             嵌套過深
unmatched macro nesting            不准確的宏嵌套
line too long                  行太長
unmatched block nesting                   不准確的區、段嵌套
directive must be in control block                指令必需在掌握段
error count exceeds 100; stopping assembly             毛病數跨越100,停滯匯編 i
nvalid numerical command-line argument                有效敕令行參數
too many arguments                                     太多參數、界說、抵觸
statement too complex                                   聲明太龐雜
Internal Assembler Error                         外部匯編毛病
missing source filename                                找不到源文件名
COFF error writing file                      COFF毛病,正在寫文件
invalid debug and browser data; file exceeds line limit        不克不及消除毛病和閱讀數據;文件跨越行限制
cannot find link.exe                              找不到銜接法式
cannot find cvpack.exe                          找不到
cvpack.exe  SEVERE                              嚴重的毛病
memory operand not allowed in context                  內存操作數沒法載入高低文情況
immediate operand not allowed                      以後操作數沒法載入
cannot have more than one ELSE clause per IF block            IF段只能有一個ELSE從句
extra characters after statement                           附加的字符在聲明以後
symbol type conflict                             符號類型抵觸
symbol redefinition                           符號曾經界說
undefined symbol                          符號沒有界說
non-benign record redefinition                      沒有益於記載的界說
syntax error                                語法毛病
syntax error in expression                   表達式存在語法毛病
invalid type expression                      有效的類型表達式
distance invalid for word size of current segment           以後區、段的年夜小敕令有效
PROC, MACRO, or macro repeat directive must precede LOCAL      PROC, MACRO, 或 macro repeat指令必需在LOCAL之前
.MODEL must precede this directive                           .MODEL必需在指令之前
cannot define as public or external                      不克不及界說為私有或內部的
segment attributes cannot change                         區、段屬性不克不及改換
expression expected                   預期表達式
operator expected                      預期操作數
invalid use of external symbol               應用了有效的內部符號
operand must be RECORD type or field            操作數必需是RECORD類型或域
identifier not a record                      沒有記載標示符
record constants may not span line breaks                 持續記載不克不及跨越行距離
instruction operands must be the same size        敕令操作數必需是一樣的長度
instruction operand must have size             敕令操作數必需有長度
invalid operand size for instruction            操作數長度關於指令有效
operands must be in same segment              操作數必需在雷同的段
constant expected                         持續預期
operand must be a memory expression             操作數必需是一個內存表達式
expression must be a code address             表達式必需是一個代碼地址
multiple base registers not allowed             不許可多重基本存放器
multiple index registers not allowed           不許可多重標記存放器
must be index or base register                  必需是基本或標記存放器
invalid use of register                     應用的存放器有效
invalid INVOKE argument                   有效的INVOKE符號
must be in segment block                  必需在區、段、塊中
DUP too complex                          DUP太龐雜
too many initial values for structure                太多構造的基本材料
statement not allowed inside structure definition         聲明不許可在構造外面
missing operand for macro operator             找不到宏的操作數
line too long
segment register not allowed in context            高低文不許可有存放器
string or text literal too long                 文本或字符串太長
statement too complex                    聲明太龐雜
identifier too long                       標識符太長
invalid character in file                 文件裡有沒有效字符
missing angle bracket or brace in literal         語句裡找不到異樣的括弧或框架
missing single or double quotation mark in string          找不到單引號或雙引號
empty (null) string                沒有字符串
nondigit in number                   沒有總數
syntax error in floating-point constant           不肯定的指向中有語法毛病
real or BCD number not allowed                不許可real或BCD編碼
text item required                       必需的文本項
forced error                           強迫毛病
forced error : value equal to 0                 尺度等於零
forced error : value not equal to 0             尺度不等於零
forced error : symbol not defined            符號沒有界說
forced error : symbol defined               符號已界說
forced error : string blank                   字符串是空的
forced error : string not blank             字符串不是空的
forced error : strings equal              字符串是雷同的
forced error : strings not equal              字符串不是雷同的
[ELSE]IF2/.ERR2 not allowed : single-pass assembler          [ELSE]IF2/.ERR2不許可零丁匯編
expression too complex for .UNTILCXZ             .UNTILCXZ表達式太龐雜
can ALIGN only to power of 2                    僅能對齊到2的冪
structure alignment must be 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16             構造對齊必需是1,2,4,8或16
expected               預界說
incompatible CPU mode and segment size              不婚配的CPU形式和段尺寸
LOCK must be followed by a memory operation          LOCK指令必需跟在內存操作以後
instruction prefix not allowed                    不許可的敕令前綴
no operands allowed for this instruction          指令沒有操作數
invalid instruction operands                   有效的指令操作數
initializer magnitude too large for specified size        初始指定尺寸太年夜
cannot access symbol in given segment or group        在特定的段或類不克不及存取符號
operands have different frames                  操作數存在分歧的構造
cannot access label through segment registers        在段存放器中不克不及存取標志
jump destination too far                            跳轉目的太遠
jump destination must specify a label           跳轉目的必需指定一個標志
instruction does not allow NEAR indirect addressing      指令不許可近直接尋址
instruction does not allow FAR indirect addressing      指令不許可遠直接尋址


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