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%s -c "%s"'%(user, cmd) Shell.__init__(self, cmd) class SuShell2(SuShell): '''與SuShell相同,只是變換了引號。 ''' def __init__(self, cmd, user): SuShell.__init__(self, cmd, user) self.cmd = "su - %s -c '%s'"%(user, cmd) class SuShellDeprecated(Shell): '''切換用戶執行命令(setuid方式)。 執行的函數為run2,而不是run XXX 以“不干淨”的方式運行:僅切換用戶和組,環境變量信息不變。 XXX 無法獲取命令的ret_code, ret_info, err_info XXX 只適合使用root切換至其它用戶。 ''' def __init__(self, cmd, user): self.user = user Shell.__init__(self, cmd) def run2(self): if os.getuid() != 0: # 非root用戶直接報錯 raise Exception('SuShell2 must be called by root user!') child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid == 0: # 子進程干活 uid, gid = pwd.getpwnam(self.user)[2:4] os.setgid(gid) # 必須先設置組 os.setuid(uid) self.run() sys.exit(0) # 子進程退出,防止繼續執行其它代碼 else: # 父進程等待子進程退出 os.waitpid(child_pid, 0) if __name__ == "__main__": '''test code''' # 1. test normal sa = Shell('who') sa.run() sa.print_result() # 2. test stderr sb = Shell('ls /export/dir_should_not_exists') sb.run() sb.print_result() # 3. test background sc = Shell('sleep 1') sc.run_background() print 'hello from parent process' print "return code:", sc.ret_code print "status:", sc.get_status() sc.wait() sc.print_result() # 4. test kill import time sd = Shell('sleep 2') sd.run_background() time.sleep(1) sd.kill() sd.wait() # NOTE, still need to wait sd.print_result() # 5. test multiple command and uncompleted command output se = Shell('pwd;sleep 1;pwd;pwd') se.run_background() time.sleep(1) se.kill() se.wait() # NOTE, still need to wait se.print_result() # 6. test wrong command sf = Shell('aaaaa') sf.run() sf.print_result() # 7. test instance reuse to run other command sf.cmd = 'echo aaaaa' sf.run() sf.print_result() sg = RemoteShell('pwd', '') sg.run() sg.print_result() # unreachable ip sg2 = RemoteShell('pwd', '') sg2.run() sg2.print_result() # invalid ip sg3 = RemoteShell('pwd', '1711.0.0.1') sg3.run() sg3.print_result() # ip without trust relation sg3 = RemoteShell('pwd', '') sg3.run() sg3.print_result() sh = SuShell('pwd', 'ossuser') sh.run() sh.print_result() # wrong user si = SuShell('pwd', 'ossuser123') si.run() si.print_result() # user need password si = SuShell('pwd', 'root') si.run() si.print_result()


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