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條件變量 pthread_cond, 另外一種線程間的同步機制。普通的 mutex 只允許一個線程進入臨界區,就是拿到mutex這把鎖的線程,而cond 允許多個線程同時進入臨界區,由它來控制,在某些條件成立的時候,來喚醒其中一個等待著的線程,或者是喚醒所有等待著的線程。

int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t* cond, pthread_mutex_t* mutex);
int pthread_cond_timewait(pthread_cond_t* cond, pthread_mutex_t* mutex, const struct timespec* tout)

傳遞給pthrad_cond_wait 的互斥量 mutex 對條件進行保護,調用者把鎖住的互斥量傳遞給pthread_cond_wait 函數,函數把調用線程放到等待條件的線程列表裡面,然後對互斥量解鎖,當pthread_cond_wait 返回的時候,互斥量再次被鎖住。函數 pthread_cond_timewait 與 pthread_cond_wait 差不多,只不過是多了一個超時時間的限制。

int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t* cond);
int pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t* cond);

pthread_cond_signal 函數將喚醒等待該條件的某個線程,pthread_cond_broadcast 將喚醒等待改條件的所有線程。

下面的例子很簡單的使用了 cond 。 使用cond 我們可以比較高效的寫出一個 線程池。

 1 #include <pthread.h>
 2 #include <unistd.h>
 3 #include <stdio.h>
 4 pthread_mutex_t mutex;
 5 pthread_cond_t cond;
 6 int val = 0;
 7 void *thread_zero_run(void *arg){
 8   while(true){
 9     pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); // lock the mutex
10     while(val <= 2){ //condition.  use while for double check
11       printf("thread_zero_run --> val:%d, wait for wake up ", val);
12       pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);//call pthread_cond_wait
13     }
14     printf("therad_zero_run --> val:%d, zero it and unlock ", val);
15     val = 0; //do  sth
16     pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); //unlock the mutex
17   }
18   pthread_exit((void*)0);
19 }
20 void *thread_add_run(void *arg){
21   while(true){
22     pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); //lock the mutex
23     ++val; //do sth
24     pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); //unlock the mutex
25     pthread_cond_signal(&cond); //wake up a therad whick is waiting for the cond
26     printf("after add val:%d and wake up one zero thread for check ", val);
27     sleep(1);
28   }
29   pthread_exit((void*)0);
30 }
31 int main(){
32   pthread_t t_add, t_zero;
33   pthread_cond_init(&cond, NULL);
34   if(pthread_create(&t_add, NULL, thread_add_run, NULL)){
35     return 0;
36   }
37   if(pthread_create(&t_zero, NULL, thread_zero_run, NULL)){
38     return 0;
39   }
40   pthread_join(t_add, NULL);
41   pthread_join(t_zero, NULL);
42   return 0;
43 }


 1 after add val:1 and wake up one zero thread for check
 2 thread_zero_run --> val:1, wait for wake up
 3 after add val:2 and wake up one zero thread for check
 4 thread_zero_run --> val:2, wait for wake up
 5 after add val:3 and wake up one zero thread for check
 6 therad_zero_run --> val:3, zero it and unlock
 7 thread_zero_run --> val:0, wait for wake up
 8 after add val:1 and wake up one zero thread for check
 9 thread_zero_run --> val:1, wait for wake up
10 after add val:2 and wake up one zero thread for check
11 thread_zero_run --> val:2, wait for wake up
12 after add val:3 and wake up one zero thread for check
13 therad_zero_run --> val:3, zero it and unlock
14 thread_zero_run --> val:0, wait for wake up
15 after add val:1 and wake up one zero thread for check
16 thread_zero_run --> val:1, wait for wake up
17 after add val:2 and wake up one zero thread for check
18 thread_zero_run --> val:2, wait for wake up
19 after add val:3 and wake up one zero thread for check
20 therad_zero_run --> val:3, zero it and unlock
21 thread_zero_run --> val:0, wait for wake up
22 ^C

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