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How Python puts millions of data into PostgreSQL Library


1. PostgreSQL What is it?

PostgreSQL It is a powerful open source object relational database system , He used and extended SQL Language , It combines many functions of safely storing and expanding the most complex data workloads .

PostgreSQL The origins of 1986 year , As the University of California, Berkeley POSTGRES Part of the project , And on the core platform 30 Years of active development .

PostgreSQL With its proven Architecture , reliability , Data integrity , Powerful feature set , Scalability and the dedication of the open source community behind the software have won a good reputation , To consistently deliver high-performance and innovative solutions .

2. Business driven choices PostgreSQL

Because the business needs to pour a large amount of test data into the pressure test , I've tried many ways but it hasn't been solved very well , Finally choose to use Python To achieve data injection into PostgreSQL, The efficiency of rough estimation data processing can reach 6.5W/s.

3. Python Code implementation

There is one in the code batchs Parameters of , It is used to control the batch inserting database , Currently given 1000, The effect is still very good .

The code is as follows :

from openpyxl import load_workbook
import random
import psycopg2
batchs =1000
def data(datas):
    conn = None
        conn = psycopg2.connect(database="test_62554cf827ca24dc542c4258", user="postgres", password="123456",
                                host="", port="5432")
        print("connected to postgres db successfully")
        print("I am unable to connect to the database")
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        sql = "insert into t_fact_6260d12dcd211247f807e521 values " + datas+";"
    except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
        print("Error caught", error)
        if (conn):
def insertData():
    count = 0
    lw=load_workbook(r'D:\wl\bussiness_study\testdata.xlsx', read_only='read_only')
    ws = lw.active
    strs = ""
    for row in ws.rows:
        count += 1
        for col in row:
        print(" Execution section --%d-- That's ok " % (count))
        # print(lst)
        str2 = str(tuple(lst)).replace("None", "'None'")+","
        # print(str2)
            strs += str2
            # print(strs)
            lst = []
            strs = ""
            strs += str2
            # print(strs)
        str2 = ""
        # print(strs)
if __name__ == '__main__':

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