 程式師世界 >> 編程語言 >> C語言 >> C++ >> C++入門知識 >> ZOJ 1654 Place the Robots(超牛的建圖思路) - from lanshui_Yang

ZOJ 1654 Place the Robots(超牛的建圖思路) - from lanshui_Yang


Place the Robots


Time Limit: 5 Seconds Memory Limit: 32768 KB


Robert is a famous engineer. One day he was given a task by his boss. The background of the task was the following:

Given a map consisting of square blocks. There were three kinds of blocks: Wall, Grass, and Empty. His boss wanted to place as many robots as possible in the map. Each robot held a laser weapon which could shoot to four directions (north, east, south, west) simultaneously. A robot had to stay at the block where it was initially placed all the time and to keep firing all the time. The laser beams certainly could pass the grid of Grass, but could not pass the grid of Wall. A robot could only be placed in an Empty block. Surely the boss would not want to see one robot hurting another. In other words, two robots must not be placed in one line (horizontally or vertically) unless there is a Wall between them.

Now that you are such a smart programmer and one of Robert's best friends, He is asking you to help him solving this problem. That is, given the description of a map, compute the maximum number of robots that can be placed in the map.


The first line contains an integer T (<= 11) which is the number of test cases.

For each test case, the first line contains two integers m and n (1<= m, n <=50) which are the row and column sizes of the map. Then m lines follow, each contains n characters of '#', '*', or 'o' which represent Wall, Grass, and Empty, respectively.


For each test case, first output the case number in one line, in the format: "Case :id" where id is the test case number, counting from 1. In the second line just output the maximum number of robots that can be placed in that map.

Sample Input

4 4
4 4

Sample Output

Case :1
Case :2


       題目大意:給定一個 m*n 的地圖,地圖有方格組成,在地圖中有三種方格——牆、草地和空地。要求在地圖中放置盡可能多的機器人,每個機器人都配備了激光槍,可以同時向4個方向(上、下、左、右)開槍。機器人一直待在最初始放置的方格處,不可移動,然後一直向四個方向開槍。激光槍發射的激光可以穿透草地,但不能穿透牆壁。機器人只能放置在空地,並且不能使機器人相互攻擊。輸出可以放置的機器人的最大數目。‘o’表示空地,‘#’表示牆,‘*’表示草地。





using namespace std ;
const int MAXN = 55 ;
int n , m ;
char map[MAXN][MAXN] ;
short g[MAXN*MAXN][MAXN*MAXN] ; // 數組一定不要開小,否則可能直接WA !!
                                // 注意使用short或bool ,避免MLE
int cx[MAXN * MAXN] ;
int cy[MAXN * MAXN] ;
struct Point
    int br ;
    int bc ;
    Point():br(-1) , bc(-1) {}
} s[MAXN * MAXN] ;
int ha[MAXN][MAXN] ;     // 輔助數組
bool vis[MAXN * MAXN] ;  // 標記數組
int sumbr = -1 ;
int sumbc = -1 ;
void init ()
    memset(ha , -1 , sizeof(ha)) ;
    memset(g , 0 , sizeof(g)) ;
    memset(cx , -1 , sizeof(cx)) ;
    memset(cy , -1 , sizeof(cy)) ;
    sumbr = -1 ;   // 記錄橫向塊數
    sumbc = -1 ;   //記錄豎向塊數
    scanf("%d%d\n" , &n , &m) ;
    int i , j ;
    for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++)
        scanf("%s" , map[i]) ;
    int cnt = 0 ;
    int first = -1 ;
    for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++)  // 給橫向塊標號,從0開始
        first = -1 ;
        for(j = 0 ; j < m ; j ++)
            if(map[i][j] == '#')
                first = -1 ;
            if(map[i][j] == 'o')
                if(first == -1)
                    sumbr ++ ;
                    first = 1 ;
                s[cnt].br = sumbr ;
                ha[i][j] = cnt ;
                cnt ++ ;
    for(j = 0 ; j < m ; j ++)  // 給豎向塊標號,從0開始
        first = -1 ;
        for(i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++)
            if(map[i][j] == '#')
                first = -1 ;
            if(map[i][j] == 'o')
                if(first == -1)
                    sumbc ++ ;
                    first = 1 ;
                int tmp = ha[i][j] ;
                s[tmp].bc = sumbc ;
    for(i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i ++)  // 建圖
        g[ s[i].br ][ s[i].bc ] = 1 ;
int ca = 0 ;
int path(int v)  // 匈牙利算法
    int i ;
    for(i = 0 ; i <= sumbc ; i ++)
        if(g[v][i] == 1 && !vis[i])
            vis[i] = true ;
            if(cy[i] == -1 || path(cy[i]))
                cy[i] = v ;
                cx[v] = i ;
                return 1 ;
    return 0 ;
void solve()
    int i ;
    int ans = 0 ;
    for(i = 0 ; i <= sumbr ; i ++)
        if(cx[i] == -1)
            memset(vis , 0 , sizeof(vis)) ;
                ans ++ ;
    printf("Case :%d\n" , ++ ca) ;
    printf("%d\n" , ans) ;
int main()
    int T ;
    scanf("%d" , &T) ;
    while (T --)
        init() ;
        solve() ;
    return 0 ;


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