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Dijkstra algorithm of the shortest path -- Taking the distance between different cities as an example (based on Python)


         First , Thank you very much b standing up The Lord is for Dijkstra Introduction of algorithm , Benefited greatly , The video link about this algorithm is here

                   「Python Study 」 Implement Dijstra algorithm and generate the shortest path _ Bili, Bili _bilibili

        I am also following this up Only then did the master slowly understand the details of this algorithm . below , This article is about Dijksta The algorithm is explained and python Code implementation and case analysis .



Code and explanation

  Third party library solutions

Case study —— Device update problem



        The shortest path algorithm can not only solve the shortest path between any two locations , It can also solve problems such as pipe laying 、 Line safety 、 Factory layout 、 Equipment update, etc .

        I won't talk about graph theory here , It's a little complicated , On the basis of understanding this article , Let's talk about how to understand the following figure first

        You can see , Some points on the graph are directly connected , Some don't . For direct connected , Such as A To B, There are marks on the line 2, That is to say A To B Distance of , But for the A To C, This kind of point without direct connection , Remember that its distance is infinite . A node is a point on a graph . The example graph used in this paper is an undirected graph , That is to say, you can start from A To B, You can also get it from B To A. For a directed graph, that is to say, it can only go in the direction of the arrow , You can't go back , The distance is infinite .

         This paper mainly talks about the shortest path algorithm Dijksta Algorithm , It is applicable to the case that the right of way is not negative . The specific steps to simplify the understanding are ( Personal understanding , Such as incorrect , You are welcome to criticize and correct ):

        1. First determine the starting point , The distance between the starting point and the starting point is 0

        2. Determine the destination , Find all the paths from the starting point to the ending point

        3. By iteration , Find the shortest distance from the starting point to the end point , And mark it

        At first glance , It's simple , However , Not really , If there are many intermediate points between the start point and the end point , It is difficult to calculate manually . below , adopt python To implement such three steps as the above .

Code and explanation

        The above picture is an example ,  The matrix we enter is network, That is, the adjacency matrix , This matrix is a square matrix . The data in the first row and the first column is A From A Distance of . But the zero in it doesn't necessarily mean the distance from yourself , For example, the first row and the fifth column , Express A To E There is no direct connection , This may be somewhat contradictory to what I said above , But the algorithm doesn't really run on this matrix , So leave it alone . Observe carefully , It can be found that this matrix is symmetric , Of course , It is also limited to undirected graphs .

        Defined function ,s As the starting point ,d End point

        path It's an empty list , Used to store the shortest path from a point to a point , As you can see from here s To d What points does the shortest path of go through .

        n Is the number of nodes .

         about fmax, quote numpy In the library inf, It means infinity .

        w And input matrix constructed for network Of the same dimension 0 matrix , Used for algorithm operation .

        book For a list , The number of elements is the number of nodes , Its function is , When the minimum distance from a point to a point has been determined , marked , If there are other paths including this path , The calculation of the program can be reduced .

        dis For the final returned path list , Represents the minimum path from a point to a point , Altogether n individual .

        minpath Store the nodes that will pass from a point to a point .path It determines the nodes in the .

import numpy as np
network = np.array([[0,2,4,0,0,0,0],
def Dijkstra(network,s,d): # Dijestra algorithm calculates s To t Shortest path , And return the path and distance
print("Start Dijstra Path……")
path = [] # Store s To d Shortest path
n = len(network) # Number of nodes
fmax = np.inf
w = [[0 for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]
book = [0 for i in range(n)] # Is it already the smallest tag list
dis = [fmax for i in range(n)] # s Minimum distance to other nodes
book[s-1] = 1 # Node number from 1 Start , The serial number of the list is from 0 Start
midpath = [-1 for i in range(n)] # Previous jump list 

         This step is to w Matrix initialization , Become a standard matrix that the program can handle , After processing the w Direct link or itself fmax. about i=s-1, In fact, it is because the serial number of the list is from 0 At the beginning , And our habit is from 1 Start

''' This loop converts the 0 The price is fmax, And think that direct connection is the shortest ( But that's not the case )'''
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
if network[i][j] != 0:
w[i][j] = network[i][j] # 0→max
w[i][j] = fmax
if i == s-1 and network[i][j] != 0: # The minimum distance between directly connected nodes is network[i][j]
dis[j] = network[i][j]

        Next is the main part of the algorithm ,n-1 The second cycle is except s Other nodes besides the nodes of ,for First in the loop min It will be updated , Until you find the shortest distance , Its function is to if In judgment , Check whether the distance is less than min, If so , Yes min updated , Otherwise, use u For recording , Mark the point where the minimum path has been found .dis The original elements are all fmax, Update the elements through iteration , At this time, through this for The result of the loop is not the smallest , After the next cycle . however , The final result is the minimum path . for example dis Output is [inf, 2, 4, 5, 5, 3, 6], It means starting from the first point , The minimum distance from each point in turn .

        The next one is v Traversal for elements for In circulation , This step is used to compare whether the direct connection is the shortest , If not , Then change to another one , At the same time minpath Update the list . At this point, the shortest distance has been updated , The next step is to get the path .

        j=d-1 And the above i equally , Because of different habits .

 ''' Algorithm body '''
for i in range(n-1): # n-1 Time to traverse the , except s node
min = fmax # min The value of is always changing
for j in range(n):
if book[j] == 0 and dis[j] < min: # If not traversed and the distance is the smallest , The shortest distance is obtained by repeated comparison
min = dis[j]
u = j
book[u] = 1 # Mark the nodes that have arrived
# u In a circulatory system , from 2 To 7 Traverse
for v in range(1,n): # u Traverse the directly connected nodes
''' Key steps , Used to compare the length of the node directly connected to this node '''
if dis[v] > dis[u] + w[u][v]:
dis[v] = dis[u] + w[u][v]
midpath[v] = u+1 # Last hop update
j = d-1 # j It's the serial number
path.append(d) # Because it stores the last hop , So add the destination node first d, Last but not least 

        In this cycle , It's just s To d Shortest path , Does not include other points between .

        For the back one reverse Method , From above path add to d We can know , Need to transpose , Otherwise, it is the opposite

 while midpath[j] != -1:
j = midpath[j]-1
path.reverse() # Inverted list

        thus , The algorithm is finished , Next , Just call this function , For testing A To G One of the most short circuit , namely 1 To 7.


        The result shows , from A To G The shortest distance is 6, Path is A—B—D—G. It is still a little difficult to understand the whole algorithm completely ( The boss avoids hey hey ), You can watch the following repeatedly , The complete code is given below , Convenient for observation .

import numpy as np
def Dijkstra(network,s,d): # Dijestra algorithm calculates s To t Shortest path , And return the path and cost
print("Start Dijstra Path……")
path = [] # Store s To t Shortest path
n = len(network) # Number of nodes
fmax = np.inf
w = [[0 for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]
book = [0 for i in range(n)] # Is it already the smallest tag list
dis = [fmax for i in range(n)] # s Minimum distance to other nodes
book[s-1] = 1 # Node number from 1 Start , The serial number of the list is from 0 Start
midpath = [-1 for i in range(n)] # Previous jump list
# This step can be omitted , Just enter the matrix specification
''' This loop converts the 0 The price is fmax, And think that direct connection is the shortest ( But that's not the case )'''
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
if network[i][j] != 0:
w[i][j] = network[i][j] # 0→max
w[i][j] = fmax
if i == s-1 and network[i][j] != 0: # The minimum distance between directly connected nodes is network[i][j]
dis[j] = network[i][j]
# print('dis:',dis)
''' Algorithm body '''
for i in range(n-1): # n-1 Time to traverse the , except s node
min = fmax # min The value of is always changing
for j in range(n):
if book[j] == 0 and dis[j] < min: # If not traversed and the distance is the smallest , The shortest distance is obtained by repeated comparison
min = dis[j]
u = j
# print('book:',book)
book[u] = 1 # Mark the nodes that have arrived
# print('u:',u)
# print('dis:',dis)
# u In a circulatory system , from 2 To 7 Traverse
for v in range(1,n): # u Traverse the directly connected nodes
''' Key steps , Used to compare the length of the node directly connected to this node '''
if dis[v] > dis[u] + w[u][v]:
dis[v] = dis[u] + w[u][v]
midpath[v] = u+1 # Last hop update
j = d-1 # j It's the serial number
path.append(d) # Because it stores the last hop , So add the destination node first d, Last but not least
while midpath[j] != -1:
j = midpath[j]-1
path.reverse() # Inverted list
network = np.array([[0,2,4,0,0,0,0],


  Third party library solutions

        If you really don't understand the above code , But I want to use this method , Here is the solution of the third-party library , Use networkx library , Because I don't know much about this library , At present, I only know that this library can draw such diagrams , And with Dijkstra Algorithm for the shortest path , Maximum flow problem . Next, use the code , Let me introduce the following method to you

import networkx as nx
dis = [(0,1,2),(0,2,4),(1,3,3),(1,4,3),(1,5,1),(2,3,2),(2,4,3),(2,5,1),(3,6,1),
g = nx.Graph()
a = nx.to_numpy_matrix(g,nodelist=range(7))
p = nx.dijkstra_path(g,source=0,target=6,weight='weight')
d = nx.dijkstra_path_length(g,0,6,weight='weight')
print(' The shortest path is p={}, The shortest distance is d={}'.format(p,d))

        Use the same example above , But by contrast , A lot less code . A brief introduction .

        first dis It's a list ,(0,1,2) From A To B The distance to 2,, And so on .

        g To initialize a graph ,Graph Represents the generation of an undirected graph .

        Next, add nodes and row for the graph , Parameter is dis

        a Corresponding to the generated adjacency matrix .

        p Use Dijkstra The algorithm gets the shortest path ,d Get the shortest distance .

          It can be seen that , The result is consistent with the above code algorithm , But look at that p list , All elements can be +1, That is, the result is consistent with the above code .

Case study —— Device update problem

        Now let's practice with one question , Although it is different from the shortest path between a certain point and a certain point , But the essence is the same . But I just tried this question , There is no guarantee that , So you can think about , I hope I can enlighten you .

         An enterprise will 5 One machine will be used within the year , The annual purchase and maintenance cost of this kind of machine ( It is related to the working age of the machine ) As shown in the following table . Try to make a plan for machine purchase and renewal , send 5 Minimum cost in the year .







Purchase cost

Maintenance costs











        That's what I think :

         Make It means the first one i At the beginning of the year, it was purchased and used till the end of the year j-1 All expenses included at the end of the year , here wij Including the i The annual purchase cost and j-i Annual maintenance cost , So we know

        use networkx The library draws the corresponding graph , As shown below :

          Finally, it is solved by code , From the first year of purchase to the third year , Then buy in the third year and use it at the end of the fifth year , Minimize costs , by 53 Company . Here's the code

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
dis = [(1,5,41),(1,4,30),(1,3,22),(1,2,16),(1,6,59),(2,3,16),
g = nx.DiGraph()
pos = nx.shell_layout(g)
w = nx.get_edge_attributes(g,'weight')
a = nx.to_numpy_matrix(g,nodelist=range(1,7))
p = nx.dijkstra_path(g,source=1,target=6,weight='weight')
d = nx.dijkstra_path_length(g,1,6,weight='weight')

        g.add_nodes_from Indicates adding nodes ,g.add_weighted_edges_from It means to increase the right of way , Parameter bit dis,pos Is a parameter for drawing , Code from w Start to plt.show It's all for drawing ( If not required , You can ignore ). The following is consistent with the above example , use Dijkstra Algorithmic solution .


        It is difficult to use the algorithm step by step , The so-called algorithm is what people think , The program is what the code thinks , The key is how to make the computer understand your idea , But this Dijkstra It is convenient to have a ready-made library for the algorithm , Of course, don't just limit yourself to finding the shortest distance from a certain point to a certain point , It can be extended to , Reach a true understanding .

        Algorithm , Still need more practice . For the above code and algorithm explanation , If there is something wrong , You are welcome to criticize and correct . There's something I don't understand , You can also comment on it or send me a private message directly .

        It's not easy to create , Thank you for the compliment —— Collection —— Focus on !!!

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