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Example of how Python obtains real-time stock information


How to get real-time stock information

There are many interfaces for stock information , Before, Sina was commonly used , But at the beginning of the year , Sina's interface is suddenly unavailable , It has caused a lot of trouble to everyone , For this reason, there are many tutorials on the Internet to teach you how to obtain data from Sina , I can't follow the tutorial for a long time , Simply change to 126( That is, Netease ), I think the speed is pretty good .

First, let's look at the interface address :http://api.money.126.net/data/feed/1000001,money.api

Among them 1000001 It's the stock code , Different from Sina , His first representative is the exchange , Back 6 Bit is the stock code

0: Shanghai

1: The shenzhen stock exchange

2: Beijing stock exchange

First, view the data structure through the browser :

_ntes_quote_callback({ "1000001": { "code": "1000001", "percent": 0.002113, "high": 14.25, "askvol3": 1026758, "askvol2": 810700, "askvol5": 290493, "askvol4": 461100, "price": 14.23, "open": 14.2, "bid5": 14.18, "bid4": 14.19, "bid3": 14.2, "bid2": 14.21, "bid1": 14.22, "low": 14.11, "updown": 0.03, "type": "SZ", "bidvol1": 323600, "status": 0, "bidvol3": 244200, "bidvol2": 673474, "symbol": "000001", "update": "2022/06/25 17:59:57", "bidvol5": 343500, "bidvol4": 145200, "volume": 86604061, "askvol1": 817268, "ask5": 14.27, "ask4": 14.26, "ask1": 14.23, "name": " Ping An Bank ", "ask3": 14.25, "ask2": 14.24, "arrow": "↑", "time": "2022/06/24 16:00:58", "yestclose": 14.2, "turnover": 1227798687.09 }});

It can be seen that _ntes_quote_callback() What is in is the standard json data , We just need to use regular expressions to get out .
Let's first define a data structure :

class NetTick: def __init__(self, dict={}): self.name = dict.get('name') # The name of the stock self.yestclose = dict.get('yestclose') # Yesterday's closing price self.bidvol5 = dict.get('bidvol5') # buy 5 Number self.bidvol4 = dict.get('bidvol4') # buy 4 Number self.bidvol3 = dict.get('bidvol3') # buy 3 Number self.bidvol2 = dict.get('bidvol2') # buy 2 Number self.bidvol1 = dict.get('bidvol1') # buy 1 Number self.bid5 = dict.get('bid5') # buy 5 Price self.bid4 = dict.get('bid4') # buy 4 Price self.bid3 = dict.get('bid3') # buy 3 Price self.bid2 = dict.get('bid2') # buy 2 Price self.bid1 = dict.get('bid1') # buy 1 Price self.askvol5 = dict.get('askvol5') # sell 5 Number self.askvol4 = dict.get('askvol4') # sell 4 Number self.askvol3 = dict.get('askvol3') # sell 3 Number self.askvol2 = dict.get('askvol2') # sell 2 Number self.askvol1 = dict.get('askvol1') # sell 1 Number self.ask5 = dict.get('ask5') # sell 5 Price self.ask4 = dict.get('ask4') # sell 4 Price self.ask3 = dict.get('ask3') # sell 3 Price self.ask2 = dict.get('ask2') # sell 2 Price self.ask1 = dict.get('ask1') # sell 1 Price self.symbol = dict.get('symbol') # Stock code first place 1: The shenzhen stock exchange 0: Shanghai 2 Beijing stock exchange self.volume = dict.get('volume') # volume self.price = dict.get('price') # Current price self.open = dict.get('open') # Opening price self.low = dict.get('low') # The lowest price self.high = dict.get('high') # Highest price self.code = dict.get('code') # Remove the stock code marked as self.turnover = dict.get('turnover') # turnover self.percent = dict.get('percent') # applies self.updown = dict.get('updown') # Up and down

Through research , We found that 126 The interface supports multiple stock queries , Then we can define two methods , One by one , Check more than one , The specific implementation is as follows :

import requestsimport refrom models.nettick import NetTickfrom utils.packages import *class NetEaseData: @staticmethod def get_realtime_data(symbol): """ Netease's real-time data interface :param symbol: Stock code :return: Tick """ code = NetEaseData.convert_market(symbol) try: response = requests.get("http://api.money.126.net/data/feed/{},money.api".format(code)).text re_find = NetEaseData.__re_find(response) if re_find is not None: find_stock = re_find.get(code) if find_stock is not None: return NetTick(find_stock) except Exception as e: logger.error(' Error requesting Netease interface , error message :{}'.format(e)) return None @staticmethod def convert_market(other_market_code=str): """ Convert the general stock code sz sh bj start + Stock code """ if other_market_code[0:2].lower() == 'sh': return '0' + other_market_code[2:] elif other_market_code[0:2].lower() == 'sz': return '1' + other_market_code[2:] else: return '2' + other_market_code[2:] @staticmethod def get_realtime_datas(symbols=[]): """ Netease's real-time data interface :param symbols: Stock code list :return: Ticks list """ codes = [NetEaseData.convert_market(code) for code in symbols] result = [] try: response = requests.get("http://api.money.126.net/data/feed/{},money.api".format(','.join(codes))).text re_find = NetEaseData.__re_find(response) if re_find is not None: for code in re_find: item = re_find[code] result.append(NetTick(item)) except Exception as e: logger.error(' Error requesting Netease interface , error message :{}'.format(e)) return result @staticmethod def __re_find(response): find = re.findall(r"_ntes_quote_callback\((.*)\);", response) if len(find) >= 1: return to_obj(find[-1]) return Noneif __name__ == '__main__': ticks = NetEaseData.get_realtime_datas(['sh588000', 'sz000001', 'bj831010']) [print(tick.symbol, tick.name, tick.price) for tick in ticks] tick = NetEaseData.get_realtime_data('sz127045') print(tick.symbol, tick.name, tick.price)

It's very easy to use

NetEaseData.get_realtime_data: Acquire individual shares

NetEaseData.get_realtime_datas : Get multiple stock data

My stock code here is compatible with the original Sina model , You can make your own changes .

This is about Python This is the end of the article on how to obtain real-time stock information , More about Python To get the real-time stock information, please search the previous articles of software development network or continue to browse the relevant articles below. I hope you will support software development network more in the future !

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