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Django builds an integrated celery blog


Why integrate celery

When integrated celery after , We can use celery Asynchronous tasks and scheduled tasks to handle us django Project logic . for example : Sending mail asynchronously and cleaning cache regularly , In my blog I use celery Wait until the configuration is completed to crawl the Douban shadow list , And controllable planning ( loop 、 timing 、 The clock ) type .

django Integrate celery—demo

If you put celery Integrated into the django, utilize celery The asynchronous processing task of is very convenient to solve the logic that the site needs asynchronous processing , It should be noted that the latest celery4.x Can no longer be used django-celery 了

  • adopt pycharm newly build django Engineering, celeryproject

  • stay celeryproject/celeryproject New under the directory celery.py file , The contents are as follows :

    from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
    from celery import Celery
    import os
    # Configure the default django settings Module configuration to celery
    os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'celeryproject.settings')
    app = Celery('celeryproject')
    # Namespace 
    namespace='CELERY' Define all and celery The key names of the related configurations should be marked with 'CELERY_' The prefix .
    app.config_from_object('django.conf:settings', namespace='CELERY')
    # If you take all the task Are defined in separate tasks.py Module , Add this sentence celery These modules will be automatically discovered task,
  • add to celeryproject/celeryproject The directory __init__.py The contents of the document are as follows :

    from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
    from .cerely import app as celery_app
    __all__ = ['celery_app']
  • stay celeryproject/celeryproject In the catalog settings.py Add the following to the file :

    CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'redis://'
    CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'redis://'
  • perform python manage.py startapp myapp Create a new one app

  • stay celeryproject/myapp New under the directory tasks.py The contents of the document are as follows :

    from celery import shared_task
    import time
    def send_email():
    print(" Simulate sending mail ")
    import time
    # The delay is added to simulate the time-consuming of sending mail 
    return " Mail sent successfully "
  • stay myapp In the catalog view.py The contents added are as follows :

    from django.http import HttpResponse
    from myapp.tasks import send_email
    def index(request):
    return HttpResponse("ok!")
  • stay celeryproject/celeryproject Under the table of contents urls.py The file configuration route is as follows

    from django.contrib import admin
    from django.urls import path
    from myapp import views
    urlpatterns = [
    path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
  • open terminal window , Execute the command in the root directory celery worker -A celeryproject -l info -P eventlet, The interface appears as follows , representative celery Start up normal

  • function django engineering , Browser access

    Due to the time waiting in the code that simulates sending mail , You can obviously feel the content of the browser ok When it shows up , go back to terminal window , It took a while before the message was sent successfully , It indicates that the task is indeed processed asynchronously

django Integrate django_celery_reuslts

  • install
    pip install celery django-celery-results
  • Add application to django
  • In the project settings.py Change the background of the stored results to the database
    CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'django-db' # Store task results 
  • Execute the database migration command
    python manage.py makemigrations
    python manage.py migrate

When the migration is complete ,django_celery_reuslts Will generate django_celery_results_taskresult surface , If a task is completed ,django_celery_results The data results will be stored in the table , The general table is as follows :

django Integrate django_celery_beat

  • install
    pip install django-celery-beat
  • Add application to django
  • Project modification settings.py The contents are as follows
    CELERY_TIMEZONE = TIME_ZONE # Keep the time zone consistent with the current project time zone 
    DJANGO_CELERY_BEAT_TZ_AWARE = False # Solve the time zone problem 
    CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'redis://'
    # CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'redis://' #redis Store task results 
    CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'django-db' # Store task results 
    CELERY_ACCEPT_CONTENT = ['pickle', 'json']
    CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULER = 'django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler'
  • Execute the database migration command
    python manage.py makemigrations
    python manage.py migrate

When the migration is complete ,django_celery_reuslts Five tables will be generated ( front 3 This table is more important )

Table name describe django_celery_beat_clockedschedule Periodic task list django_celery_beat_intervalschedule Interval schedule ( Recyclable )django_celery_beat_crontabschedule Time schedule django_celery_beat_clockedschedule Clock schedule ( Single execution )django_celery_beat_solarschedule Longitude and latitude table schedule django_celery_beat_periodictask Plan when to change the log sheet

And because we have integrated django_celery_reuslts, If we pass django_celery_beat When configuring tasks in the background , When the task is finished ,django_celery_results The data results will also be stored in the table

test django-celery-beat Mission

  1. stay django Under the application directory of tasks.py file

    from __future__ import absolute_import
    from celery import shared_task
    def test1():
    print(" Test intermittent tasks ")
    return " Intermittent tasks ok"
    def test2():
    print(" Test timed tasks ")
    return " Timing task ok"
    def test3():
    print(" Test clock task ")
    return " Clock task ok"
  2. start-up django Access background
    What I use here is xamdin, I'm going to django-celery-beat The model of is registered to xadmin 了

  3. Local open redis service ( Be sure to turn it on )

  4. Carry out orders celery worker -A tasks -l info -P eventlet
    You can see that the task has been celery Identify to

  • Create a new in the background intervalschedule、crontabschedule、clockedschedule Three tasks
    a key
    1. Only one task can be selected for each task schedule type , Otherwise, it will be wrong
    2.taskname To fill in the complete task path
    3. because clockedschedule There is a time zone difference 8 Hour question , Therefore, the task execution time must be subtracted 8 Hours to be executed on time .
  • After the task is created, see the following figure
  • Carry out orders celery beat -A blog -l info
    You can see that the intermittent task has started to be sent , Cut back to worker Of terminal You can see the following interface
  • Intermittent task execution results
  • Start sending scheduled tasks
  • Scheduled task execution results
  • Start sending clock task
  • Clock task execution results ( The clock task is executed only once , The schedule will expire after execution )

About celery Discussion on task module identification

Let's test , I am here django Create a new application in any application directory of tasks.py file , The contents are as follows

 from celery import shared_task
def test3():
print(" test django Under the application of tasks.py Whether the tasks inside can be identified ")

Then I put it in the application directory tests.py Create a new task as follows :

from celery import shared_task
def test2():
print(" test django Under application tests.py Whether the tasks inside can be identified ")

Execute with celery Command to see the task list

celery worker -A blog -l info -P eventlet

give the result as follows :

. apps.util.tasks.test3

You can see from above celery Will automatically discover django Under the application directory tasks.py Tasks inside , No tasks.py The tasks inside cannot be identified
But I found a very strange problem , For example, in any application views.py It's like this.

from apps.util.tests import test2

We'll do it again celery Command to see the task list

celery worker -A blog -l info -P eventlet

give the result as follows :

. apps.util.tasks.test3
. apps.util.tests.test2

Find out celery I can recognize the task again . I guess this operation should be completed in disguise celery Of CELERY_IMPORTS To configure , We cancel the import just above , In the project settings.py Add the following configuration :


We'll do it again celery Command to see the task list

celery worker -A blog -l info -P eventlet

give the result as follows :

. apps.util.tasks.test3
. apps.util.tests.test2

That is to say, the task does not have to be placed in tasks.py In the file , And the task module does not have to be specified in the configuration file , You can import the module in the project .

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