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Breaking away from Haas studio to debug the old version of haas100 Python light application project


HaaS The official in the HaaS Studio 2.0 After that, the pair of HaaS100 Support for , except API Significant changes to , The original HaaS100 The project code can not be changed from HaaS Studio 2.0 The above version deployment has been uploaded to the board . It is not recommended for new projects HaaS100, This article is just a record , So as not to waste time in the future . After all, I still have 3 block HaaS100 Development board …

I also need to use... For some reasons HaaS100 Make a temporary thing , So how to deploy the code to the board in this case is a problem .

First, directly HaaS Studio 2.0+ It is impossible to open the version and upload the old project . So I will HaaS Studio Go back to the old version of the project you created at that time , Then from the old version HaaS Studio Create a new project , Copy and paste the original code into the new project , from HaaS Studio There are still a lot of errors when clicking upload on the shortcut toolbar at the bottom .

Then I thought about the old project development , I actually did a few command lines to improve efficiency alias To package and upload the code . So I found out the alias, It solves the problem that the code is packaged and uploaded to HaaS100 The problem of .

First of all, we should analyze HaaS100 Python The general process of light application project code deployment . This process can actually be changed from the old version of HaaS Studio The terminal window sees . It is basically the following process :

  • Activate miniconda Virtual environment for
  • The project files are packaged in upgrade/pyamp.zip
  • adopt .utility/python/transymodem.py The script will pyamp.zip Transfer to the board

Let's complete these steps manually :

  1. Activate miniconda A virtual environment :
    Create a new terminal window , Enter the following command :
source ~/.aliot/miniconda3/bin/activate ~/.aliot/miniconda3/envs/_aos_env ; export PATH="~/.aliot/miniconda3/envs/_aos_env:~/.aliot/miniconda3/envs/_aos_env/bin:$PATH" ; echo "=> set miniconda env finished."
  1. Package files
    I created a python Script pack.py, It only needs python pack.py Project name You can finish packing , The project folder in the script needs to be modified by itself , You can also modify the code yourself , Change the parameter to the absolute path of the project .
    The processing of audio resource files should be modified as appropriate .
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import os,sys,time
from zipfile import *
import zipfile
filepath = '~/haas100/upgrade/pyamp.zip'
filepath = os.path.expanduser(filepath)
if os.path.exists(filepath):
print(' Delete old files ')
project_name = sys.argv[1]
startdir = "~/haas100/solutions/{}".format(project_name)
startdir = os.path.expanduser(startdir)
print(' Package files %s'%startdir)
def packfile():
global startdir
f = zipfile.ZipFile(filepath,'w',zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(startdir):
for filename in filenames:
if (filename == 'main.py' or filename == 'board.json'):
f.write(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), arcname=filename)
if (filename == "connected.wav" or filename == "poweron.wav" or filename == "aliyunconnected.mp3"):
f.write(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), arcname='resource/{}'.format(filename))
def zipDir(dirpath,outFullName):
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(outFullName,"w",zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
for path,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(dirpath):
# Remove the target and the path , Only the files and folders under the target folder are compressed 
fpath = path.replace(dirpath,'')
for filename in filenames:
if (filename == 'main.py' or filename == 'board.json' or filename == "connected.wav" or filename == "poweron.wav" or filename == "aliyunconnected.mp3"):
def TimeStampToTime(timestamp):
timeStruct = time.localtime(timestamp)
return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',timeStruct)
def get_FileSize(filePath):
# filePath = filePath.encode('UTF-8')
fsize = os.path.getsize(filePath)
fsize = fsize/float(1024)
return round(fsize,2)
def get_FileCreateTime(filePath):
# filePath = filePath.encode('UTF-8')
t = os.path.getctime(filePath)
return TimeStampToTime(t)
# Basic information of output file 
print(' File path :',filepath)
print(" file size :%d KB"%get_FileSize(filepath),end=' ')
print(" Creation time :",get_FileCreateTime(filepath))

Running effect :

3. Deployment upload pyamp.zip file .
Here we need to call Old project Under folder .utility/python/transymodem.py file . Please follow your own path Old project The folder can be modified by itself , The serial port should also be modified to the serial port on your own device . For this example macOS Recognized serial port name .

python ~/workspace/aos-works/.utility/python/transymodem.py -d /dev/cu.usbserial-1410 -b 1500000 /Users/simonliu/haas100/upgrade/pyamp.zip

Just reset the board when you see the prompt .

After successful upload , A new version of HaaS Studio Serial port tool View , Or directly from the command line :

python -m serial.tools.miniterm /dev/cu.usbserial-1410 1500000

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