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Refactoring - Bad Smells in Code



Author: Jiangong SUN





1. Duplicated code

Extract method or Extract class

2. Long method

Extract method, replace temp variable by query, Parameter object(DTO), Replace method by method object,

3. Large class

Extract class, extract subclass,

4. Long parameter list

Preserve whole object, Introduce parameter object

5. Divergent change發散式變化

Extract class: divide class into different sub classes, in this way, several changes in a class can be made into several sub classes.

6. Shortgun surgery 霰彈修改; 和發散式變化正相反

Move method, move field: put all codes need to be modified into a class for preventing from forgetness in a lot of differenct classes.

7. Feature Envy 依戀情結

symptom: a method use a lot of method in another class.

Move method, Strategy, Visitor pattern

8. Data clumps 數據泥團

9. Primitive obsession 基本類型偏執

Replace data value with object, replace type code with class

10. Switch statements : switch 驚悚現身

Replace conditional with polymorphism

11. Parallel inheritance hierarchies 平行繼承體系

symptom: when you create a subclass for a class, you have to create a subclass for another class.

solution: make sure that instances of one hierarchy refer to instances of the other

12. Lazy class冗贅類

symptom: a class is not doing a lot of work

solution: inline class, means moving all it's features into another class.

13. speculative generality 誇誇其談未來性

remove parameter, collapse hierarchy, inline class

14. temporary field 暫時字段

extract class, introduce nullable object

15. message chains過度耦合的信息鏈

symptom: You see message chains when a client asks one object for another object, which the client then asks for yet another object, which the client then asks for yet another another object, and so on.

solution: hide delegate

16. middle man 中間人


17. inappropriate intimacy 不合適的親昵行為

extract method, extract class

18. alternative classes with different interfaces

19. incomplete library class

20. data class

21. refused requests


Extract method, Rename method






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