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What editor is good for beginners of Python? Six Star source classroom recommends these 8 models!


If a worker wants to do a good job, he must sharpen his tools first , Choosing the right tools makes learning more efficient . There are many popular editors on the market , According to their own needs to choose suitable for themselves .p Xiaobai can choose pycharm The configuration is simple, the function is powerful, the use saves time and worry , Very friendly to beginners . Today is mainly about SublimeText、IDLE、VIM、PyCharm、Emacs Editor .

Small make up recommend Python The editor is as follows :
SublimeText fit Python Novice use ,SublimeText Cross-platform support , And can use its rich plug-ins and themes . Various syntax highlighting and code completion , It looks very comfortable on the whole , And the theme configuration is simple .
Windows System use IDLE,Pyhton A self-contained editor , You can also use it to practice at first ,IDLE With syntax highlighting function , Allow in IDLE Middle run program . A lot of things will be processed automatically . Such as debug.
Vim A powerful editor , Skillfully use Vim, Can be detached from the mouse ,Vim High learning costs are needed , It takes time to study the use of various shortcut commands and plug-ins , But in the long run .
Use IntelijIDEA, This kind of PyCharm From the same company , It's easy to use , Now many companies , Such as Twitter,Groupon,Spotify,eBay and Telefonica It's waiting PyCharm. But the professional version of it needs to be purchased .
Emacs An open source editor , Support for plug-in extensions , To configure a Python Integrated development environment ,Emacs It's not just an editor , It's an integrated environment , An integrated development environment .
WingIDE It's a Python Linguistic IDE, Includes a large number of syntax tags highlighted . Like other things like IDE comparison ,wingIDE The biggest feature is that it can be debugged django application .WingIDE It's a pretty good IDE; It's for Python Tools for .
liclipse yes pyDev Plug in authors are based on Eclipse Commercial version of the development Python Integrated development environment , In perfect succession Eclipse In the case of the original function . by Eclipse A new experience for our users , Users can get ready-made : Quick editor supports multi language out of the box .
Spyder yes Python(x,y) The author developed a simple integrated development environment for it . And others Python Compared with the development environment , Its greatest advantage is imitation MATLAB The functions of the workspace , It's easy to observe and modify the values of an array .
It is suggested that the novice should use IDLE and SublimeText, After mastering, suggest learning Vim, A powerful editor, powerful , It takes more time to study .
The above is the whole content of this sharing , Want to learn more Python skill , Welcome to continue to pay attention Six Star source class !
author : Six Star source class

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