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Well organized! The most complete 100 Python selected libraries, recommended collection!


source : The Internet

Python Why is it so hot , So many people learn , It's because it's easy to learn , Powerful , The whole community is very active , A lot of information . And the language involves all aspects , For example, automated testing , Operation and maintenance , Reptiles , Data analysis , machine learning , Financial field , The backend development , Cloud computing , Game development involves .

Ten thousand Zhang tall buildings rise from the ground ,Python This building can be so powerful , Is the support of thousands of powerful Libraries , Countless cattle x The wheels of support this building , Today, let's sort out , Overlooking the whole Python Treasury .

I made a list of the whole Python The application method of the library , By rough calculation, there are 20 Several directions . The left and right sides are divided into two directions , The left side is responsible for the attack ( Main external ), Each item pulled out separately is a fine product , All are Python Use the fist products inside ; The right side is responsible for guarding ( Main internal ), Both involve the underlying configuration , It is the foundation of the whole building .

Now let's select the boutique Library in each field , Let's show you , After watching the , You must yell ,WC, I have never seen so many libraries ~~

1、Python The ground floor infrastructure of the building

Environmental management

management Python Version and environment tools

p: Very simple interactive python Version management tools .

pyenv: ordinary Python Version management tools .

Vex: You can execute commands in a virtual environment .

virtualenv: Create independence Python Tools for the environment .

buildout: Use declarative configuration management after the isolation environment is initialized .

Package management

Management packages and dependent tools .

pip:Python Package and dependency management tools .

pip-tools: Guarantee Python A set of tools for package dependency update .

pipenv:Python A new generation of package management tools officially recommended .

poetry: Can completely replace setup.py Package management tools .

conda: Cross platform ,Python Binary package management tools .

Curdling: management Python Package's command line tools .

wheel:Python New standards for distribution , Intended to replace eggs.


Package as executable for distribution .

PyInstaller: take Python The program is converted into an independent execution file ( Cross platform ).

cx_Freeze: take python The program is converted to an executable file with a dynamic link library .

dh-virtualenv: Build and will virtualenv Virtual environment as a Debian Package to publish .

Nuitka: Script 、 modular 、 The package is compiled into an executable or extension module .

py2app: take Python The script becomes a standalone package (Mac OS X).

py2exe: take Python The script becomes a standalone package (Windows).

pynsist: One for creating Windows Tools for installing programs , Can be packaged in the installer Python In itself .

To configure

The library used to save and parse the configuration .

config:logging The hierarchical configuration module written by the module author .

ConfigObj:INI File parser , With verification function .

ConfigParser:(Python Standard library ) INI File parser .

profig: Configuration through multiple formats , It has the function of numerical conversion .

python-decouple: Completely isolate the settings from the code .

2、Python Management configuration of the building


aiofiles: be based on asyncio, Provide file asynchronous operation

imghdr:(Python Standard library ) Test picture type

mimetypes:(Python Standard library ) Map the filename to MIME type

path.py: Yes os.path Modules to be packaged

pathlib:(Python3.4+ Standard library ) Cross platform 、 Object oriented path operation library

python-magic: Third party library for file type detection libmagic Of Python Interface

Unipath: Operating files and directories in an object-oriented way

watchdog: Manage file system events API and shell Tools

Date and time

Operation date and time class library .

arrow: better Python Date time operation class library .

Chronyk:Python 3 Class library of , Time and date used to parse handwritten format .

dateutil:Python datetime Module expansion .

delorean: solve Python A library of tricky questions about date handling .

maya: Humanized time processing library .

moment: One that deals with time and date Python library . Inspired by Moment.js.

pendulum: A ratio arrow More explicit , Time operation Library of predictable behavior .

PyTime: An easy-to-use Python modular , Used to manipulate dates through strings / Time .

pytz: Modern and historical versions of the world time zone definition . Bring the time zone database into Python.

when.py: Provide user-friendly functions to help users with common date and time operations .

Text processing

A library for parsing and manipulating text .

  • Universal

chardet: Character encoding detector , compatible Python2 and Python3.

difflib:(Python Standard library ) Help us make a differential comparison .

ftfy: Give Way Unicode The text is more complete and coherent .

fuzzywuzzy: Fuzzy string matching .

Levenshtein: Fast calculation of edit distance and similarity of strings .

pangu.py: Add spaces between Chinese, Japanese, Korean characters and alphanumeric characters .

pypinyin: Chinese pinyin conversion tool Python edition .

shortuuid: A generator Library , To produce a concise , I understand ,URL Safe UUID.

simplejson:Python Of JSON code 、 decoder .

unidecode:Unicode Textual ASCII Transform form .

uniout: Print readable characters , Instead of escaping strings .

xpinyin: A library for converting Chinese characters into Pinyin .

yfiglet-figlet:pyfiglet -figlet Of Python Realization .

flashtext: An efficient text search and replacement Library .

  • Slug turn

awesome-slugify: One Python slug Chemical storage , Can keep Unicode.

python-slugify:Python slug Chemical storage , You can put unicode Turn into ASCII.

unicode-slugify: One slug Tools , Can generate unicode slugs , Need to rely on Django .

  • Parser

phonenumbers: analysis , format , Store , Verify phone number .

PLY:lex and yacc Parsing tools Python Realization .

Pygments: General syntax highlighting tool .

pyparsing: The framework for generating general parsers .

python-nameparser: Break down a person's name into separate parts .

python-user-agents: browser user agent Parser .

sqlparse: An unverified SQL Parser .

Office text format processing

  • Universal

tablib: A module for processing table data in .

python-office: A third-party library for office automation .

  • Office

Marmir: Put the input Python Data structure converted to E-form .

openpyxl: One for reading and writing Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm Document library .

pyexcel: One provides a unified API, For reading and writing , operation Excel Document library .

python-docx: Read , Query and modify Microsoft Word 2007/2008 docx file .

relatorio: templated OpenDocument file .

unoconv: stay LibreOffice/OpenOffice Conversion between any supported file formats .

XlsxWriter: One for creating Excel .xlsx Of documents Python modular .

xlwings: One makes it in Excel Easy to call Python The library of ( vice versa ), be based on BSD agreement .

xlwt: Reading and writing Excel File data and format information .

  • PDF

PDFMiner: One is used to get from PDF A tool for extracting information from documents .

PyPDF2: One can be divided , Merge and transform PDF Page Library .

ReportLab: Create rich text quickly PDF file .

  • Markdown

Mistune: Fast and fully functional pure Python Realized Markdown Parser .

Python-Markdown:John Gruber’s Markdown Of Python Version implementation .

Python-Markdown2: pure Python Realized Markdown Parser , Than Python-Markdown faster , More accurate

  • YAML

PyYAML:Python Version of YAML Parser .

  • CSV

csvkit: For conversion and operation CSV Tools for .

To configure

The library used to save and parse the configuration .

config:logging The hierarchical configuration module written by the module author .

ConfigObj:INI File parser , With verification function .

ConfigParser:(Python Standard library ) INI File parser .

profig: Configuration through multiple formats , It has the function of numerical conversion .

python-decouple: Completely isolate the settings from the code .

Command line tools

A library for creating command-line programs .

  • Command line program development

asciimatics: Cross platform , Full screen terminal package ( The mouse / Keyboard input and color , Locate text output ), Complete complex animation and advanced design of special effects API.

cement:Python The command-line framework for .

click: A package that creates a nice command-line interface through composition .

cliff: A framework for creating command line programs , You can create a command line program with multiple commands .

clint:Python Command line tools .

colorama: Cross platform color terminal text .

docopt:Python Style command line parameter parser .

Gooey: A command , Turn the command line program into a GUI Program .

python-prompt-toolkit: A library for building powerful interactive command-line programs .

python-fire:Google One of the products is based on Python Class to build the library of the command line interface .

Pythonpy: Execute any... Directly from the command line Python Instructions .

  • Productivity tools

aws-cli:Amazon Web Services General command line interface .

bashplotlib: Basic drawing in terminal .

caniusepython3: Decide which project is preventing you from transplanting to Python3.

cookiecutter: from cookiecutters( Project template ) A command line tool for creating projects .

doitlive: A tool for live demonstration in the terminal .

pyftpdlib: An extremely fast and scalable Python FTP Service Library .

howdoi: Get immediate programming answers from the command line .

httpie: A command line HTTP client ,cURL substitute , Easier to use .

PathPicker: from bash Select the document in the output .

percol: towards UNIX shell Traditional pipeline concept includes interactive selection function .

SAWS: An enhanced version of AWS Command line .

thefuck: Fix your previous command line instructions .

mycli: One MySQL Command line client , With automatic completion and syntax highlighting function .

pgcli:Postgres Command line tools , With automatic completion and syntax highlighting function .

try: A command line tool that has never been simpler , To try python library .

3、Python Warehouse of the building


Python Implemented database .

pickleDB: A simple , Lightweight key value storage database .

PipelineDB: streaming SQL database .

TinyDB: A miniature , For document databases .

ZODB: One Python Native object database . A database of key values and object graphs .

Database driven

A library used to connect and operate a database .

  • MySQL:awesome-mysql series

aiomysql: be based on asyncio The asynchronous MySQL Database operation Library .

mysql-python:Python Of MySQL Database connector .

ysqlclient:mysql-python Branch , Support Python 3.

oursql: A better MySQL The connector , Support for native precompiled instructions and BLOBs.

PyMySQL: pure Python MySQL drive , compatible mysql-python.

  • PostgreSQL

psycopg2:Python The most popular PostgreSQL Adapter .

queries:psycopg2 Encapsulation of Libraries , For and PostgreSQL Interact .

txpostgres: be based on Twisted The asynchronous PostgreSQL drive .

  • Other relational databases

apsw: the other one Python SQLite encapsulation .

dataset: Store... In a database Python Dictionaries

pymssql: A simple Microsoft SQL Server Database interface .

  • NoSQL database

asyncio-redis: be based on asyncio Of redis client (PEP 3156).

cassandra-python-driver:Cassandra Of Python drive .

HappyBase: One for Apache HBase The design of the , Developer friendly Libraries .

Plyvel: A fast and feature rich LevelDB Of Python Interface .

py2neo:Neo4j restful Interface Python Encapsulate the client .

pycassa:Cassandra Of Python Thrift drive .

PyMongo:MongoDB The official Python client .

redis-py:Redis Of Python client .

telephus: be based on Twisted Of Cassandra client .

txRedis: be based on Twisted Of Redis client .

4、Python Network communication of the building

The Internet

A library for network programming .

asyncio:(Python Standard library ) asynchronous I/O, The event loop , Cooperation and tasks .

Twisted: An event driven network engine .

pulsar: Event driven concurrency framework .

diesel: be based on Greenlet Events I/O frame .

pyzmq: One ZeroMQ Message base Python encapsulation .

Toapi: A lightweight , Simple , fast Flask library , The website is dedicated to providing API service .

txZMQ: be based on Twisted Of ZeroMQ Message base Python encapsulation .


Use HTTP The library of .

aiohttp: be based on asyncio The asynchronous HTTP The network library .

requests: Humanized HTTP Request Library .

grequests:requests library + gevent , For asynchronous HTTP request .

httplib2: comprehensive HTTP Client library .

treq: similar requests Of Python API Built on Twisted HTTP On the client side .

urllib3: A pool with thread safe connections , Supporting documents post, Clear and friendly HTTP library .

WebSocket Help with WebSocket The library of .

AutobahnPython: to Python 、 The use of WebSocket & WAMP be based on Twisted and asyncio.

Crossbar: Open source unified application routing (Websocket & WAMP for Python on Autobahn).

django-socketio: to Django With WebSockets.

WebSocket-for-Python: by Python2/3 as well as PyPy Compiling WebSocket Client and server Libraries .

WSGI The server

compatible WSGI Of web The server

gunicorn:Pre-forked, Partly by C language-written .

uwsgi:uwsgi The purpose of the project is to develop a set of full stack tools , Used to build hosted services , from C Language writing .

bjoern: asynchronous , Very fast , from C Language writing .

fapws3: asynchronous ( Only for the network end ), from C Language writing .

meinheld: asynchronous , Partly by C language-written .

netius: asynchronous , Very fast .

paste: Multithreading , Stable , Time-tested .

rocket: Multithreading .

waitress: Multithreading , It is it that drives Pyramid frame .

Werkzeug: One WSGI Tool library , Driving Flask , And it can be easily embedded into your project .

Web frame

The whole stack Web frame .

Django:Python The most popular web frame .

Flask: One Python Micro frame .

pyramid: A small one , Fast , Open source of grounding gas Python web frame .

Bottle: A quick little , Lightweight WSGI miniature web frame .

CherryPy: A minimalist Python web frame , obey HTTP/1.1 Agreement and have WSGI Thread pool .

TurboGears: A micro framework that can be extended to a full stack solution .

Tornado: One web Framework and asynchronous network library .

sanic: be based on Python3.5+ Asynchronous network framework for .

starlette: A lightweight , High performance ASGI frame

Electronic Commerce

Framework and library for e-commerce and payment .

django-oscar: One for the Django Open source e-commerce framework .

django-shop: One is based on Django The store system .

Cartridge: One is based on Mezzanine Build shopping cart application .

shoop: One is based on Django Open source e-commerce platform .

alipay: Unofficial Python Alipay API.

merchant: One can receive payments from multiple payment platforms Django application .

money: A currency class library . With optional CLDR Back end localized format , Provide scalable currency exchange solutions .

python-currencies: Display currency format and its value .


To develop RESTful APIs The library of

  • Django

django-rest-framework: A powerful and flexible tool , Used to build web API.

django-tastypie: by Django application development API.

django-formapi: by Django Form validation for , establish JSON APIs .

  • Flask

flask-api: by flask Developed , You can browse Web APIs .

flask-restful: by flask Quick creation REST APIs .

flask-restless: by SQLAlchemy Define the database model to create RESTful APIs .

flask-api-utils: by Flask Handle API Presentation and validation .

eve:REST API frame , from Flask, MongoDB Wait for the drive .

  • Pyramid

cornice: One Pyramid Of REST frame .

  • Not related to the framework

falcon: One for building clouds API and web app High performance framework at the back end .

sandman: Automatically create... For existing database driven systems REST APIs .

restless: Frame independent REST frame , Based on from Tastypie What I learned .

ripozo: Quick creation REST/HATEOAS/Hypermedia APIs.

template engine

Template generation and lexical analysis of the library and tools .

Jinja2: A modern , Designer friendly template engine .

Chameleon: One HTML/XML template engine . Imitated ZPT(Zope Page Templates), Optimized the speed .

Genshi:Python Template tools , Used to generate web The result of perception .

Mako:Python Super high speed lightweight template of the platform .


Libraries that handle events and task queues .

celery: An asynchronous task queue / Job queue , Based on distributed messaging .

huey: Small multithreaded task queue .

mrq:Mr. Queue - One Python Distributed worker Task queue , Use Redis and gevent.

rq: ordinary Python Job queue .

simpleq: A simple , Infinitely expandable , Based on Amazon SQS Queues .

Search for

A library and software that indexes data and performs search queries .

django-haystack:Django Modular search .

elasticsearch-py:Elasticsearch The official bottom floor of Python client .

elasticsearch-dsl-py:Elasticsearch The official senior Python client .

solrpy:solr Of Python client .

Whoosh: A fast pure Python Search engine library .


A library for sending and parsing e-mail .

django-celery-ses: with AWS SES and Celery Of Django email Back end .

envelopes: E-mail library for human use .

flanker: One email Address and Mime Parsing library .

imbox:Python IMAP library .

inbox.py:Python SMTP The server .

inbox: An open source email toolkit .

lamson:Python Style SMTP application server .

mailjet:Mailjet API Realization , Used to provide bulk mail delivery , Statistics and other functions .

marrow.mailer: High performance extensible mail distribution framework .

modoboa: An email hosting and management platform , With modern 、 Simple Web UI.

pyzmail: establish , Send and parse email .

Talon:Mailgun library , Used to extract information and signatures .

yagmail:yagmail It's a GMAIL / SMTP client , Designed to make it as easy as possible to send e-mail .

URL Handle

analysis URLs The library of

furl: One let handle URL Simpler and smaller Python library .

purl: A simple , Immutable URL class , Have a simple API To ask and deal with .

pyshorteners: A pure Python URL Shorten the library .

shorturl: Generate short URL And similar bit.ly Short chain Python Realization .

webargs: An analysis HTTP The library requesting parameters , Built in for pop web Framework support , Include Flask, Django, Bottle, Tornado and Pyramid.

5、Python The power system of the building


Operating system process startup and communication library .

envoy: Than Python subprocess Modules are more user-friendly .

sarge: The other Kind of subprocess Packaging of modules .

sh: A complete subprocess Alternative Library .

Concurrency and parallelism

A library for concurrent and parallel operations .

multiprocessing:(Python Standard library ) Process based “ Threads ” Interface .

threading:(Python Standard library ) Higher level thread interface .

eventlet: Support WSGI The asynchronous framework of .

gevent: A process based Python The network library , Use greenlet.

Tomorrow: A magic decorator syntax implementation for generating asynchronous code .

uvloop: stay libuv Super fast implementation asyncio The event loop .

Don't see, don't know , It was really a shock at first sight ,Python There are too many libraries . above 100 Multi library just Python Part of the Empire State building , Responsible for building the internal foundation stone of the building . The back is small F Will continue to introduce Python Application Library , Coming soon .

 Recommended reading :
introduction :  The most complete zero Foundation Python The problem of   |  Zero Basics 8 Months Python  |  Actual project  | learn Python That's the shortcut
dried food : A short comment on crawling Douban , The movie 《 The rest of us 》 | 38 year NBA Best player analysis  |    From people's expectation to public praise ! Tang Dynasty detective 3 disappointing   |  Laugh at the story of the new Yitian dragon slaying  |  Riddle answer King  | use Python Make a massive sketch of my little sister  | Mission impossible is so hot , I use machine learning to make a mini recommendation system movie
Interest : Pinball game   |  squared paper for practicing calligraphy   |  Beautiful flowers  |  Two hundred lines Python《 Cool run every day 》 game !
AI:  A robot that can write poetry  |  Color the picture  |  Forecast revenue  |  Mission impossible is so hot , I use machine learning to make a mini recommendation system movie
Gadget : Pdf turn Word, Easily handle forms and watermarks ! |  One touch html Save the page as pdf!|   bye PDF Withdrawal charges ! |  use 90 Lines of code create the strongest PDF converter ,word、PPT、excel、markdown、html One click conversion  |  Make a nail low-cost ticket reminder ! |60 Line of code to do a voice wallpaper switcher, look at my little sister every day !|

Annual hot money copy

  • 1). Oh my god !Pdf turn Word use Python Easy to handle !

  • 2). learn Python It's delicious ! I use 100 Line of code to make a website , Help people PS Travel pictures , Earn a chicken leg to eat

  • 3). Premiere billions , Hot all over the net , I analyzed 《 My sister 》, Discovered the secrets  

  • 4).80 Line code ! use Python Make a dorai A Dream separation  

  • 5). What you have to master 20 individual python Code , short , Useful  

  • 6).30 individual Python Strange sexual skills Collection  

  • 7). I summed up 80 page 《 Rookie Science Python Select dry goods .pdf》, Is dry  

  • 8). bye Python! I have to learn Go 了 !2500 Word depth analysis !

  • 9). Found a licking dog welfare ! This Python Reptile artifact is great , Automatically download sister pictures

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