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No action, no intention Python object-oriented-53. Introduction to encapsulation in Python

  • 1、 Concept of inheritance
  • 2、 Benefits of inheritance
  • 3、 Inheritance experience
  • 4、 Single inheritance
  • 5、 Multiple inheritance

1、 Concept of inheritance

stay Python in , If there is a parent-child inheritance relationship between the two classes , Even if there are no properties and methods in the subclass , At this point, create a subclass object , Then this subclass object will have the right to use all properties and methods in the parent class , That's what it is Python The concept of inheritance in .

stay Python Testing inheritance , We usually extract one kind of things , With the same characteristics, attributes and behaviors into a class , We call it the father class , It can also be called superclass 、 Base class .

Any class created by inheritance , We call it subclass or derived class , You can directly inherit the properties and methods in the parent class .

2、 Benefits of inheritance

  • The biggest function of inheritance is to simplify the code , Improved code reusability , Improve the efficiency of software development .
  • The emergence of inheritance creates a relationship between classes , It provides the premise of polymorphism .

3、 Inheritance experience

Python Object oriented inheritance refers to the relationship between multiple classes , That is, the child class inherits all the properties and methods of the parent class by default , As follows :

# Inherit : The subclass inherits all the properties and methods of the parent class by default 
# 1. Define parent class Parent
class Parent(object):
def __init__(self):
self.num = 1 def info_print(self):
print(self.num) # 2. Defining subclasses Child Inherited parent class Parent
class Child(Parent):
pass # establish Child Class instance , Call the parent class Parent Methods and properties in
ch = Child()
print(ch.num) # 1
ch.info_print() # 1

explain : stay Python in , All classes inherit by default object class ,object A class is a top-level class or a base class , Other subclasses are object The derived class .

4、 Single inheritance

Single inheritance : A parent class is inherited by only one subclass , It's called single inheritance .

The main line of the story : A pancake and fruit teacher , I've been in the pancake industry for many years , Developed a set of exquisite techniques for spreading pancakes and fruits . Master wants to teach this technique to his only and most proud apprentice .

# 1. Master class , Properties and methods 
class Master(object):
def __init__(self):
self.gongfu = '[ Old recipe for pancakes and fruit ]' def make_cake(self):
print(f' Application {self.gongfu} Make pancakes and fruit ') # 2. Define apprentice class , Inherit master class
class Prentice(Master):
pass # 3. Create objects tudi
tudi = Prentice()
# 4. Object access instance properties
print(tudi.gongfu) # [ Old recipe for pancakes and fruit ]
# 5. Object calls instance methods
tudi.make_cake() # Application [ Old recipe for pancakes and fruit ] Make pancakes and fruit

5、 Multiple inheritance

The story advances : The apprentice is a good student who loves to learn , I want to learn more about pancake fruit technology , So I searched for college pancake fruit , Decided to learn more pancake fruit technology in the College .

The so-called multiple inheritance means that a class inherits more than one parent class at the same time .

# 1. Create master class , Properties and methods 
class Master(object):
def __init__(self):
self.gongfu = '[ Old recipe for pancakes and fruit ]' def make_cake(self):
print(f' Application {self.gongfu} Make pancakes and fruit ') # 2. Create an academic class Properties and methods
class School(object):
def __init__(self):
self.gongfu = '[ College pancake fruit recipe ]' def make_cake(self):
print(f' Application {self.gongfu} Make pancakes and fruit ') # 2. Define apprentice class , Inherit master class and Master class
class Prentice(School, Master):
pass # 3. Create objects tudi
tudi = Prentice()
# 4. Object access instance properties
# 5. Object calls instance methods
Output content :
[ College pancake fruit recipe ]
Application [ College pancake fruit recipe ] Make pancakes and fruit

summary :

  • stay Python Multiple inheritance is supported in , That is, we can specify multiple parent classes for a class at the same time , Such as :
    class Prentice(School, Master):
  • multiple inheritance , Will make the subclass have more than one parent at the same time , And will get all the properties and methods in the parent class .
  • If there are methods with the same name in more than one parent class , It will now look in the first parent class for , Then find the second , And then find a third , And so on .

    ( Nagging in detail , Find the first class , Then find the parent class of this class , If you don't start looking for the second class , Then if the second class has a parent class , Find the parent of the second class , And so on , If there is a duplicate parent class , The class I found before , Do not repeat the search .)

    That is, if a class inherits multiple parent classes , Inherit the properties and methods with the same name of the first parent class first .
  • There is no special case in development , Multiple inheritance should be avoided as much as possible , Because multiple inheritance makes our code too complex .

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