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Snowflake using Python to fight the Teradata, Google BigQuery and AWS Redshift


Snowflake利用Python來對抗Teradata、Google BigQuery和AWS Redshift

SnowflakeThe update is included in SnowparkImport the pair abovePython的支持,數據訪問能力,and external tables for internal storage

Cloud-based data warehouse companySnowflakeTuesday in its yearSnowflakeA new set of tools and integrations were introduced at the summit,以對抗Teradataother rival companies,以及谷歌BigQuery和亞馬遜Redshift等服務.

These new features include data access tools and corporate onesSnowparkApplication development system pairPython的支持,主要針對數據科學家、數據工程師和開發人員,The purpose is to speed them up機器學習之旅,This in turn accelerates application development.

Launched a year agoSnowparkIt is a data frame-style development environment,Designed to let developers deploy their favorite tools in a serverless fashionSnowflakeThe virtual warehouse computing engine.對Pythonsupport is in public preview.

Snowflake產品高級副總裁Christian Kleinerman說:"PythonProbably the most requested feature we've heard from customers".

對PythonThe needs are justified,Because it is the language of choice for data scientists,分析家們說.

"Constellation Research的首席分析師Doug Henschen說:**"**SnowflakeIt is actually catching up in this regard,Because competitors includeTeradata、Google BigQuery和Vertica已經有Python支持.

In an update announced at the summit,該公司表示,It is increasing for application development and iterationStreamlit集成.Streamlit是一個開源的Python應用框架,For machine learning and data science engineering teams,Help with visualization,Change and share data,在3月被Snowflake收購.

dbInsights首席分析師Tony Baer表示,This integration will allow users to staySnowflake環境中,不僅可以訪問、Protect and govern data,Data science applications can also be developed to model and analyze data.

Snowflake推出與PythonRelated integration services

其他一些與PythonRelevant integrations includeSnowflake Worksheets for Python、Large Memory Warehouses和SQL Machine Learning.

Snowflake Worksheets for Pythonis a private preview,A web-based interface designed to give businesses access to the company(被稱為Snowsight)development pipeline、機器學習模型和應用程序,該公司表示,It has capabilities such as code auto-completion and custom logic generation.

To help data scientists and development teams perform memory-intensive operations,Such as feature engineering and model training on large datasets,The company says it is working on a feature called Big Memory Warehouse.

目前處於開發階段,Large memory warehouse will pass withAnacondaThe integration of data science platforms isPython庫提供支持,它補充說.

"Multiple opponents are configurable,to support large memory repositories as wellPythonFunction and language support,所以這是SnowflakeKeep up with market demands,"Henschen說.

Snowflake也在提供SQL機器學習,Start with time series data,in private preview.該公司表示,The service will help businesses embed machine learning-driven predictions and analytics in business intelligence applications and dashboards.

據Henschen說,Many analytical database vendors have been building machine learning models for in-database execution.

"SnowflakeThe reason to start with time series data analysis is[它是]More popular machine learning analytics,Because it predicts future values ​​based on previously observed values,"Henschen說,And added that time series analysis has many use cases in finance.

SnowflakeThe update enables more data access

Faster application development due to faster data access,SnowflakeNew features were also introduced on Tuesday,Includes streaming data support,Snowflake中的Apache Iceberg表,and external tables for internal storage within the enterprise.

Streaming data support,This is a private preview,Will help eliminate streaming and batch pipeline vsSnowpipeboundaries between streams.Snowpipeis the company's continuous data ingestion service.

據Henschen說,The rationale for the feature was a high level of interest in supporting low latency options,Including near real-time and true streaming,And most providers in this market have the option of streaming ticked.

"This feature provides engineering teams with a built-in way to analyze streaming and historical data,So data engineers don't have to cobble together something themselves.這是一個節省時間的方法,"Henschen說.

To keep up with the demand for more open source table formats,該公司表示,它正在開發Apache Iceberg Tables,to run in its environment.

"Apache Icebergis a very popular open source table format,It is rapidly gaining traction as an analytical data platform.像IcebergSuch tabular formats provide metadata,Contributes to composition and scalable performance.Iceberg was also recently adopted by GoogleBig Lake產品,"Henschen說.

同時,To keep its internal clients engaged,At the same time trying to get them to adopt its cloud data platform,SnowflakeIntroducing external table internal storage.該公司表示,目前處於私人預覽階段,The tool allows users to access their data in the enterprise's internal storage systems,These companies include Dell Technologies and Pure Storage.

"Snowflake有一段時間的'Cloud Dedicated'政策,So they obviously have big, important customers,They want some way to bring internal data into analytics,without moving it all inSnowflake,"Henschen說.

此外,Henschen說,包括Teradata、Vertica和YellowbrickCompetitors including on-premise as well as hybrid and multi-cloud deployments.

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