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Python design pattern: Singleton pattern



The singleton pattern Maybe the simplest design pattern , Singletons are very generic objects . Allows you to guarantee that a class has only one instance ,  And provide a global node to access the instance .
We can think of the captain of a ship as a real-life example of the singleton model . On board , He is in charge . He is responsible for important decisions , Because of this responsibility , He received some requests .

As mentioned earlier , One use case of the singleton pattern is to create a single object that maintains the global state of the program . Other possible use cases are as follows :
  • Control concurrent access to shared resources ; for example , Object classes that manage connections to databases
  • Horizontal services or resources , Because it can be accessed from different parts of the application or by different users to complete its work ; for example , Japan Log recording system Or utility The core class
class Singleton:
 """Definition of a Singleton object."""
 singleton_instance = None
 def __init__(self):
 Override the initialization 
 mechanism, returning only the single instance.
 def get_singleton():
 Method for fetching the Singleton instance.
 Is static so that it can be accessed everywhere.
 def update_singleton(val):
 Method for setting value of Singleton instance.
 Is static so that it can be accessed everywhere.
Stored in  Singleton  The data in the instance is arbitrary . It is important to , Regardless of the data , What about the caller and the range ,Singleton  Object will return the same instance . This makes the unit useful in implementing things such as global settings or run configuration .

Single example

Use the following code snippet to play  Active Singleton  Realization . Try using data structures ( For example, a dictionary ) Replace variable Singleton_instance, And look at  Getter  and  Setter  How to change the implementation of . Try writing some shares  Singleton  Function of instance .
class Singleton:
 """Definition of a Singleton object."""

 # Maintain state of Singleton
 singleton_instance = None

 def __init__(self):
 """Override the initialization mechanism."""
 if Singleton.singleton_instance is None:
 Singleton.singleton_instance = self
 def get_singleton():
 Method for fetching the Singleton instance.
 Is static so that it can be accessed everywhere.
 if Singleton.singleton_instance is None:
 Singleton() # Call __init__ to initialize instance
 return Singleton.singleton_instance

 def update_singleton(val):
 Method for setting value of Singleton instance.
 Is static so that it can be accessed everywhere.
 if Singleton.singleton_instance is None:
 Singleton() # Call __init__ to initialize instance
 Singleton.singleton_instance = val

print("Value in Singleton instance is: " + Singleton.get_singleton())
Singleton() # Try to create a new Singleton instance
print("Value in Singleton instance is STILL: " + Singleton.get_singleton())

The singleton pattern can also be implemented by making singleton classes use metaclasses ( Its type , Has a previously defined metaclass ) To achieve . According to need , Metaclass  __call__()  Method to ensure that only one instance of a class can be created :class SingletonMeta(type):
 The Singleton class can be implemented in different ways in Python. Some
 possible methods include: base class, decorator, metaclass. We will use the
 metaclass because it is best suited for this purpose.

 _instances = {}

 def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
 Possible changes to the value of the `__init__` argument do not affect
 the returned instance.
 if cls not in cls._instances:
 instance = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
 cls._instances[cls] = instance
 return cls._instances[cls]

class Singleton(metaclass=SingletonMeta):
 def some_business_logic(self):
 Finally, any singleton should define some business logic, which can be
 executed on its instance.

 # ...

if __name__ == "__main__":
 # The client code.

 s1 = Singleton()
 s2 = Singleton()

 if id(s1) == id(s2):
 print("Singleton works, both variables contain the same instance.")
 print("Singleton failed, variables contain different instances.")

Advantages and disadvantages of singleton mode

advantage :
  •   You can guarantee that there is only one instance of a class .
  •   You get a global access node to the instance .
  •   Initialize singleton objects only when they are first requested .

shortcoming :
  • A violation of the Principle of single responsibility .  This model solves two problems at the same time .
  •   Singleton patterns can mask bad design ,  For example, each component of the program knows too much about each other .
  •   This mode needs special processing in multithreading environment ,  Avoid multiple threads creating singleton objects multiple times .
  •   Unit testing of singleton client code can be difficult ,  Because many test frameworks create mock objects in an inheritance based way .  Because the constructor of the singleton class is private ,  And most languages can't override static methods ,  So you need to think of ways to simulate singletons carefully .  Or don't write test code at all ,  Or don't use singleton mode .

Reference link :
  • The singleton pattern

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