 程式師世界 >> 編程語言 >> 更多編程語言 >> 更多關於編程 >> 編寫Bash Shell通過gnuplot繪制系統性能數據圖的方法

編寫Bash Shell通過gnuplot繪制系統性能數據圖的方法


       這篇文章主要介紹了編寫Bash Shell通過gnuplot繪制系統性能數據圖的方法,做到可視化數據收集,需要的朋友可以參考下


      1.設置一個定時任何 執行getperf.sh,采集性能數據

      2.將采集到性能數據文件,如: 解壓

      3.將性能分析的腳步performance_analyse.sh 放到解壓後的目錄中



      6.直接運行 bash performance_analyse.sh



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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 ################################################# # # 這個腳本的作用是處理由性能采集腳本收集到的性能數據 #然後使用gunplot生產直觀的性能圖。 # ################################################# #!/bin/bash SysInfo(){ local file=$1 local productname="unknow" local cpumodel="unknow" local cpucore="unknow" local cpumhz="unknow" local physical="unknow" local realcpucore="unknow" local diskpart="unknow" local memory="unknow" ipaddr=`cat $file |grep -i "net addr"|grep -v "127"` productname=`cat $file |grep -i "product name"` cpumodel=`cat $file |grep -i "model name"|uniq -d` cpucore=`cat $file |grep "processor"|wc -l` cpumhz=`cat $file |grep -i "cpu MHz"|uniq -d` physical=`cat $file |grep -i "physical id"|sort -n|uniq -d|wc -l` realcpucore=`cat $file |grep -i "cpu cores"|uniq -d|awk -F ":" '{print $2}'` memory=` cat $file |grep -i -EB1 "mem:"` diskpart=`cat $file |grep -i "disk"|grep -E "[shv][d][a-z]"` echo "System Information:"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo "IP address:"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "$ipaddr"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo "$productname" |tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "t$cpumodel" |tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "tCPU corest:$cpucore"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "t$cpumhz"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "tPhysical cpu number:$physical"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "tEach CPU real core:$realcpucore"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo "$diskpart"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "Memory(MB):n$memory"|tee -a $REPORTFILE } CpuAllUsage(){ local file=$1 cat $file|grep -i "all"|grep -v -i -E "average|linux|system" >$GNUPLOTFOLDER/sar_cpu.$$ TITLE=`cat $file |sed "/^$/d"|grep -v -i "average|linux"|sed 1d|sed -n 1p` local SOURCE_SAR_CPU="$GNUPLOTFOLDER/sar_cpu.$$" local USER_UASGE=`echo $TITLE |awk '{print $3}'` local NICE_UASGE=`echo $TITLE |awk '{print $4}'` local SYSTEM_UASGE=`echo $TITLE |awk '{print $5}'` local IOWAIT_UASGE=`echo $TITLE |awk '{print $6}'` local STEAL_UASGE=`echo $TITLE |awk '{print $7}'` local IDLE_UASGE=`echo $TITLE |awk '{print $8}'` local cpuusagemax=`cat $SOURCE_SAR_CPU|awk '{print $3+$4+$5+$6+$7}'|sort -r|sed -n 1p` local Tmp_ylable=`echo $cpuusagemax|awk -F "." '{print $1}'` local ylable=`echo $Tmp_ylable+5|bc` local cpuusagemin=`cat $SOURCE_SAR_CPU|awk '{print $3+$4+$5+$6+$7}'|sort|sed -n 1p` local cpuusageavg=`awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$8}END{print 100-total/NR}' $SOURCE_SAR_CPU` echo "`date '+%F %H:%M:%S'`: CPU Performance analysis" |tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "t1.System Cpu load(%) tmax=$cpuusagemax,average=$cpuusageavg,mim=$cpuusagemin" |tee -a $REPORTFILE /usr/local/bin/gnuplot --persist <<EOF set term png size 800,600 #================= Cpu usage area pic =========== set output "TotalCpuUsage.png" set key title "Total CPU usage(%)" set key box 3 set key below set xlabel "times" set ylabel "TOTAL CPU USAGE(%)" set style fill solid 1 set style histogram rowstacked plot [1:][0:$ylable] '$SOURCE_SAR_CPU' using 3 with histogram lt rgb "#FFB3B3" title "$USER_UASGE", '' using 4 with histogram title "$NICE_UASGE", '' using 5 with histogram lt rgb "#B3CA7E" title "$SYSTEM_UASGE", '' using 6 with histogram lt rgb "#A464BF" title "$IOWAIT_UASGE", '' using 7 with histogram title "$STEAL_UASGE", '' using 8 with histogram lt rgb "#212121" title "$IDLE_UASGE", $cpuusagemax lt 4 lw 2 title "Max Usage ($cpuusagemax%)" EOF } CpuEachCoreUsage(){ local file=$1 sed -i 's/PM//g' $file local corenu=`cat $file|grep -v -i -E "average|system|all|linux"|sed "/^$/d"|awk '{print $2}'|sort -n -r|uniq -d|sed -n 1p` # echo $corenu PLOT="" echo "">$GNUPLOTFOLDER/idle_sum.$$ for (( i=0;i<=$corenu;i++ )) do cat $file |grep -v -i -E "average|system|all|linux"|sed "/^$/d"|awk "($2==$i){print}"|awk '{print $1 ," ",100-$8}'>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/$i.txt local idlesum=`awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$2}END{print total}' $GNUPLOTFOLDER/$i.txt` echo $i $idlesum >>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/idle_sum.$$ done first_load=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/idle_sum.$$|sort -n -k 2 -r|sed -n 1p|awk '{print $1}'` second_load=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/idle_sum.$$|sort -n -k 2 -r|sed -n 2p|awk '{print $1}'` third_load=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/idle_sum.$$|sort -n -k 2 -r|sed -n 3p|awk '{print $1}'` load=($first_load $second_load $third_load) echo -e "t2.Each core load:" local cpuload=("First" "Second" "Third") local nu=0 for i in ${load[@]} do local coreloadmax=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/$i.txt|sort -n -k 2 -r|sed -n 1p|awk '{print $2}'` local coreloadavg=`awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$2}END{print total/NR}' $GNUPLOTFOLDER/$i.txt` local coreloadmin=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/$i.txt|sort -n -k 2|sed -n 1p|awk '{print $2}'`   echo -e "ttt Load ${cpuload[$nu]} core $i : max=$coreloadmax , avg=$coreloadavg , min=$coreloadmin"|tee -a $REPORTFILE nu=`echo $nu+1|bc` done for ((i=0;i<=corenu;i++)) do if [ $i -eq $first_load ];then LW=4 elif [ $i -eq $second_load ];then LW=3 elif [ $i -eq $third_load ];then LW=2 else LW=1 fi TMP1="$GNUPLOTFOLDER/$i.txt" TMP2="using 1:2 with l lw $LW" TMP3="core $i " PLOT="$PLOT "$TMP1" $TMP2 title "$TMP3","   done local tmp_ylabel_range=`cat $file|grep -v -i -E "average|system|all|linux"|sed "/^$/d"|awk '{print 100-$8}'|sort -n -r|sed -n 1p|awk -F "." '{print $1}'|sed -n 1p` local ylabel_range=`echo $tmp_ylabel_range+5|bc` /usr/local/bin/gnuplot --persist <<EOF #=============== Each core usage ===================== set term png size 800,600 set output "CpuCoreIdle.png" set key title "Each Core Usage(%)" set key box 3 set key below set ylabel "CPU Core Usage(%)" set xdata time set timefmt "%H:%M:%S" plot [:][0:$ylabel_range] $PLOT EOF } MemoryUsage(){ local file=$1 local title=`cat $file |sed '/^$/d'|grep -i -E -v "average|linux"|grep -i mem` sed -i 's/PM//g' $file local kbmemused=`echo $title|awk '{print $3}'` local memused=`echo $title|awk '{print $4}'` local kbbuffers=`echo $title|awk '{print $5}'` local kbcached=`echo $title|awk '{print $6}'` local kbcommit=`echo $title|awk '{print $7}'` cat $file |sed '/^$/d'|grep -i -E -v "average|linux"|grep -i -v mem|awk '{print $1,$2/1024,($2+$3)/1024,$3/1024,$4,$5/1024,$6/1024}'>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/memory.$$ SOURCE_FILE=$GNUPLOTFOLDER/memory.$$ local memtotal=`awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$3}END{print total/NR}' $SOURCE_FILE` local memusedmax=`awk '{print $4}' $SOURCE_FILE|sort -n -r|sed -n 1p` local memusedavg=`awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$4}END{print total/NR}' $SOURCE_FILE` local memusedmin=`awk '{print $4}' $SOURCE_FILE|sort -n|sed -n 1p` local memfreemax=`awk '{print $2}' $SOURCE_FILE|sort -n -r|sed -n 1p` local memfreeavg=`awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$2}END{print total/NR}' $SOURCE_FILE` local memfreemin=`awk '{print $2}' $SOURCE_FILE|sort -n|sed -n 1p` local memcachemax=`awk '{print $7}' $SOURCE_FILE|sort -n -r|sed -n 1p` local memcacheavg=`awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$7}END{print total/NR}' $SOURCE_FILE` local memcachemin=`awk '{print $7}' $SOURCE_FILE|sort -n|sed -n 1p` local memused_cachemax=`awk '{print $4-$7}' $SOURCE_FILE|sort -n -r|sed -n 1p` local memused_cacheavg=`awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=($4-$7)}END{print total/NR}' $SOURCE_FILE` local memused_cachemin=`awk '{print $4-$7}' $SOURCE_FILE|sort -n|sed -n 1p` local used_percent=`awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$5}END{print total/NR}' $SOURCE_FILE` echo "`date '+%F %H:%M:%S'`: Memory usage analysis" |tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "tt1.total memory: $memtotal MB"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "tt2.memory used: max=$memusedmax MB ,avg=$memusedavg MB ,min=$memusedmin MB"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "tt3.memory free: max=$memfreemax MB ,avg=$memfreeavg MB ,min=$memfreemin MB"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "tt4.memory cache: max=$memcachemax MB ,avg=$memcacheavg MB ,min=$memcachemin MB"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "tt4.memory used-cache: max=$memused_cachemax MB ,avg=$memused_cacheavg MB ,min=$memused_cachemin MB"|tee -a $REPORTFILE /usr/local/bin/gnuplot --persist <<EOF set term png size 800,600 set output "MemoryUsage.png" set key title "Memory Use state" set key box 3 set key below set ylabel "MB" set y2label "(%)" set x2range [0:] set y2range [0:100] set xdata time set timefmt "%H:%M:%S" set xtics;set x2tics;set ytics ;set y2tics; plot '$SOURCE_FILE' using 1:3 w p title "Total Memory",'' using 1:4 w p title "Used",'' using 1:7 w p title "Cached" , '' using 5 with l lt rgb "red" title "memused($used_percent%)" axis x2y2 EOF } DiskUsage(){ local file=$1 cat $file |sed "/^$/d"|grep -v -i -E "device|linux"|sed 1d >$GNUPLOTFOLDER/disk.$$ local SOURCE_FILE=$GNUPLOTFOLDER/disk.$$ plot_readiops="" plot_writeiops="" local nu=1 echo "`date '+%F %H:%M:%S'`: Disk Performance analysis" |tee -a $REPORTFILE for diskpart in `cat $file |sed '1,2d'|grep -v -i "device"|awk -F " " '{print $1}'|sort|uniq -d|sed '/^$/d'|grep -E "^[a-z][a-z][a-z]$"` do awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE >$GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_tmpfile.$diskpart plot_readiops="$plot_readiops "$GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_tmpfile.$diskpart" using 4 w l title "$diskpart read IOPS"," awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$4}END{print total/NR}'>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local read_avg_iops=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk '{print $4}'|sort -n|sed -n 1p>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local read_min_iops=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk '{print $4}'|sort -n -r |sed -n 1p>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local read_max_iops=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ plot_writeiops="$plot_writeiops "$GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_tmpfile.$diskpart" using 5 w l title "$diskpart write IOPS","   awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$5}END{print total/NR}'>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local write_avg_iops=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk '{print $5}'|sort -n|sed -n 1p>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local write_min_iops=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk '{print $5}'|sort -n -r |sed -n 1p>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local write_max_iops=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$   awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$6}END{print total/NR}'>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local avg_read_throughput=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk '{print $6}'|sort -n|sed -n 1p>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local min_read_throughput=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk '{print $6}'|sort -n -r |sed -n 1p>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local max_read_throughput=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$7}END{print total/NR}'>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local avg_write_throughput=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk '{print $7}'|sort -n|sed -n 1p>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local min_write_throughput=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk '{print $7}'|sort -n -r |sed -n 1p>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local max_write_throughput=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$   awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$10}END{print total/NR}'>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local avg_await=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk '{print $10}'|sort -n|sed -n 1p>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local min_await=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ awk "($1=="$diskpart"){print}" $SOURCE_FILE|awk '{print $10}'|sort -n -r |sed -n 1p>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$ local max_await=`cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$` rm -f $GNUPLOTFOLDER/t.$$   echo -e "tt$nu.$diskpart performance:"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "ttt read iops:tt max=$read_max_iops ,t avg=$read_avg_iops ,t min=$read_min_iops"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "ttt write iops:tt max=$write_max_iops ,t avg=$write_avg_iops ,t min=$write_min_iops"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "ttt read data per second:t max=$max_read_throughput KB,t avg=$avg_read_throughput KB,t min=$min_read_throughput KB"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "ttt write data per second:t max=$max_write_throughput KB,t avg=$avg_write_throughput KB,t min=$min_write_throughput KB"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "ttt each io wait time:t max=$max_await ms ,t avg=$avg_await ms ,t min=$min_await ms"|tee -a $REPORTFILE done   /usr/local/bin/gnuplot --persist <<EOF set term png size 800,600 set output "DiskIOPSPerformance.png" set key title "Disk IOPS" set key box 3 set key below set ylabel "IOPS" plot $plot_readiops $plot_writeiops EOF } NetworkPerformance(){ local file=$1 sed -i 's/PM//g' $file cat $file |grep -E "eth|em"|grep -v -i "average">$GNUPLOTFOLDER/network_sourcefile.txt local sourcefile=$GNUPLOTFOLDER/network_sourcefile.txt local titlerxpackage=`cat $file |grep -i "IFACE"|awk '{print $3}'|uniq -d` local titletxpackage=`cat $file |grep -i "IFACE"|awk '{print $4}'|uniq -d` local titlerxbyte=`cat $file |grep -i "IFACE"|awk '{print $5}'|uniq -d` local titletxbyte=`cat $file |grep -i "IFACE"|awk '{print $6}'|uniq -d` if [ $titlerxbyte == 'rxkB/s' ];then unit="KB" elif [ $titlerxbyte == 'rxbyt/s' ];then unit="byte" fi local rxpackage='' local txpackage='' local rxbyte='' local txbyte='' local nu=1 echo "`date '+%F %H:%M:%S'`: Network Performance analysis" |tee -a $REPORTFILE for netcard in `cat $file |grep -E "eth|em"|grep -v -i "average"|awk '{print $2}'|sort|uniq -d` do cat $sourcefile|grep $netcard>$GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard rxpackage="$rxpackage "$GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard" using 1:3 w l title "$netcard $titlerxpackage"," txpackage="$txpackage "$GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard" using 1:4 w l title "$netcard $titletxpackage"," rxbyte="$rxbyte "$GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard" using 1:5 w l title "$netcard $titlerxbyte"," txbyte="$txbyte "$GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard" using 1:6 w l title "$netcard $titletxbyte"," max_rxpck=` cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard|sort -n -r -k 3|sed -n 1p|awk '{print $4}'` avg_rxpck=`awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$3}END{print total/NR}' $GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard` min_rxpck=` cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard|sort -n -k 3|sed -n 1p|awk '{print $4}'` max_txpck=` cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard|sort -n -r -k 4|sed -n 1p|awk '{print $5}'` avg_txpck=`awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$4}END{print total/NR}' $GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard` min_txpck=` cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard|sort -n -k 4|sed -n 1p|awk '{print $5}'` max_rxbyt=` cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard|sort -n -r -k 5|sed -n 1p|awk '{print $6}'` avg_rxbyt=`awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$5}END{print total/NR}' $GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard` min_rxbyt=` cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard|sort -n -k 5|sed -n 1p|awk '{print $6}'` max_txbyt=` cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard|sort -n -r -k 6|sed -n 1p|awk '{print $7}'` avg_txbyt=`awk 'BEGIN{total=0}{total+=$6}END{print total/NR}' $GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard` min_txbyt=` cat $GNUPLOTFOLDER/gnu_network.$netcard|sort -n -k 6|sed -n 1p|awk '{print $7}'` echo -e "tt$nu.$netcard load:"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "ttt rxpck/s:tt max=$max_rxpck ,t avg=$avg_rxpck ,t min=$min_rxpck"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "ttt txpck/s:tt max=$max_txpck ,t avg=$avg_txpck ,t min=$min_txpck"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "ttt rxbyt/s:t max=$max_rxbyt $unit,t avg=$avg_rxbyt $unit,t min=$min_rxbyt $unit"|tee -a $REPORTFILE echo -e "ttt txbyt/s:t max=$max_txbyt $unit,t avg=$avg_txbyt $unit,t min=$min_txbyt $unit"|tee -a $REPORTFILE nu=`echo $nu+1|bc`   done /usr/local/bin/gnuplot --persist <<EOF set term png size 800,600 set output "NetworkPackagePerformance.png" set key title "network performance" set key box 3 set key below set ylabel "Package/s" set xdata time set timefmt "%H:%M:%S" plot $rxpackage $txpackage EOF /usr/local/bin/gnuplot --persist <<EOF set term png size 800,600 set output "NetworkThougtputPerformance.png" set key title "Throughput performance" set key box 3 set key below set ylabel "$unit" set xdata time set timefmt "%H:%M:%S" plot $rxbyte $txbyte EOF } #定義gnuplot的字體msttcore目錄及字體,這個在壓縮包裡有,放到指定目錄即可。 export GDFONTPATH="/usr/share/fonts/msttcore" export GNUPLOT_DEFAULT_GDFONT="arial" SYSINFO_FILE=sysinfo CPU_USAGE_FILE=cpuusage.log MEMORY_USAGE_FILE=memusage.log DISK_USAGE_FILE=diskusage.log NETWORK_USAGE_FILE=network.log PWD=`pwd` REPORTFILE=report.txt GNUPLOTFOLDER="/tmp/gnuplotlinux" mkdir -p $GNUPLOTFOLDER #Time=`date '+%F %H:%M:%S'` echo -e "ttttttSDG Aystem Analysis Report" > $REPORTFILE SysInfo $SYSINFO_FILE echo "" >> $REPORTFILE CpuAllUsage $CPU_USAGE_FILE CpuEachCoreUsage $CPU_USAGE_FILE echo "" >> $REPORTFILE MemoryUsage $MEMORY_USAGE_FILE echo "" >> $REPORTFILE DiskUsage $DISK_USAGE_FILE echo "" >> $REPORTFILE NetworkPerformance $NETWORK_USAGE_FILE echo "" >> $REPORTFILE #腳本執行完成之後,會在性能數據所在的目錄中生成 #report.txt 性能報告文本 #TotalCpuUsage.png CPU利用率圖表 #CpuCoreIdle.png 每個CPU核心的Idle #MemoryUsage.png 內存使用率 #DiskIOPSPerformance.png 磁盤IOPS性能 #NetworkPackagePerformance.png 網卡發包率性能 #NetworkThougtputPerformance.png 網卡吞吐性能 #################################################
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