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      本人覺得gif圖 還是很好看的,github有:https://github.com/scauPYygzx/picture_maze ^-^):

    python小程序----解迷宮圖片    三聯








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        p = path[-1]         if p[0] == end[0] and p[1] == end[1]:             im.save(saveName.format(no, ext))             no += 1             for pa in path:                 pix[pa[0], pa[1]] = pix[pa[0], pa[1] - 1] = pix[pa[0], pa[1] - 2] = lineColor                 count += 1                 if not count % 200:                     im.save(saveName.format(no, ext))                     no += 1             no += 1             im.save(saveName.format(no, ext))             return path         for ne in getNeighbor(p):             if inBounds(ne, size) and isWhite(ne):                 newPath = list(path)                 newPath.append(ne)                 q.append(newPath)                 pix[ne[0], ne[1]] = fillColor         if not count % 10000:             im.save(saveName.format(no, ext))             no += 1         count += 1     return None   #================================================================# #Astar def getValue(point, end):     '''     啟發函數     '''     return abs(point[0] - end[0]) + abs(point[1] - end[1])   def aStar(start, end):     fillColor = green     lineColor = black     count = no = 0     Q = Queue.PriorityQueue()     Q.put([0,[start]])     while(Q.qsize()):         q = Q.get()         path = q[-1]         p = path[-1]         if p[0] == end[0] and p[1] == end[1]:             im.save(saveName.format(no, ext))             no += 1             for pa in path:                 pix[pa[0], pa[1]] = pix[pa[0], pa[1] - 1] = pix[pa[0], pa[1] - 2] = lineColor                 count += 1                 if not count % 200:                     im.save(saveName.format(no, ext))                     no += 1             im.save(saveName.format(no, ext))             return path         for ne in getNeighbor(p):             if inBounds(ne, size) and isWhite(ne):                 newPath = list(path)                 newPath.append(ne)                 newList = [getValue(p, end) + len(newPath), newPath]                 Q.put(newList)                 pix[ne[0], ne[1]] = fillColor         if not count % 10000:             im.save(saveName.format(no, ext))             no += 1         count += 1     return None     #================================================================# #並查集 def getID(x, y):     return x * size[0] + y   def ufInit(size):     for i in range(size[0]):         for j in range(size[1]):             fa[getID(i, j)] = getID(i, j)   def ufFind(v):     if v != fa[v]:         fa[v] = ufFind(fa[v])         return fa[v]     return fa[v]   def ufUnion(x, y):     x = ufFind(x)     y = ufFind(y)     if x == y: return     fa[x] = y   def connectivity():     fillColor = yellow     no = count = now = 0     d = {}     x_range = (5, 792)     y_range = (22, 986)       ufInit(size)       for x in range(x_range[0], x_range[1]):         for y in range(y_range[0], y_range[1]):             if pix[x, y] != black:                 if pix[x - 1, y] == black and pix[x, y - 1] == black:                     pass                 elif pix[x - 1, y] == white and pix[x, y - 1] == black:                     ufUnion(getID(x - 1, y), getID(x, y))                 elif pix[x - 1, y] == black and pix[x, y - 1] == white:                     ufUnion(getID(x, y - 1), getID(x, y))                 else:                     ufUnion(getID(x - 1, y), getID(x, y - 1))                     ufUnion(getID(x, y), getID(x - 1, y))       for x in range(x_range[0], x_range[1]):         for y in range(y_range[0], y_range[1]):             count += 1             if pix[x, y] != black:                 father = ufFind(getID(x,y))                 if father not in d:                     d[father] = colors[now % cLen]                     now += 1                 pix[x, y] = d[father]             if not count % 15000:                 im.save(saveName.format(no, ext))                 no += 1     im.save(saveName.format(no, ext))     #================================================================# t1 = time.time()   changeImage() #bfs(startPoint, endPoint) #aStar(startPoint, endPoint) connectivity()   t2 = time.time() print t2- t1
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