 程式師世界 >> 編程語言 >> C語言 >> C >> 關於C >> C和指針Chapter1



** This program reads input lines from the standard input and prints
** each input line, followed by just some portions of the lines, to
** the standard output.
** The first input is a list of column numbers, which ends with a
** negative number.  The column numbers are paired and specify
** ranges of columns from the input line that are to be printed.
** For example, 0 3 10 12 -1 indicates that only columns 0 through 3
** and columns 10 through 12 will be printed.
#include <stdio.h>  
#include <stdlib.h>  
#include <string.h>  
#define MAX_COLS    20  /* max # of columns to process */  
#define MAX_INPUT   1000    /* max len of input & output lines */  
int read_column_numbers( int columns[], int max ); 
void    rearrange( char *output, char const *input, 
        int n_columns, int const columns[] ); 
main( void ) 

    int n_columns;      /* # of columns to process */ 
    int columns[MAX_COLS];  /* the columns to process */ 
    char    input[MAX_INPUT];   /* array for input line */ 
    char    output[MAX_INPUT];  /* array for output line */ 
    ** Read the list of column numbers
    n_columns = read_column_numbers( columns, MAX_COLS ); 
    ** Read, process and print the remaining lines of input.
    while( gets( input ) != NULL ){ 
        printf( "Original input : %s\n", input ); 
        rearrange( output, input, n_columns, columns ); 
        printf( "Rearranged line: %s\n", output ); 
    return EXIT_SUCCESS; 

** Read the list of column numbers, ignoring any beyond the specified
** maximum.
read_column_numbers( int columns[], int max ) 

    int num = 0; 
    int ch; 
    ** Get the numbers, stopping at eof or when a number is < 0.
    while( num < max && scanf( "%d", &columns[num] ) == 1 
        && columns[num] >= 0 ) 
        num += 1; 
    ** Make sure we have an even number of inputs, as they are
    ** supposed to be paired.
    if( num % 2 != 0 ){ 
        puts( "Last column number is not paired." ); 
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); 
    ** Discard the rest of the line that contained the final
    ** number.
    while( (ch = getchar()) != EOF && ch != '\n' ) 
    return num; 

** Process a line of input by concatenating the characters from
** the indicated columns.  The output line is then NUL terminated.
rearrange( char *output, char const *input, 
    int n_columns, int const columns[] ) 

    int col;        /* subscript for columns array */ 
    int output_col; /* output column counter */ 
    int len;        /* length of input line */ 
    len = strlen( input ); 
    output_col = 0; 
    ** Process each pair of column numbers.
    for( col = 0; col < n_columns; col += 2 ){ 
        int nchars = columns[col + 1] - columns[col] + 1; 
        ** If the input line isn't this long or the output
        ** array is full, we're done.
        if( columns[col] >= len || 
            output_col == MAX_INPUT - 1 ) 
        ** If there isn't room in the output array, only copy
        ** what will fit.
        if( output_col + nchars > MAX_INPUT - 1 ) 
            nchars = MAX_INPUT - output_col - 1; 
        ** Copy the relevant data.
        strncpy( output + output_col, input + columns[col], 
            nchars ); 
        output_col += nchars; 
    output[output_col] = '\0'; 

** This program reads input lines from the standard input and prints
** each input line, followed by just some portions of the lines, to
** the standard output.
** The first input is a list of column numbers, which ends with a
** negative number.  The column numbers are paired and specify
** ranges of columns from the input line that are to be printed.
** For example, 0 3 10 12 -1 indicates that only columns 0 through 3
** and columns 10 through 12 will be printed.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_COLS 20 /* max # of columns to process */
#define MAX_INPUT 1000 /* max len of input & output lines */

int read_column_numbers( int columns[], int max );
void rearrange( char *output, char const *input,
     int n_columns, int const columns[] );

main( void )
 int n_columns;  /* # of columns to process */
 int columns[MAX_COLS]; /* the columns to process */
 char input[MAX_INPUT]; /* array for input line */
 char output[MAX_INPUT]; /* array for output line */

 ** Read the list of column numbers
 n_columns = read_column_numbers( columns, MAX_COLS );

 ** Read, process and print the remaining lines of input.
 while( gets( input ) != NULL ){
  printf( "Original input : %s\n", input );
  rearrange( output, input, n_columns, columns );
  printf( "Rearranged line: %s\n", output );


** Read the list of column numbers, ignoring any beyond the specified
** maximum.
read_column_numbers( int columns[], int max )
 int num = 0;
 int ch;

 ** Get the numbers, stopping at eof or when a number is < 0.
 while( num < max && scanf( "%d", &columns[num] ) == 1
     && columns[num] >= 0 )
  num += 1;

 ** Make sure we have an even number of inputs, as they are
 ** supposed to be paired.
 if( num % 2 != 0 ){
  puts( "Last column number is not paired." );
  exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

 ** Discard the rest of the line that contained the final
 ** number.
 while( (ch = getchar()) != EOF && ch != '\n' )

 return num;

** Process a line of input by concatenating the characters from
** the indicated columns.  The output line is then NUL terminated.
rearrange( char *output, char const *input,
    int n_columns, int const columns[] )
 int col;  /* subscript for columns array */
 int output_col; /* output column counter */
 int len;  /* length of input line */

 len = strlen( input );
 output_col = 0;

 ** Process each pair of column numbers.
 for( col = 0; col < n_columns; col += 2 ){
  int nchars = columns[col + 1] - columns[col] + 1;

  ** If the input line isn't this long or the output
  ** array is full, we're done.
  if( columns[col] >= len ||
      output_col == MAX_INPUT - 1 )

  ** If there isn't room in the output array, only copy
  ** what will fit.
  if( output_col + nchars > MAX_INPUT - 1 )
   nchars = MAX_INPUT - output_col - 1;

  ** Copy the relevant data.
  strncpy( output + output_col, input + columns[col],
      nchars );
  output_col += nchars;

 output[output_col] = '\0';


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