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[Python] artifact to easily visualize Python program calling process


Today we share a Python The divine third-party library in the field -- pycallgraph, Through this library and in combination with graphviz Tools , Can be very convenient to complete Python Visualization of the application invocation process

Let's take a look at the renderings

What about? , It's amazing ~

Let's finish the visualization process together

install graphviz Tools

Process of generating pictures , It depends on tools graphviz Of , Let's download and install first

Download address


Detailed for graphviz Tools , Everyone should be familiar with , We have used this tool to visualize the decision tree , You can see it here

Introduction to data analysis series - Decision tree practice

The above link contains the detailed installation and configuration process , I won't go into that here

actual combat

Next we need to install two more Python Dependency Library

pip install pycallgraph

Let's write a basic code first

from pycallgraph import PyCallGraph
from pycallgraph.output import GraphvizOutput
class Banana:
    def eat(self):
class Person:
    def __init__(self):
    def no_bananas(self):
        self.bananas = []
    def add_banana(self, banana):
    def eat_bananas(self):
        [banana.eat() for banana in self.bananas]
def main():
    graphviz = GraphvizOutput()
    graphviz.output_file = 'basic.png'
    with PyCallGraph(output=graphviz):
        person = Person()
        for a in range(10):
if __name__ == '__main__':

Simple code , Two simple classes are defined , The main pycallgraph The core code is main Function , stay with Under code block , Just execute the code we defined once

Run the above code , Will generate... In the current directory basic.png Picture file

From the generated image, you can clearly see the running process of the whole code , from main Code block to class initialization , It can be said that it is clear at a glance

Let's take a more complicated example

import re
from pycallgraph import PyCallGraph
from pycallgraph import Config
from pycallgraph.output import GraphvizOutput
def main():
    graphviz = GraphvizOutput()
    graphviz.output_file = 'regexp.png'
    config = Config(include_stdlib=True)
    with PyCallGraph(output=graphviz, config=config):
        reo = compile()
def compile():
    return re.compile('^[abetors]*$')
def match(reo):
    [reo.match(a) for a in words()]
def words():
    return [
if __name__ == '__main__':

The code is also not responsible , However, the compiler calls re Regular , Let's take a look at the resulting image

You can see that the whole code process is a lot more complicated , Because many regular internal functions are called internally , But the whole is still very clear

It can be said that this divine third-party library , Definitely many Python lovers , Especially just getting started Python The gospel of friends in the field , When we come across some unfamiliar and more complex code blocks , Use this library to try visualization , See if you can get inspiration from it ~

Okay , That's all I share today , Just order one if you like Fabulous Well ~

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