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Python common skills: a prerequisite for getting started with crawlers - advantages and usage of IP proxy


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  • A dynamic proxy ip I'm sure everyone has heard of , Or have used .
  • This article will introduce what is dynamic agent ip, And simple ways to use it .
  • Usage dynamics ip There are many benefits , For example, protect your network from external attacks 、 Block your IP Address, etc .
  • This article will study this dynamic ip, Little friends who don't know about this can just learn together .

️‍ One 、 A dynamic proxy ip

1.1 What is dynamic agent ip

A dynamic proxy IP, Literally, this IP Will change randomly at any time , Not fixed , It's a dynamic agent IP. A dynamic proxy IP Generally, there will be web crawler users to use .

dynamic IP It is divided into Long term agent and Short acting agent

  • Long term agent IP: It supports many businesses such as data collection or game hanging up , Due to the large amount of data collected by web crawlers , Rarely choose long-term agents , Long term agent IP It's equivalent to local IP equally , It's natural to visit a website for a long time IP Will also be limited , And the amount of collection is very small . It's not good for reptiles to use .

  • Short acting agent IP: Support data capture 、seo Optimize 、 APP Brush quantity , Q & a promotion and many other businesses . Generally, web crawler users choose dynamic short acting agents IP More of them . The business volume of reptiles is large , Use dynamic short acting agents IP To collect data , Can greatly improve business efficiency .

1.2 Using dynamic proxies IP benefits

  1. Speed up website access : After browsing a website , The information on the visited website will be stored on the hard disk of the proxy server . If you visit the website again , This information can be obtained at any time in the proxy server , Without having to reconnect to the remote server . therefore , It can save bandwidth , Speed up the browsing speed of the website .
  2. As a firewall : It can ensure the security of Lan , As a function of firewall , For LAN using proxy server , From the outside , Only the proxy server can see , Users of other LANs cannot see it . Agents can also be used to limit IP Address blocking , Prevent users from browsing certain pages .
  3. Reduce IP cost : Application proxy server can save on IP Address requirements , To reduce IP Cost of address .
  4. Easy to manage network resources : You can restrict some shared resources from entering special areas , Maintain the regionality of resources .
  5. Increase the speed of reptiles : Using dynamic proxies ip You can bypass the target site restrictions , Better capture network data , You can customize the time of replacement ip Address , Improve reptile efficiency .

1.3 A dynamic proxy IP Category

A dynamic proxy IP It's also divided into Transparent proxy , Anonymous proxy , High hiding agent .
This shows that the agent IP The mass strength of . For web crawlers, they can purchase and customize according to their own needs IP.

High hiding agent Nature is also a dynamic agent IP The best quality of the type , Many enterprise crawler users will choose the high hidden crawler agent for tunnel forwarding IP To provide business needs , Ensure your business effectiveness and quality .

Transparent proxy and Anonymous proxy Although it is also an agent IP, But greatly reduce the progress and efficiency of the crawler business , Therefore, the crawler agent that the web crawler chooses for tunnel forwarding is the correct choice .

️‍ Two 、 apply dynamic ip agent Methods

2.1 How to choose the right agent IP Website

A brief introduction to dynamic agent IP The concept and benefits of , Let's talk about how to apply for this A dynamic proxy IP .

What I use here is IPIDEA This website , Now new users have 500M Traffic white whoring , Just so we can experiment with it .

You can just click Register :http://www.ipidea.net/?utm-source=csdn&utm-keyword=?xy

After entering the website, click Access to the agent -> API obtain

Then choose according to your preferences Number and region , For others, use the default options , Then click below Generate links

If there is no real name authentication, this interface will pop up , Just click Authentication

Then copy the link we generated , This link should be saved , Use... In the back Python When climbing, you will use .

Copy the link separately and then open it. You will see the generated IP, This part can be used for manual setting of our own browser .

2.2 IPIDEA Advantages of the website

As mentioned above , The present agent ip There are many websites , How to choose the right platform is also a question worth thinking about .

Because there are many agents at present IP Website , according to stability and Security The comparison price is very different .

IPIDEA New users will get some free traffic when they register , This is important for us to try using agents ip Very friendly to my little partner .

Also, the platform supports residential dynamics ip, It's also an advantage .

Dynamic housing IP The benefits of :

  • Infinite concurrency
  • IP Availability >98%
  • API Call frequency :1 second
  • HTTP、HTTPS and SOCKS5 agreement

️‍ 3、 ... and 、 Use agent ip Two methods of

agent ip There are many ways to use , Now I will use and use the generated... Directly in the browser API Link two ways to make a simple demonstration .

3.1 How to use the browser agent ip

In the last step, we got a ip Agent pool , Next take QQ browser Example , Take a quick look at how to use these agents ip.

stay QQ Browser menu list - Set up - senior - The Internet - Change proxy settings

In the pop-up Internet Properties window , Click on LAN settings

Fill in the... We copied IP and Port number , And click the determine

Open the baidu / Google search engine , Search for :IP, View the status of the current agent IP Address

Here we are successful in using agent ip 了 , Next use The agent ip You can do something else ~

If you want to see more configuration methods of different browsers, you can go to IPIDEA The website links see

Be careful : It can only be used in overseas network environment , Do not provide any form of domestic use .

But this is just the simplest use , More advanced is to use this dynamic when using crawlers IP The agent pool achieves a better effect .

Let's write a simple proxy ip To visit github python Examples of modules .

3.2 Use A dynamic proxy ip Extract github python modular Example

Use Python Write a simple ip agent Example , Use... In the back Python When climbing some other data, you can refer to .

Use it directly requests Module to do , Then add a random request header module fake_useragent and UserAgent.

The following is to github python modular Make a simple example , The interface is as follows :

The full code is shown below , The notes are very detailed , I won't elaborate on it .

# WeChat search :[ A little fool Typing Code Y], reply [ Whoring for nothing ] Get more excellent programming learning materials !!# Crawlers use proxies IP# The import module :requests、fake-useragent、UserAgentimport requestsfrom fake_useragent import UserAgent# To visit url Address url='https://github.com/search?q=python'# Random request header headers={'User-Agent':UserAgent().random}# agent ip Of API(IPIDEA From the website )api_url='http://tiqu.ipidea.io:81/abroad?num=100&type=1&lb=1&sb=0&flow=1&regions=&port=1'res = requests.post(api_url,headers=headers, verify=True)# proxies = {' agreement ': ' agreement ://IP: Port number '}proxie = "https://%s"%(res.text)proxies = {'http': proxie}# Print all agents ipprint(proxies)# visit github python Module test and output results html=requests.get(url=url,headers=headers,proxies=proxies).textprint(html)# WeChat search :[ A little fool Typing Code Y], reply [ Whoring for nothing ] Get more excellent programming learning materials !!

The operation effect is shown in :

This is just a demonstration of using agent ip Crawling away github python modular , Make good use of A dynamic proxy ip There are more things that can be used , Let's experience it by ourselves !

As long as you can use reptiles , We can customize an automatic time switch ip, In this way, when crawling a large amount of data, it will avoid restricted access , Improve reptile efficiency .

️‍ Four 、 summary

  • About A dynamic proxy ip This piece can do more than crawl data
  • You can also do More interesting things , Like brush ##, climb ## wait , Let's explore the specific use by ourselves !
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