 程式師世界 >> 編程語言 >> .NET網頁編程 >> .NET實例教程 >> ArcGis 9.2客戶端開發簡介(2)

ArcGis 9.2客戶端開發簡介(2)





              public void ZoomIn(PictureBox m_PictureBox)


            fuzhou.MapDescription pMapDescription = m_sMapDesc;

            fuzhou.EnvelopeN pEnvelope = pMapDescription.MapArea.Extent as fuzhou.EnvelopeN;

            double eWidth = Math.Abs(pEnvelope.XMax - pEnvelope.XMin);

            double eHeight = Math.Abs(pEnvelope.YMax - pEnvelope.YMin);

            double xFactor = (eWidth - (eWidth * 0.5)) / 2;

            double yFactor = (eHeight - (eHeight * 0.5)) / 2;

            pEnvelope.XMax = pEnvelope.XMax - xFactor;

            pEnvelope.XMin = pEnvelope.XMin + xFactor;

            pEnvelope.YMax = pEnvelope.YMax - yFactor;

            pEnvelope.YMin = pEnvelope.YMin + yFactor;

            fuzhou.MapExtent pMapExtext = new fuzhou.MapExtent();

            pMapExtext.Extent = pEnvelope;

            pMapDescription.MapArea = pMapExtext;

            // save the map description and draw the map

            m_sMapDesc = pMapDescription;

            drawMap(ref pMapDescription, m_PictureBox);






       public void ZoomOut(PictureBox m_PictureBox)


            fuzhou.MapDescription pMapDescription = m_sMapDesc;

            fuzhou.EnvelopeN pEnvelope = pMapDescription.MapArea.Extent as fuzhou.EnvelopeN;

            double eWidth = Math.Abs(pEnvelope.XMax - pEnvelope.XMin);

            double eHeight = Math.Abs(pEnvelope.YMax - pEnvelope.YMin);

            double xFactor = (eWidth - (eWidth * 1.5)) / 2;

            double yFactor = (eHeight - (eHeight * 1.5)) / 2;

            pEnvelope.XMax = pEnvelope.XMax - xFactor;

            pEnvelope.XMin = pEnvelope.XMin + xFactor;

            pEnvelope.YMax = pEnvelope.YMax - yFactor;

            pEnvelope.YMin = pEnvelope.YMin + yFactor;

            fuzhou.MapExtent pMapExtext = new fuzhou.MapExtent();

            pMapExtext.Extent = pEnvelope;

            pMapDescription.MapArea = pMapExtext;

            m_sMapDesc = pMapDescription;

            drawMap(ref pMapDescription, m_PictureBox);





     private void piCGIs_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


            if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left)


 if (ispanning == true)


                PointClass m_point=new PointClass();

                m_point.X = e.X;

                m_point.Y = e.Y;

                IPoint m_ipoint = m_MapOperate.ScreenPointToMapPoint(m_point);//將鼠標的位置坐標轉換成圖形坐標

                startX = m_ipoint.X;

                startY = m_ipoint.Y;

                startDragX = e.X;

                startDragY = e.Y;




        private void piCGIs_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


            if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left)


            if (ispanning==true)


                // drag the image

                piCGIs.Image = null;

                deltaDragX = startDragX - e.X;

                deltaDragY = startDragY - e.Y;





        private void piCGIs_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

        {if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left)


            if (ispanning==true )


                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                PointClass m_point = new PointClass();

                m_point.X = e.X;

                m_point.Y = e.Y;

                IPoint  m_ipoint = m_MapOperate.ScreenPointToMapPoint(m_point);//記錄漫游終結點的屏幕坐標並將其轉換成圖形坐標

                double deltaX = m_ipoint.X - startX;

                double deltaY = m_ipoint.Y - startY;


                //change the extent and draw

                fuzhou.MapDescription pMapDescription =m_MapOperate.getMapDescription() ;

                fuzhou.EnvelopeN pEnvelope = pMapDescription.MapArea.Extent as fuzhou.EnvelopeN;

                pEnvelope.XMax = pEnvelope.XMax - deltaX;

                pEnvelope.XMin = pEnvelope.XMin - deltaX;

                pEnvelope.YMax = pEnvelope.YMax - deltaY;

                pEnvelope.YMin = pEnvelope.YMin - deltaY;

                fuzhou.MapExtent pMapExtext = new fuzhou.MapExtent();

                pMapExtext.Extent = pEnvelope;

                pMapDescription.MapArea = pMapExtext;

                // save the map description and draw the map

                m_MapOperate.SetMapDescription( pMapDescription);

bsp;               m_MapOperate.drawMap(ref pMapDescription, piCGIs);

                deltaDragX = 0;

                deltaDragY = 0;


                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;






public void Extend(PictureBox m_PictureBox)





                String  m_sDataFrame = map.GetDefaultMapName();

                fuzhou.MapServerInfo mapi = map.GetServerInfo(m_sDataFrame);


                fuzhou.Envelope pEnvelope = mapi.FullExtent;

                fuzhou.MapDescription pMapDescription = m_sMapDesc;

                fuzhou.MapExtent pMapExtext = new fuzhou.MapExtent();

                pMapExtext.Extent = pEnvelope;

                pMapDescription.MapArea = pMapExtext;


                // save the map description and draw the map

                m_sMapDesc = pMapDescription;

                drawMap(ref pMapDescription, m_PictureBox);


catch (Exception exception)


                MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "An error has occurred");






       private void Eager_eye_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


            if (e.Button.ToString() =="Left")


                PointClass m_Point=new PointClass() ;

                m_Point.X = e.X;

                m_Point.Y = e.Y;

                m_MapOperate.CenterAtByEye(e.X, e.Y,Eager_eye  ,piCGIs);




     public void CenterAtByEye(int X, int Y,PictureBox m_eyePictureBox, PictureBox m_PictureBox)


            String m_sDataFrame = map.GetDefaultMapName();

            fuzhou.MapServerInfo mapi = map.GetServerInfo(m_sDataFrame);

            m_sEyeMapDesc = mapi.DefaultMapDescription;

            //fuzhou.Envelope pEnvelope = mapi.FullExtent;

            fuzhou.fujian_MapServer  map1 = new fuzhou.fujian_MapServer ();

            PointClass m_tmpPoint = new PointClass();

            fuzhou.ImageDisplay idisp1;

            idisp1 = new fuzhou.ImageDisplay();

   idisp1.ImageHeight = m_eyePictureBox.Height;

            idisp1.ImageWidth = m_eyePictureBox.Width;

            idisp1.ImageDPI = 150;

            int[] Xs = { X };

            int[] Ys = { Y };

            fuzhou.MultipointN mpnt = map1.ToMapPoints(m_sEyeMapDesc, idisp1, Xs, Ys) as fuzhou.MultipointN;

            fuzhou.Point[] pnta = mpnt.PointArray;

            fuzhou.PointN pnt = pnta[0] as fuzhou.PointN;

            m_tmpPoint.X = pnt.X;

            m_tmpPoint.Y = pnt.Y;

            fuzhou.MapDescription pMapDescription = m_sMapDesc;

            fuzhou.EnvelopeN pEnvelope = pMapDescription.MapArea.Extent as fuzhou.EnvelopeN;

            double m_Width = Math.Abs(pEnvelope.XMax - pEnvelope.XMin) / 2;

            double m_Height = Math.Abs(pEnvelope.YMax - pEnvelope.YMin) / 2;

            pEnvelope.XMax = m_tmpPoint.X + m_Width;

            pEnvelope.XMin = m_tmpPoint.X - m_Width;

            pEnvelope.YMax = m_tmpPoint.Y + m_Height;

            pEnvelope.YMin = m_tmpPoint.Y - m_Height;

            fuzhou.MapExtent pMapExtext = new fuzhou.MapExtent();

            pMapExtext.Extent = pEnvelope;

            pMapDescription.MapArea = pMapExtext;

            // save the map description and draw the map

            m_sMapDesc = pMapDescription;

            drawMap(ref pMapDescription, m_PictureBox);

            return ;




public void setLayerVisible(int LayerId,PictureBox PictureBox,Boolean m_bVisible)


            String m_sDataFrame = map.GetDefaultMapName();

            fuzhou.MapDescription pMapDescription;

            fuzhou.MapServerInfo mapi = map.GetServerInfo(m_sDataFrame);

            pMapDescription = m_sMapDesc;

            int m_layerCount = mapi.MapLayerInfos.GetLength(0);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_layerCount; i++)


                if (pMapDescription.LayerDescriptions[i].LayerID == LayerId)


                    pMapDescription.LayerDescriptions[i].Visible = m_bVisible;

                    i = m_layerCount;



            m_sMapDesc = pMapDescription;

            drawMap(ref pMapDescription, PictureBox);


        public void setLayerVisible(String LayerName,PictureBox PictureBox,Boolean m_bVisible)


            String m_sDataFrame = map.GetDefaultMapName();

            fuzhou.MapDescription pMapDescription;

            fuzhou.MapServerInfo mapi = map.GetServerInfo(m_sDataFrame);

            pMapDescription = m_sMapDesc;

            int m_layerCount = mapi.MapLayerInfos.GetLength(0);

for (int i = 0; i < m_layerCount; i++)


                if (mapi.MapLayerInfos[i].Name  == LayerName)


                    pMapDescription.LayerDescriptions[i].Visible = m_bVisible;

                    i = m_layerCount;



            m_sMapDesc = pMapDescription;

            drawMap(ref pMapDescription, PictureBox);




      public int QueryFeatureCount(int LayerID,String FIEldName,String SearchStr)



                fuzhou.QueryFilter m_queryFilter=new fuzhou.QueryFilter();

                m_queryFilter.WhereClause = FIEldName + " like ''%" + SearchStr + "%''";

                int i = map.QueryFeatureCount(map.GetDefaultMapName(), LayerID, m_queryFilter);

                return i;


            catch (Exception exception)


                MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "An error has occurred");


            return 0;


        public int QueryF

eatureCount(String LayerName, String FIEldName, String SearchStr)




                String m_sDataFrame = map.GetDefaultMapName();

                fuzhou.MapServerInfo mapi = map.GetServerInfo(m_sDataFrame);

                for (int i = 0; i < mapi.MapLayerInfos.GetLength(0); i++)


                    if (mapi.MapLayerInfos[i].Name == LayerName)


                        int LayerID = mapi.MapLayerInfos[i].LayerID;

                        fuzhou.QueryFilter m_queryFilter = new fuzhou.QueryFilter();

                        m_queryFilter.WhereClause = FIEldName + " like ''%" + SearchStr + "%''";

                        int j = map.QueryFeatureCount(map.GetDefaultMapName(), LayerID, m_queryFilter);

                        return j;




            catch (Exception exception)


                MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "An error has occurred");


            return 0;



public fuzhou.RecordSet QueryFeatureData(int LayerID, String FIEldName, String SearchStr)




                fuzhou.QueryFilter m_queryFilter = new fuzhou.QueryFilter();

                m_queryFilter.WhereClause = FIEldName + " like ''%" + SearchStr + "%''";

                fuzhou.RecordSet m_recordset = map.QueryFeatureData(map.GetDefaultMapName(), LayerID, m_queryFilter);

                return m_recordset;


            catch (Exception exception)


                MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "An error has occurred");


            return null;


        public fuzhou.RecordSet QueryFeatureData(String LayerName, String FIEldName, String SearchStr)




                String m_sDataFrame = map.GetDefaultMapName();

                fuzhou.MapServerInfo mapi = map.GetServerInfo(m_sDataFrame);

                for (int i = 0; i < mapi.MapLayerInfos.GetLength(0); i++)


                    if (mapi.MapLayerInfos[i].Name == LayerName)


                        int LayerID = mapi.MapLayerInfos[i].LayerID;


yFilter m_queryFilter = new fuzhou.QueryFilter();

                        m_queryFilter.WhereClause = FIEldName + " like ''%" + SearchStr + "%''";

                        fuzhou.RecordSet m_recordset = map.QueryFeatureData(map.GetDefaultMapName(), LayerID, m_queryFilter);

                        return m_recordset;





            catch (Exception exception)


                MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "An error has occurred");


            return null;


        public fuzhou.RecordSet QueryFeatureData(String LayerName, String FIEldName, String SearchStr,String SqlWhere)




                String m_sDataFrame = map.GetDefaultMapName();

                fuzhou.MapServerInfo mapi = map.GetServerInfo(m_sDataFrame);

                for (int i = 0; i < mapi.MapLayerInfos.GetLength(0); i++)


                    if (mapi.MapLayerInfos[i].Name == LayerName)


                        int LayerID = mapi.MapLayerInfos[i].LayerID;

  fuzhou.QueryFilter m_queryFilter = new fuzhou.QueryFilter();

                        m_queryFilter.WhereClause = FIEldName + " like ''%" + SearchStr + "%'' " + SqlWhere;

                        fuzhou.RecordSet m_recordset = map.QueryFeatureData(map.GetDefaultMapName(), LayerID, m_queryFilter);

                        return m_recordset;





            catch (Exception exception)


                MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "An error has occurred");


            return null;




public void LocationBySql(String LayerName, String FIEldName, String SearchStr, PictureBox m_PictureBox)


            fuzhou.RecordSet m_recordset = new FzSecurityGisServer.fuzhou.RecordSet();

            m_recordset = QueryFeatureData(LayerName, FIEldName, SearchStr);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_recordset.Records.GetLength(0); i++)


                fuzhou.Geometry m_geometry=new FzSecurityGisServer.fuzhou.Geometry() ;

                fuzhou.GeometryDef m_GeometryDef = new fuzhou.GeometryDef();

                fuzhou.Field m_Field = new FzSecurityGisServer.fuzhou.FIEld();

                for (int j = 0; j < m_recordset.Fields.FIEldArray.GetLength(0); j++)


                    m_Field = m_recordset.Fields.FIEldArray[j];

                    if (m_Field.Type == fuzhou.esriFieldType.esriFIEldTypeGeometry)


                        m_GeometryDef = m_FIEld.GeometryDef;

                        if (m_GeometryDef.GeometryType == fuzhou.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)


                            fuzhou.PolygonN pgnn = m_recordset.Records[i].Values[j] as fuzhou.PolygonN;

                            fuzhou.EnvelopeN pEnvelope = pgnn.Extent as fuzhou.EnvelopeN;

                            fuzhou.MapDescription pMapDescription = m_sMapDesc;

                            double eWidth = Math.Abs(pEnvelope.XMax - pEnvelope.XMin);

                            double eHeight = Math.Abs(pEnvelope.YMax - pEnvelope.YMin);

                            double xFactor = (eWidth - (eWidth * 1.5)) / 2;

                            double yFactor = (eHeight - (eHeight * 1.5)) / 2;

                            pEnvelope.XMax = pEnvelope.XMax - xFactor;

                            pEnvelope.XMin = pEnvelope.XMin + xFactor;

                            pEnvelope.YMax = pEnvelope.YMax - yFactor;

                            pEnvelope.YMin = pEnvelope.YMin + yFactor;

                            fuzhou.MapExtent pMapExtext = new fuzhou.MapExtent();

  pMapExtext.Extent = pEnvelope;

                            pMapDescription.MapArea = pMapExtext;

                            m_sMapDesc = pMapDescription;

                            drawMap(ref pMapDescription, m_PictureBox);



                        if (m_GeometryDef.GeometryType == fuzhou.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)


                            fuzhou.PointN m_point = m_recordset.Records[i].Values[j] as fuzhou.PointN;

                            fuzhou.EnvelopeN pEnvelope = new fuzhou.EnvelopeN() ;

                            pEnvelope.XMax = m_point.X;

                            pEnvelope.XMin = m_point.X;

                            pEnvelope.YMax = m_point.Y;

                            pEnvelope.YMin = m_point.Y;

                            fuzhou.MapDescription pMapDescription = m_sMapDesc;

                            double eWidth = 1000;

                            double eHeight = 1000;

                            double xFactor = (eWidth - (eWidth * 1.5)) / 2;

                            double yFactor = (eHeight - (eHeight * 1.5)) / 2;

sp;                pEnvelope.XMax = pEnvelope.XMax - xFactor;

                            pEnvelope.XMin = pEnvelope.XMin + xFactor;

                            pEnvelope.YMax = pEnvelope.YMax - yFactor;

                            pEnvelope.YMin = pEnvelope.YMin + yFactor;

                            fuzhou.MapExtent pMapExtext = new fuzhou.MapExtent();

                            pMapExtext.Extent = pEnvelope;

                            pMapDescription.MapArea = pMapExtext;

                            // save the map description and draw the map

                            m_sMapDesc = pMapDescription;

                            drawMap(ref pMapDescription, m_PictureBox);







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