 程式師世界 >> 編程語言 >> .NET網頁編程 >> .NET實例教程 >> C#高級應用之Microsoft.Vsa引擎篇




 using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa;
using Microsoft.Vsa;
namespace ToolPackages
 public class ScriptControl
  static ScriptControl()
  public void Close()

  private IVsaEngine engine;
  private String rootNamespace;
  private String rootMoniker;
  private ScriptControlSite site;  
  public IVsaError Error
   get { return site.Error; }
  public void Run()
   if (!engine.IsRunning)
    if (!engine.IsCompiled)
    if (engine.IsCompiled == false)
     String message = "Error on line " + Error.Line + ", col " + Error.EndColumn + "\r\n" + Error.LineText + "\r" + Error.Description;
     throw new Exception(message);



  public void AddCode(String itemName, String code)
   IVsaCodeItem item = GetCodeItem(itemName);
  public ScriptControl(String rootNamespace) : this(rootNamespace, "SharpnessdotnetApp://SharpnessdotnetProject", "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa.VsaEngine")

  public ScriptControl(String rootNamespace, String rootMoniker, String language)
   this.rootNamespace = rootNamespace;
   this.rootMoniker = roo


   switch (language.ToLower())
    case "microsoft.visualbaisc.vsa":
     engine = new VsaEngine();
    case "microsoft.JScript.vsa":
     engine = new Microsoft.JScript.Vsa.VsaEngine();
     engine = new VsaEngine();

   site = new ScriptControlSite();
   engine.RootMoniker = rootMoniker;
   engine.Site = site;
   engine.RootNamespace = rootNamespace;

  public void AddReference(String fullName)
  public void AddReference(Type t)
  public void AddReference(Assembly asm)
    IVsaReferenceItem item = (IVsaReferenceItem) engine.Items.CreateItem(asm.Location, VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None);

    item.AssemblyName = asm.Location;
   catch(Microsoft.Vsa.VsaException exception)
    string message = exception.Message;

  public void AddObject(String name, Object obj)
   site.AddObject(name, obj);
   Type t = obj.GetType();
   if (!(engine is VsaLoader))
    IVsaGlobalItem GlobalItem;
    GlobalItem = (IVsaGlobalItem) engine.Items.CreateItem(name, VsaItemType.AppGlobal, VsaItemFlag.None);

    GlobalItem.TypeString = t.FullName;
  public void AddEventSourceObject(String itemName, String name, Object obj)
   if (!(engine is VsaLoader))
    IVsaCodeItem codeItem;
    codeItem = GetCodeItem(itemName);

    if (codeItem.SourceText == null || codeItem.SourceText.Length == 0)
     throw new InvalidOperationException("no scripts to run");
    codeItem.AddEventSource(name, obj.GetType().FullName);

   site.AddEventSourceObject(itemName, name, obj);
  public object Invoke(string methodName, object[] arguments)
   if ((null == methodName) || (0 == String.Compare(methodName, "")))
    throw new ArgumentNullException(";methodName");
   if (false == engine.IsRunning)
   char[] seprators = {''.''};
   string[] parts;
   parts = methodName.Split(seprators);
   if (parts.Length < 2)
    throw  new ArgumentNullException("methodName");
   int procNamePos = methodName.LastIndexOf(''.'');
   string typeName = methodName.Substring(0, procNamePos);
   string procName = methodName.Substring(procNamePos + 1);
   if (null == procName)
    throw  new ArgumentNullException("methodName");
   string RootNamespace;
   string Fullname;
   RootNamespace = engine.RootNamespace;
   Fullname = RootNamespace + "." + typeName;
   Type clsType = engine.Assembly.GetType(Fullname, true, true);
   MethodInfo method = clsType.GetMethod(procName);
   if (null == method)
    throw  new ArgumentNullException("methodName");
   return method.Invoke(null, arguments);
  private IVsaCodeItem GetCodeItem(String itemName)
   if (itemName == null || itemName.Length == 0)
    itemName = "Module1";
   IVsaCodeItem codeItem = null;
    codeItem = (IVsaCodeItem) engine.Items[itemName];
   if (codeItem == null)
    codeItem = (IVsaCodeItem) engine.Items.CreateItem(itemName, VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None);
   return codeItem;
  private class ScriptControlSite : IVsaSite
   private IDictionary hostObjects;
   private IDictionary eventSourceObjects;
   private byte[] pe = null;
   private byte[] pdb = null;
   public IVsaError Error;

   private byte[] Read(String filename)
    FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);
    BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
    return br.ReadBytes((int) fs.Length);

   public void LoadFrom(String pefile, String pdbfile)
    pe = Read(pefile);
    pdb = Read(pdbfile);

   public ScriptControlSite()
    this.hostObjects = new Hashtable();
    this.eventSourceObjects = new Hashtable();

   public void AddObject(String name, Object obj)
    this.hostObjects.Add(name, obj);


   public void AddEventSourceObject(String itemName, String name,Object obj)
    IDictionary eventSource;
    if (!eventSourceObjects.Contains(itemName))
     eventSourceObjects.Add(itemName, new Hashtable());

    eventSource = (IDictionary) eventSourceObjects[itemName];
    eventSource.Add(name, obj);

   #region IVsaSite Members

   public object GetEventSourceInstance(string itemName, string eventSourceName)
    IDictionary eventSoruce = (IDictionary) eventSourceObjects[itemName];
    return eventSoruce[eventSourceName];

   public object GetGlobalInstance(string name)
    return hostObjects[name];

   public void Notify(string notify, object info)

   public bool OnCompilerError(IVsaError error)
    Error = error;

    return false;

   public void GetCompiledState(out byte[] pe, out byte[] debugInfo)
    pe = this.pe;
    debugInfo = this.pdb;



using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
namespace ToolPackages
 public class SayHelloClass
  public void Test()
   Console.WriteLine("hello world.");
>  }
 public class VasShareExample
  protected static String JSTEMPLATE = @&quot;
   import System;
   import System.Collections;
   public class module1{
   static function execute()
  static void VasTest(string sTargetJScript,string importNamespaces)
   IDictionary objects = new Hashtable();
   objects.Add("globalVars","global var test in vsa");   
   string language = "Microsoft.JScript.Vsa";
   ScriptControl control = new ScriptControl("Sharpnessdotnet.vsa","myapp://myproject/"+Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),language);
   Assembly assem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();   
   //增加 System
   foreach(String key in objects.Keys)
    if (objects[key]!= null)
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   catch (Exception e)
    throw new Exception("Could not load scripting engine for VSA language: " + language, e);
    control.Invoke("module1.execute",new object[]{});
   catch (Exception e)
    throw new Exception("VSA script/function could not run", e);
  static void Main()
   string targetScript = @"
   var message = ''run in script with vsa'';
    var a = 1;
    var b = 2;
                var c = 1 + 2;
    Console.WriteLine(''以下輸出的是簡單計算[1 + 2]的值:''); 
    var sayHello = new SayHelloClass();
    var input = Console.ReadLine();
   string targetNamespace = "import ToolPackages; \r\n";   
  static void CheckFormat()
   bool result = Test("",@"[^\s]{1,}$");
  public static void Skip1()
  public static void Skip2()
  public static void Skip3()
  public static void Write(string message)
  static bool Test(string curValue,string format)
   return Regex.Match(curValue, format).Success;


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