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Python completed the thousand map imaging of the original words of the League of heroes, which is too cool


Kilogram imaging : use N Pieces of pictures put together to make a picture .undefined Realization principle : First, the image to be imaged is converted into mosaic image , Then replace the corresponding color block with the corresponding color image from the library .undefined Image processing in the gallery : Mark the mixed colors of each picture in the gallery , Used to replace the target color block , And record the characteristics of each image for imaging , Increase image quality .

0, origin


Part of the picture

Hero alliance - Microblogging

I saw this message when I was blogging a long time ago , I was shocked by him , The picture is made up of LOL A combination of nearly a thousand skin pictures ( Is this using ps It's done , It's still spelled one by one , It shouldn't be possible ), Just yesterday, I suddenly remembered this thing , I decided to do one, too , Even if the action is taken . I found this article , Look at the composition of the picture , Decide to get all the skin pictures first ! Then it began again Reptiles

Running environment :Python3.6.5 , pycharm-2018-1-2 , win10

What are you waiting for , Look down

1. Reptilian thinking

  • The source of skin pictures , First, I went to the official website to find , Thought of the daoju city skin monopoly area , There are just all the pictures we need .
 Skin image source 
  • adopt F12 Lock the picture and get the first picture URL,
 obtain URL
  • And so on, you can get multiple skin URL, It is found that only the red box in the figure is different
  • Try this to change the number in the red box ( metaphysics ), After changing the last three (122015-->122001) when , Got another Nuo hand's skin , It can be basically determined that the last three are Skin number , The number in front is Hero number , And the skin number must be three digits , Thanks for this step The blogger , Let me be more sure of the feasibility of this Law .( This step took a long time )
  • See here, you may have some questions , Why not get the required picture directly URL Well ? Why bother to find rules ? Because this page turning website is special , When turning the page URL It doesn't change , So you can't get all the skin through common methods , Then it is estimated that someone will propose to use selenium Library to simulate people using the browser to get all the pictures , But this will cause the speed of crawling pictures to be greatly reduced , It can only be used as a bad policy ( In the process, I learned octopus , It is found that the principle is similar to selenium, It's the Sims who control the browser , Speed is also not allowed to look directly , Although it can climb close 98% Website ), When the blogger's ability is limited, he chose the journey of finding rules !undefined If you have a good way to solve this problem , You can put forward... In the comments section , Thank you very much. !
  • Next, when you know the law , So how to get the number of each different hero ? Guided by other bloggers , Find out LoL database There are all the heads of heroes in , adopt F12 Find it slowly , Found this js file !

Look at the preview, You can get all hero numbers , And the test found that ! such as Ashe Aishi's first skin corresponding number should be 22001, therefore URL Namely , The test found that it was indeed successful !


  • Okay , That's it. That's the end of web analysis , Finally, you can write code !

2, The code framework

  • 1, Get hero number and skin number ( explain : About the skin number, we didn't find the number of each hero's skin , So set it to find all 001 To 015 Pictures of the , Of course, there can be more 020 It's OK )
  • 2, Import numbers into pictures URL in , Generate Url_list.
  • 3, according to URL To download the corresponding picture , And save to local .

3, Complete code

import requests
import re
import os
# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# title: obtain LOL Hero skin image #
# author: Simple books Wayne_Dream #
# date:2018-7-5 #
# Reprint please indicate the source !!! #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def getHero_data():
headers = {
'user-agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36'
url = 'http://lol.qq.com/biz/hero/champion.js'
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding
text = r.text
hero_id = re.findall(r'"id":"(.*?)","key"', text)
hero_num = re.findall(r'"key":"(.*?)"', text)
return hero_id, hero_num
return ' Oh my god , Failed to get hero code !'
def getUrl(hero_num):
part1 = 'https://game.gtimg.cn/images/daoju/app/lol/medium/2-'
part3 = '-9.jpg'
skin_num = []
Url_list = []
for i in range(1, 21):
i = str(i)
if len(i) == 1:
i = '00'+i
elif len(i) == 2:
i = '0'+i
for hn in hero_num:
for sn in skin_num:
part2 = hn + sn
url = part1 + part2 + part3
print(' picture URL To be successful ')
return Url_list
def PicName(hero_id, path):
pic_name_list = []
for id in hero_id:
for i in range(1, 21):
pic_name = path + id + str(i) + '.jpg'
return pic_name_list
def DownloadPic(pic_name_list, Url_list):
count = 0
n = len(Url_list)
for i in range(n):
headers = {
'user-agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36'
res = requests.get(Url_list[i], headers=headers).content
if len(res) < 100:
count += 1
print('\r Current progress :{:.2f}%'.format(100*(count/n)), end='')
with open(pic_name_list[i], "wb") as f:
count += 1
print('\r Current progress :{:.2f}%'.format(100*(count/n)), end='')
return ' Oh my god , Failed to get picture !'
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('author: Simple books Wayne_Dream:')
input(' Please enter any character to start crawling :')
if os.path.exists('D:\LOLimg_wayne\\') == False:
path = r'D:\LOLimg_wayne\\'
hero_id, hero_num = getHero_data()
Url_list = getUrl(hero_num)
pic_name_list = PicName(hero_id, path)
print(' Downloading pictures , One moment please ...')
print(' stay ' + path + ' Check out ...')
DownloadPic(pic_name_list, Url_list)
print(' The picture has been downloaded. ')
path = r'D:\LOLimg_wayne\\'
hero_id, hero_num = getHero_data()
Url_list = getUrl(hero_num)
pic_name_list = PicName(hero_id, path)
print(' Downloading pictures , One moment please ...')
print(' stay ' + path + ' Check out ...')
DownloadPic(pic_name_list, Url_list)
print(' The picture has been downloaded. ')

The code is ugly , If you don't understand something, you can put it forward in the comment area , I'll get back to you in seconds !/ Serious face

Okay , So far, we have finished LOL Whole skin acquisition , The next most interesting step , Kilogram imaging !( At the end of the article, there is the address of Baidu online disk of the skin atlas I climbed to )

4, In the initial stage, we first use a foreign synthesis software

Software download address

  • If it doesn't open , Then search for “foto-mosaik-edda” Download it !

Windows Please select this

After opening, the interface is like this .

The first step is to create a gallery

Take the first step



Wait a moment

Choose the second step create photo mosaic





2.5, Pop up a warning point to confirm

design sketch


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