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      VBS顯示當前標准時間,例如:執行下面的代碼則顯示:2013-05-11 19:10:11


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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 'VBS校准系統時間 BY BatMan Dim objXML, Url, Message Message = "恭喜你,本機時間非常准確無需校對!" Set objXML = CreateObject("MSXML2.XmlHttp") Url = "http://open.baidu.com/special/time/" objXML.open "GET", Url, False objXML.send() Do Until objXML.readyState = 4 : WScript.Sleep 200 : Loop Dim objStr, LocalDate objStr = objXML.responseText LocalDate = Now() Set objXML = Nothing Dim objREG, regNum Set objREG = New RegExp objREG.Global = True objREG.IgnoreCase = True objREG.Pattern = "window.baidu_time((d{13,}))" regNum = Int(objREG.Execute(objStr)(0).Submatches(0)) /1000 Dim OldDate, BJDate, Num, Num1 OldDate = "1970-01-01 08:00:00" BJDate = DateAdd("s", regNum, OldDate) Num = DateDiff("s", LocalDate, BJDate) If Abs(Num) >=1 Then Dim DM, DT, TM, objSHELL DM = DateAdd("S", Num, Now()) DT = DateValue(DM) TM = TimeValue(DM) If InStr(Now, "午") Then Dim Arr, Arr1, h24 Arr = Split(TM, " ") Arr1 = Split(Arr(1), ":") h24 = Arr1(0) If Arr(0) = "下午" Then h24 = h24 + 12 Else If h24 = 12 Then h24 = 0 End If TM = h24 & ":" & Arr1(1) & ":" & Arr1(2) End If Set objSHELL = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") objSHELL.Run "cmd /cdate " & DT, False, True objSHELL.Run "cmd /ctime " & TM, False, True Num1 = Abs(DateDiff("s", Now(), BJDate)) Message = "【校准前】" & vbCrLf _ & "標准北京時間為:" & vbTab & BJDate & vbCrLf _ & "本機系統時間為:" & vbTab & LocalDate & vbCrLf _ & "與標准時間相差:" & vbTab & Abs(Num) & "秒" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _ & "【校准後】" & vbCrLf _ & "本機系統時間為:" & vbTab & Now() & vbCrLf _ & "與標准時間相差:" & vbTab & Num1 & "秒" Set objSHELL = Nothing End If WScript.Echo Message


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