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[original launch] learn Python greedy algorithm from Xiao Hui


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1.1.  Greedy Algorithm

1.1.1.  Algorithm definition

Greedy Algorithm ( Also known as greedy algorithm ) Refer to , In solving the problem , Always make what seems to be the best choice at the moment . in other words , Greedy algorithm is not considered from the overall optimization , The algorithm obtains the local optimal solution in a sense , Near global optimal solution .

1.1.2.  The basic idea

The basic idea of greedy algorithm is , Disassemble a large problem into several sub problems , Make the best choice for each subproblem , Finally, the outputs of all subproblems are combined to obtain the optimal solution of the large problem . The design steps are : 

(1) Build a mathematical model to describe the problem .

(2) Divide the problem into several sub problems .

(3) Each subproblem is solved , Get the local optimal solution of the subproblem .

(4) Synthesize the local optimal solution of the subproblem into a solution of the original solution .

Greedy algorithm can not get the overall optimal solution for all problems , The key is the choice of greedy strategy , The chosen greedy strategy must have no aftereffect , That is, the previous process of a certain state will not affect the later state , Only related to the current state .

Take financial management as an example , Financial management has two attributes of risk and income , We hope to find the best way to manage money , If we are greedy for low risk , When looking for financial products , We can sort by risk , Pick the product with the lowest risk ; If we are greedy for high profits , It can be sorted by rate of return , Pick the product with the highest yield ; If we want both low risk and high return , The risk and return rate of each financial product can be quantified , Rank the ratio of risk to return , Select the most cost-effective financial products . The above can be seen as three different greedy strategies .**

1.1.3.  Code implementation -- Change for money

Problem description :

There is a denomination of 1 element 、5 element 、10 element 、20 element 、50 element 、100 Yuan notes , Now hope to pay N element , At least how many banknotes are needed ?

Algorithm analysis :

The purpose of the problem is to find out the minimum number of banknotes needed . The problem can be decomposed into several sub problems , Sort notes by denomination , Find out how many pieces you need at least 100 Of paper money 、 How many 50 Of paper money 、 How many 20 Paper money, etc ; Divide the total amount by 100, The integer obtained is the least required 100 The number of banknotes , The remainder is used as input for subsequent calculations , Iteratively calculate the minimum number of notes required for each denomination ; The number of notes of each denomination adds up , Make up the final optimal solution , That is, the minimum number of notes required .

Code implementation :

【 example 1-1】  Change for money :

papers = [100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 1]              # Banknote amount sorted by size 
total_money = 248                       # The amount to be paid 
temp = total_money                      # The remaining change 
total_count = 0                          # Total number of notes 
for paper in papers:
    if temp >= paper:
        least_count = temp // paper        # Locally optimal solution , The minimum number of notes required for each type of note 
        total_count += least_count
        print(" Local calculation : Minimum need {} Zhang {} element ".format(least_count, paper))
        temp = temp % paper
    if temp == 0:
print(" Final calculation : Minimum need {} Paper money ".format(total_count))

Execution results :

 Local calculation : Minimum need 2 Zhang 100 element
Local calculation : Minimum need 2 Zhang 20 element
Local calculation : Minimum need 1 Zhang 5 element
Local calculation : Minimum need 3 Zhang 1 element
Final calculation : Minimum need 8 Paper money

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