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MySQL系列產品簡介——MySQL Enterprise


MySQL主要有以下產品,現就每種產品的用途做一個簡單介紹,以後會對每種產品的使用做詳細分析(英文內容來源於MySQL官網) 本文一方面使初用者對MySQL產品有一個大體的認識;另一方面是提高自己的外文翻譯能力.有不足的地方請大家指正   官網地址: http://www.mysql.com   產品列表: 一.MySQL Enterprise 二.MySQL Cluster 三.MySQL Embedded(OEM/ISV) 四.MySQL Data Warehouse 五.MySQL Backup & Recovery 六.MySQL Workbench 七.MySQL Connectors   具體內容: 一.MySQL Enterprise @MySQL企業版 當前版本:5.1 簡介   MySQL Enterprise Server software is the most reliable, secure and up-to-date version of MySQL for cost-effectively delivering E-commerce, Online Transaction Processing (OLTP), and multi-terabyte Data Warehousing applications. It is a fully integrated transaction-safe, ACID compliant database with full commit, rollback, crash recovery and row level locking capabilities. MySQL delivers the ease of use, scalability, and performance that has made MySQL the world's most popular open source database.
       MySQL企業服務器軟件是最可靠,安全和最新版本的MySQL。它成本低廉地提供電子商務,聯機事務處理(OLTP)和高達數TB的數據庫倉儲應用。它是一個完全集成的數據安全,事務提交,回滾,崩潰恢復和行級鎖定能力的數據庫。MySQL提供的易用性,可擴展性和其性能使MySQL成為世界上最流行的開源數據庫。 @MySQL Enterprise Monitor The MySQL Enterprise Monitor continuously monitors your MySQL servers and alerts you to potential problems before they impact your system. Its like having a "Virtual DBA Assistant" at your side to recommend best practices to eliminate security vulnerabilities, improve replication, optimize performance and more. As a result, the productivity of your developers, DBAs and System Administrators is improved significantly. MySQL企業監控器持續的監控你的MySQL服務器,並且在可能出現的問題影響你的系統前給出提醒.它就像是一個”虛擬的DBA助手”在你旁邊建議最佳做法,以消除安全隱患,改善復制,優化性能和更多.因此,你的開發者的生產力,DBA和系統管理員有了顯著的提高. @MySQL Enterprise Production Support MySQL Enterprise includes 24x7 Production Support that helps you deliver continuous availability for your production database applications. MySQL Production Support gives you priority access with fast response times to assist you with the development, deployment and management of your MySQL applications. MySQL Enterprise gives you the flexibility to choose a service level (Basic, Silver, Gold, Platinum) that matches your requirements. MySQL企業包括24x7產品支持,幫助你提供連續可用性的生產數據庫應用.MySQL的產品支持,你可以優化獲得與快速的反應時間為您提供發展幫助,部署和管理你的MySQL應用.MySQL企業允許你靈活地選擇服務水平(基本服務,白銀會員服務,黃金會員服務和更高級別的服務)以符合你的要求. @High Availability Solutions for MySQL Databases are at the center of modern enterprise applications and store an organization’s most valuable assets including customer information, product information, order information and historical data. Plus, organizations rely on databases to run their business-critical applications. Hours or even minutes of downtime often result in significant amounts of lost revenue and unsatisfied customers. Therefore, making database applications highly available is a top priority for all organizations. 以數據庫為中心的現代企業應用,存儲著一個組織最重要的資產,包括客戶信息,產品信息,訂單信息和歷史數據.此外,組織依賴數據庫運行他們的關鍵業務應用.數小時甚至幾分鐘的停機往往會導致大量的收入損失和客戶投訴.因此,實現數據庫應用高可用性對所有組織來說,都是優先考慮的事情. MySQL provides a number of options to make their database infrastructure highly available. Selecting which high availability solution is right for you will largely depend on how many “nines” of availability you require and the type of application you are deploying. MySQL provides you with the following options: MySQL提供了多項選擇,使他們的數據庫基礎結構高可用性.選擇怎樣的高可用性解決方案才是正確的,這在很大程序上取決於要求幾個9的可用性和你部署的應用類型.MySQL提供以下幾種選擇:
(以下是關於幾個9的意思,簡單來說,9的個數越多,表明一年停機的時間就越短)               (圖片來源: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uptime) 方案1 <MySQL Replication> Using MySQL Replication, organizations can cost-effectively deliver a high availability solution. Master/Slave Replication enables operations to manually fail-over to another server in the event of a hardware or software problem. In addition, with MySQL replication, organizations can incrementally scale out their infrastructure to accommodate exponentially growing capacity demands. MySQL Replication ships out of the box and is used by some of the world’s most highly trafficked Web sites including YouTube, Yahoo!, flickr, Wikipedia and craigslist. 使用MySQL復制,組織可以經濟有效的提供一個高可用性的解決方案.主從/復制能夠使業務在發生硬件或軟件問題的時候手動故障轉移到另一台服務器.此外,使用MySQL復制,組織能夠逐步進行他們的基礎結構,以適應急劇增長的容量需求的能力.MySQL被一些世界上高流量的網站包括YouTube,Yahoo,Flickr, Wikipedia and craigslist.所使用.   方案2 <DRBD for MySQL > DRBD for MySQL is a solution that combines MySQL, Linux Heartbeat, and Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD) so organizations can deliver a synchronously replicated high availability solution. Linux Heartbeat manages failover and DRBD synchronously propagates data to another node in an Active/Passive configuration. In the event the Active Server fails, Linux Heartbeat will promote the Passive node to an Active state, while DRBD will ensure the resynchronization of data after the failure. DRBD for MySQL is ideal for adding High Availability to new and existing MySQL applications. DRBD的MySQL一個解決方案.它結合MySQL﹑linux 心跳和分布式復制塊設備(DRBD),以便組織能夠一個同步復制的高可用性解決方案.linux心跳管理故障轉移和DRBD同步傳播數據到另一個節點的主動/被動配置.如果主服務器失敗,當DRBD確保重新同步數據失敗後,linux心跳會提升被動節點成為活動狀態.DRBD的MySQL是理想的高可用以增加新的和現有的MySQL應用.       方案3 < MySQL Cluster > MySQL Cluster enables organizations to deliver 5 Nines (99.999%) availability using a parallel server architecture with no single point of failure. MySQL Cluster is an in-memory storage engine that synchronously replicates data to all data nodes in the cluster. This results in sub-second response time and extremely fast failover. Data partitioning, fail-over, and recovery are all automatically handled by MySQL Cluster. MySQL Cluster is used by the world’s leading telecom organizations including Alcatel-Lucent, Nortel and Nokia. MySQL簇能夠使組織提供5個9(99.999%),使用一個並行的服務器架構,並且沒有單點故障的可用性.MySQL簇是一個內存中的存儲引擎,同步復制數據到集群中其它所有節點.這一結果堪稱秒級響應時間和極速的故障轉移.數據分區,失效轉移和恢復都交由MySQL簇自動處理. MySQL簇使用者有世界領先電信組織包括阿爾卡特,北電和諾基亞.   @Caching Solutions for MySQL High-volume web applications require caching to improve application performance and scalability. Integrating a caching tier into Web application architectures can: 高容量的WEB應用需要緩存來提高應用的性能和可擴展性.集成緩存到WEB應用架構能夠: Improve application performance by caching data and objects in memory and alleviating database load. Increase scalability and accommodate more concurrent users without impacting performance Efficiently use resources enabling you to save on hardware and power costs. Memcached for MySQL Memcached is a high-performance, open source distributed memory caching system that is used by leading web sites like YouTube, Facebook, LiveJournal and Wikipedia. Memcached can help organizations manage exponential growth by scaling their sites to handle millions of users and billions of page views. 通過緩存數據和對象到內存中提高應用程序性能,減輕服務器負載. 在不影響性能的前提下,提高可伸縮性和容納更多的並發用戶. 有效的使用資源能夠讓你節省硬件和電力成本. 使用Memcached的MySQL Memcached 是一個高性能的,開源的分布式內存緩存系統,它的使用者有世界級領先的站點像YouTube,Facebook,LiveJournal和Wikipedia.Memcached能夠幫助組織者管理指數級增長的百萬計的用戶和數十億的頁面訪問. @Cloud Computing Solutions for MySQL Cloud computing environments are proving to be the next wave of cost-effective architectures for delivering web-scale database-driven applications. Because cloud computing environments allow for scalability on demand, combined with a "pay as you go" pricing model, applications can be scaled up or down dynamically to accommodate changing workloads and business requirements. At the same time, users only incur costs for the capacity they actually use. This removes the high costs associated with idle resources and dedicated maintenance for CPU, memory, network bandwidth and data storage. Cloud computing solutions for MySQL makes it easy to develop, deploy, and manage your new and existing MySQL-backed applications in a virtual computing environment. 雲計算環境被證實是下一波有成本效益的架構,它提供網絡規模的數據庫驅動應用程序.由於雲計算環境允許可擴展性的需求,再加上一個”現收現付”的定價模式,應用能夠向上向下動態伸縮,以適應不斷變化的工作量和業務需求.同時,用戶僅擔負他們實際使用能力的成本.這消除了閒置資源和CPU,內存,網絡帶寬和數據存儲帶來的高成本.雲計算解決方案使MySQL更容易開發,部署和管理於新的和現有基於MySQL的應用程序在一個虛擬計算環境下

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