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How to use python+turtle to draw spider man


How do you use it? Python+Turtle Draw spider man

This article mainly introduces how to use Python+Turtle Draw relevant knowledge of spider man , The content is detailed and easy to understand , The operation is simple and fast , It has certain reference value , I believe that after reading this article how to use Python+Turtle Draw Spider-Man articles will be fruitful , Let's have a look .

One 、 Effect display

Before I introduce the code , Let's first look at the implementation effect of this paper .

Pinstaller(Python Packaging for exe file )

Before I put Python The files are packed into exe When , It's been a long time , This article will describe in detail how to quickly build without installing Python Files that can also be executed on your computer

1. stay prompt Run in pip install pyinstaller , install  pyinstaller  library

2.  stay prompt Run in where pyinstaller 

3.  Find to be pack Path of file storage

Put the files to be packaged in the path found  

C:\Users\Administrator\Anaconda3\Scripts in  ( My path is this , You follow the path of step two )

4.  call cmd window

Put the files to be packaged in

C:\Users\Administrator\Anaconda3 \Scripts Under the table of contents , Press... In this folder shift+ Right mouse button , Click on Open command window here call cmd 

5.  stay cmd Input in pyinstaller -F   file name

Example : pack Python Draw Picchu's video , stay cmd Input in pyinstaller -F  pkq_1.py

To generate a common icon exe Executable file .

6.  Generate exe file

Can be in the path

C:\Users\Administrator\Anaconda3\Scripts Under the dist Found the packed... In the folder exe file ( That is, there is no need to install Python You can also run the file ).

The file icon thus generated is in a standard fixed format , If you want to generate an icon with a specific shape, you need to use the 7 Click the statement in .

7.   Generate custom shape icons , stay cmd Input in :pyinstaller -i  ico route -F xxxxx.py

Example :  pack   Python Draw Picchu video py file , stay cmd Input in ( notes : I put ico The icon and the files to be packaged are placed in a folder , So I directly input ico Name )

pyinstaller -i  pikaqiu2.ico -F pkq_1.py

The generated icon is Picchu shaped exe file .

Two 、 Code details

Python The principle of drawing spider man is : application turtle The library draws different parts of the body .

1. Import library

First, import the library to be loaded in this article , If you don't have some libraries installed , Cause the running code to report an error , Can be in Anaconda Prompt of use pip Method installation .

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-''' Code usage  : The author of spider man      : Ali Yiyang blog      :  https://blog.csdn.net/qq_32532663/article/details/106176609'''import osimport pygameimport turtle as t

This article applies to fewer libraries , Only os、pygame and turtle Three libraries .

os The library can set the location where files are read .

pygame The library is designed to make the drawing process more interesting , Added background music during drawing .

turtle Library is a drawing library , It's equivalent to giving you a brush , You can draw on the canvas with code controlled by mathematical logic .

2. Play music

Then apply pygame Library playing background music , The music of this article is 《Sunflower》.

os.chdir(r'F:\ official account \56. spider-man ')# Play music print(' Play music ')pygame.mixer.init()pygame.mixer.music.load("Cope - Sunflower (Original Version).mp3") pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.5) pygame.mixer.music.play(1, 10)

This part of the code is separated from the whole code , You can choose to put the code at the beginning , You can also delete .

If you choose to play music , Need to be in code music.load Function to fill in the local storage address of the computer where you want to play music .

Some friends have questions about this piece , For filling format, please refer to the following pictures :

3. Define the function that draws spider man's upper body

Then set the size of the drawing board , And define the function to draw spider man's upper body .

t.title(' The official account of Ali ESEY code ')t.speed(10)#t.screensize(1000, 800)t.setup(startx=0, starty = 0, width=800, height = 600)def up_body():    # Picture head     t.penup()    t.goto(60, 200)    t.pendown()    t.pensize(1)    t.color('black', 'red')    t.begin_fill()    t.setheading(60)    t.circle(60, 30)    t.left(4)    t.circle(40, 173)    t.left(4)    t.circle(60, 30)    # Draw the neck     t.setheading(260)    t.circle(30, 29)    # Draw shoulders     t.setheading(220)    t.forward(30)    # Draw the hand muscles     t.setheading(150)    t.circle(30, 130)    # Draw the inner line of the chest     t.setheading(30)    t.circle(-100, 13)    t.setheading(270)    t.circle(50, 40)    t.setheading(255)    t.circle(55, 40)    t.circle(-40, 50)    # Draw the outer horizontal line of the waist     t.setheading(0)    t.forward(-7)    t.setheading(270)    t.forward(18)    # Draw a waist line     t.setheading(-30)    t.forward(50)    t.setheading(15)    t.forward(80)    t.setheading(90)    t.forward(22)    # Where it repeats     # Draw the inner outline of the clothes     t.setheading(190)    t.forward(20)    t.setheading(103)    t.circle(-160, 41)    # Draw the inner contour of the hand     t.setheading(5)    t.circle(-80, 30)    t.setheading(20)    t.circle(30, 30)    # Where it repeats     # Arm muscles     t.setheading(70)    t.circle(22, 150)    t.setheading(150)    t.forward(30)    t.setheading(120)    t.forward(15)    t.end_fill()

Key code details :

t.pensize(width): Sets the size of the brush .

t.color(color): Set the color of the brush .

t.penup(): Lift up the brush. , It is generally used for drawing in another place .

t.goto(x,y): The brush goes to a certain position , Parameter is (x,y), Corresponding abscissa and ordinate .

t.pendown(): Put down the paintbrush , In general, and penup Use a combination of .

t.left(degree): How many degrees does the brush turn left , Degrees in parentheses .

t.right(degree): How many degrees does the brush turn right , Degrees in parentheses .

t.circle(radius,extent,steps):radius Finger radius , If it is positive , The radius is on the left side of the little turtle radius Far away , If it's negative , The radius is on the right side of the little turtle radius Far away ;extent Refers to radian ;steps Finger order .

The key to the outline is : By adjusting the circle Function to adjust the radian of the curve , So that the outline of Spider-Man is more smooth .

4. Define functions that draw left and right hands

Then define the functions that draw the left hand and the right hand .

def left_hand():    # Draw the left arm     # Draw the inner line of the chest     t.penup()    t.goto(-69, 134)    t.color('black', 'blue')    t.pendown()    t.begin_fill()    t.setheading(30)    t.circle(-100, 13)    t.setheading(270)    t.circle(50, 40)    t.setheading(255)    t.circle(55, 40)    t.circle(-40, 50)    # Draw the outer horizontal line of the waist     t.setheading(0)    t.forward(-8)    t.setheading(90)    t.circle(220, 18)    t.setheading(-90)    t.circle(-40, 50)    t.setheading(-85)    t.circle(-50, 50)    t.setheading(135)    t.circle(30, 40)    t.setheading(95)    t.circle(-50, 50)    t.setheading(98)    t.circle(-60, 51)    t.end_fill()def right_hand():    # Draw the right arm     # Draw the inner outline of the clothes     t.penup()    t.goto(80, 39)    t.color('black', 'blue')    t.pendown()    t.begin_fill()    t.setheading(190)    t.forward(20)    t.setheading(103)    t.circle(-160, 41)    # Draw the inner contour of the hand     t.setheading(5)    t.circle(-80, 30)    t.setheading(20)    t.circle(30, 30)    t.setheading(-20)    t.circle(-55, 65)    t.setheading(-30)    t.circle(-50, 60)    t.setheading(180)    t.circle(30, 40)    t.setheading(154)    t.circle(-48, 60)    t.setheading(164)    t.circle(-50, 60)    t.setheading(-90)    t.circle(-40, 60)    t.left(40)    t.circle(150, 23)    t.end_fill()def left_wrist():    # Draw the left wrist     t.penup()    t.goto(-81, 37)    t.color('black', 'red')    t.pendown()    t.begin_fill()    t.setheading(135)    t.circle(30, 40)    t.setheading(-90)    t.circle(-60, 30)    t.setheading(-90)    t.forward(20)    t.setheading(-45)    t.forward(12)    t.circle(6, 180)    t.setheading(-50)    t.circle(5, 160)    t.setheading(95)    t.forward(10)    t.setheading(135)    t.forward(8)    t.setheading(95)    t.forward(6)    t.setheading(35)    t.circle(30, 10)    t.left(10)    t.circle(30, 27)    t.end_fill()    # Draw a line on your wrist     # Horizontal line     # The first horizontal line     t.penup()    t.goto(-84, 30)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(145)    t.circle(30, 36)    # The second horizontal line     t.penup()    t.goto(-90, 22)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(185)    t.circle(-30, 31)    # The third horizontal line     t.penup()    t.goto(-83, 10)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(210)    t.circle(-50, 31)    # The fourth horizontal line     t.penup()    t.goto(-102, -10)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(50)    t.circle(-20, 41)    t.setheading(55)    t.circle(-90, 8)    # The first vertical line     t.penup()    t.goto(-105, 24)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(-95)    t.circle(100, 20)    # The second vertical line     t.penup()    t.goto(-87, 42)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(-110)    t.forward(22)    t.setheading(-63)    t.circle(-50, 40)def right_wrist():    # Draw the right wrist     t.penup()    t.goto(189, 57)    t.color('black', 'red')    t.pendown()    t.begin_fill()    t.setheading(180)    t.circle(30, 40)    t.setheading(-55)    t.circle(-100, 10)    t.circle(-20, 70)    t.setheading(-90)    t.forward(10)    t.setheading(-0)    t.forward(5)    t.setheading(-85)    t.forward(8)    t.setheading(-20)    t.circle(8, 60)    t.setheading(-35)    t.circle(8, 70)    t.setheading(-15)    t.circle(6, 70)    t.setheading(60)    t.circle(20, 80)    t.setheading(115)    t.circle(-100, 20)    t.end_fill()    # Draw the first horizontal line     t.goto(191, 45)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(215)    t.circle(-30, 34)    # Draw the second horizontal line     t.penup()    t.goto(197, 29)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(215)    t.circle(-30, 37)    # Draw the third horizontal line     t.penup()    t.goto(174, 11)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(-0)    t.circle(-30, 27)    t.setheading(20)    t.circle(-20, 27)    t.setheading(40)    t.circle(-30, 23)    # Draw the first vertical line     t.penup()    t.goto(178, 55)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(-70)    t.circle(-200, 9)    t.setheading(-82)    t.circle(-100, 18)    # Draw the second vertical line     t.penup()    t.goto(185, 55)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(-70)    t.circle(-200, 8)    t.setheading(-68)    t.circle(-80, 25)

5. Define the function for drawing spiders

Then define the function for drawing spiders .

def spider():    # Painting spiders     t.penup()    t.goto(8, 146)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.begin_fill()    t.setheading(-120)    t.circle(40, 60)    t.setheading(60)    t.circle(40,60)    t.end_fill()    # Draw the spider's feet     # The right foot 1    t.penup()    t.goto(13, 129)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(30)    t.forward(10)    t.setheading(90)    t.forward(15)    # The right foot 2    t.penup()    t.goto(14, 125)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(30)    t.forward(16)    t.setheading(90)    t.forward(17)    # The right foot 3    t.penup()    t.goto(14, 124)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(-20)    t.forward(16)    t.setheading(-90)    t.forward(17)    # The right foot 4    t.penup()    t.goto(14, 120)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(-20)    t.forward(10)    t.setheading(-90)    t.forward(15)    # Draw the spider's feet     # The left foot 1    t.penup()    t.goto(3, 129)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(150)    t.forward(10)    t.setheading(90)    t.forward(15)    # The right foot 2    t.penup()    t.goto(2, 125)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(150)    t.forward(16)    t.setheading(90)    t.forward(17)    # The right foot 3    t.penup()    t.goto(2, 124)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(-170)    t.forward(16)    t.setheading(-99)    t.forward(17)    # The right foot 4    t.penup()    t.goto(3, 120)    t.color('black')    t.pendown()    t.setheading(-170)    t.forward(10)    t.setheading(-90)    t.forward(15)

6. Call a function to draw a graph

Finally, call the function to draw the graph .

print(' Draw the outline of the upper body ')up_body()print(' Draw the right hand ')right_hand()print(' Draw the left hand ')left_hand()print(' Draw the left fist ')left_wrist()print(' Draw the right fist ')right_wrist()print(' Draw spiders ')spider()

About “ How do you use it? Python+Turtle Draw spider man ” That's all for this article , Thank you for reading ! I'm sure you're right “ How do you use it? Python+Turtle Draw spider man ” Knowledge has a certain understanding , If you want to learn more , Welcome to the Yisu cloud industry information channel .

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