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Analysis of multi inheritance c3-mro algorithm in Python


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Flower cat language : Hello everyone , I'm brother cat , The article shared today is the contribution of a group friend , It introduces Python In multiple inheritance “ Black magic ”. The original blog post was very thoughtful in typesetting , I lost some effects when I edited it to official account , therefore , If you feel something wrong when reading , Or want a better reading experience , Please jump to the original .

author :WH-2099

original text :https://blog.wh2099.com/python/c3-mro

object-oriented programming (OOP) One of the important characteristics of is polymorphism ( Or subclass attributes / Method override ), It is generally realized by searching the attributes and methods of objects in a specific order , This order is called Method Resolution Order (MRO).

This article shows Python in MRO The specific implementation of the generation algorithm , The algorithm logic is analyzed .

0. Statement

Not from 0 Is it difficult to start 1 Start ? You know what? , There is only 10 people of the same race , Programmers and non programmers :)

  • Keep it simple, stupid !

  • To represent only one's point of view , Inevitably, there are omissions , Welcome to correct

  • This article assumes that you've learned about Python Master the basic content of object-oriented in

  • This article has a clear theme , Therefore, the default top-level base class is object( Don't involve type About )

1. About MRO

1.0 What is? MRO ?

Method parsing order (Method Resolution Order, MRO) Is in object-oriented programming in , When inheritance is applied to an instance object , causing polymorphic features , compile / Interpreter Find and determine the order of specific instance methods .

Distinguish according to the number of parent classes inherited by subclasses ,MRO There will be two situations :

(1) In single inheritance MRO —— This is a relatively simple case .

(2) In multiple inheritance MRO —— This situation is relatively complex , And with the chaos of class inheritance hierarchy , Complexity is often beyond imagination .

Generally speaking MRO Basically, it refers to complex multiple inheritance MRO , Its essence is One order , It can be expressed by sequences in specific programming languages (Python The middle is collections.abc.Sequence), This article is the same as the general situation .

1.1 MRO What's the usage? ?

  • Implementation method overload

  • structure OOP polymorphic

  • Ensure that inheritance is valid

In short ,MRO yes OOP( object-oriented programming ) A top beam column of , Didn't it ,OOP Its features and advantages will be greatly discounted .

About MRO The role of , You can review OOP About China heavy load 、 Inherit 、 polymorphic The content of .

2. About C3-MRO Algorithm

2.0 What is? C3-MRO Algorithm ?

C3 superclass linearization(C3 Super class linearization algorithm ), Its essence is a sort algorithm , Mainly used to generate multiple inheritance MRO( Method parsing order ).

1996 Year of OOPSLA The meeting , The paper "A Monotonic Superclass Linearization for Dylan" For the first time C3 Super class linearization algorithm . Then it was applied to Python 2.3 Medium and new type MRO analysis .

For the sake of narration , In this paper, it is called C3-MRO Algorithm ( Hyphenated suffixes indicate their practical application ).

2.1 C3-MRO Algorithm and Python What does it matter ?

Python 2.2 Version to 2.3 When the version is excessive , In order to implement OOP Language level design , Existing Classic class On the basis of the new The new class .

Python 3 Classic classes are abandoned in , Only new types , so to speak The new type is Python 3 The default class used in .

The specific contents of the two types are not discussed here , But an important feature of the new class is that it inherits from... By default without explicitly declaring the inheritance parent class object class , coordination Python Syntax design that allows multiple inheritance , The initial stage has brought many problems to developers . A lot of reclusive bigwigs showed up in the Jianghu with all kinds of dark magic treasures , Unfortunately, they have not achieved enough results :

PEP-253 The Python 2.3 Method Resolution Order (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0253/)

[Python-Dev] perplexed by mro (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-October/029035.html)

Finally, the developers found that , In fact, some scholars have long developed appropriate solutions :1992 Apple launched Dylan Language ,1996 In, the related papers put forward C3 Algorithm .

therefore C3 Algorithm in 2003 In the year of , Took the solution Python 2.3 In the version The new class MRO What a mess .

these 2021 Year of Python 3.9.6 edition ,C3 The algorithm is still Python Solve multiple inheritance MRO The core algorithm of the problem .

( I really haven't heard of this Dylan Language XD )

in fact , stay Python in , You can use cls.__mro__ perhaps cls.mro() Get the MRO Sequence , And this is based on C3-MRO Algorithm :

class A(object):
class B(A):
# (<class '__main__.B'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>)
# [<class '__main__.B'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <class 'object'>]
#  The difference between the two is that they return  tuple  and  list

3. C3-MRO Analysis of algorithm ideas

The following is based on the author's understanding , With strong personal color , Unavoidably lack of objectivity .

But I think this way of thinking Relatively natural , I hope I can give you some inspiration !

3.0 C3-MRO The specific content of the algorithm

Let's put our thoughts aside first , have a look C3-MRO The specific content of the algorithm .

First of all, for the convenience of discussion , We agreed on some symbols :

  • An ordered set of elements is called Sequence , Write it down as []

  • class C Of MRO Also known as C Linearization of , Write it down as L(C)=[C1,C2,⋯,CN]

  • stay L(C)=[C1,C2,⋯,CN] in , Call the first item C1 by L(C) Of head , Write it down as L(C)head

  • stay L(C)=[C1,C2,⋯,CN] in , Call the sequence of subsequent elements that remove the first item [C2,⋯,CN]( Can be null ) by L(C) Of tail , Write it down as L(C)tail

  • Heads that do not appear in the tails of other sequences , We call it Good start , Write it down as H

  • The operation of connecting two sequences is recorded as +

meanwhile , according to OOP My general knowledge :

remember object by The root class ( That is, the earliest Class in class inheritance , It is also a superclass of all other classes ):


If one class C Inherited from base class B1,B2,⋯,BN that C3-MRO The formula of the algorithm is :


C3-MRO The main formula of the method is very clear , But there is also a self defining operation merge To be explained .

merge Is a special sequence merging operation , Accept multiple sequence inputs , Output a new sequence .

Take the main form as an example , The process is :

  1. First input sequence L(B1), take head L(B1)head

  2. Check   In the last step, take the tail of the input sequence after the header sequence   Is there a relationship with   The head removed in the previous step   Same element : If   No,  , explain L(B_1)head by   Good start  H , Extract it to the outer layer , Then delete the from all sequences   Good start  , go back to step 1 continue ; If   Yes  , take   The head of the next input sequence  L(B_2)head , From step 2 continue .

Repeat the above steps , Until the sequence is empty or no good head can be found :

If The sequence is empty , Then the algorithm ends ;

If The sequence is not empty , And can't find the elements that can be output , that Python Will throw out TypeError abnormal .

It's no use saying more , Let's actually get started :

It is strongly recommended that you read and try to derive this example yourself , This will help you understand the following .

This picture is taken from Wikipedia

#  Here is the pseudo code representation
class A(O)
class B(O)
class C(O)
class D(O)
class E(O)
class K1(A, B, C)
class K2(D, B, E)
class K3(D, A)
class Z(K1, K2, K3)

Don't worry , Don't be afraid of , It's not complicated , It just looks longer , Let's go step by step .

Let's try the simple , From being a root class O( That is to say object) How about the beginning :

L(O)  := [O]

OK, let's make it a little more difficult , Let's see A

L(A)  :=  [A] + merge(L(O), [O])  #  First expand the main formula
       =  [A] + merge([O], [O])   #  Then expand the linearization operation on the right  L(O)=O
       =  [A, O]                  #  head  O  Not in the tail of other sequences , Put forward  O

Have you found a feeling ? Try to complete the following by yourself :

L(B)  :=  [B, O]
L(C)  :=  [C, O]
L(D)  :=  [D, O]
L(E)  :=  [E, O]

Do you think the above calculations are actually a bit of a fuss ?

This is mainly because up to now, it is only Single inheritance , With intuitive feeling is completely enough .

But then it's time for this algorithm to show its magic , Let's see Multiple inheritance The situation of :

#  Here is more complicated
#  take your time , Don't worry
L(K1)  :=  [K1] + merge(L(A), L(B), L(C), [A, B, C])        #  First expand the main formula
        =  [K1] + merge([A, O], [B, O], [C, O], [A, B, C])  #  Then expand the linearization operation in which we have obtained the result
        =  [K1, A] + merge([O], [B, O], [C, O], [B, C])     #  Start with the first sequence :A It's a good start , Bring it out
        =  [K1, A, B] + merge([O], [O], [C, O], [C])        # O  Not a good start , No problem , Start with the next sequence ,B  It's a good start , extracted
        =  [K1, A, B, C] + merge([O], [O], [O])             # C  ditto
        =  [K1, A, B, C, O]                                 #  It's obvious here , There is even no tail that can compare with the head ( All empty tails ), Put forward  O
#########  The next step is to repeat the process
L(K2)  :=  [K2] + merge(L(D), L(B), L(E), [D, B, E])
        =  [K2] + merge([D, O], [B, O], [E, O], [D, B, E])
        =  [K2, D] + merge([O], [B, O], [E, O], [B, E])
        =  [K2, D, B] + merge([O], [O], [E, O], [E])
        =  [K2, D, B, E] + merge([O], [O], [O])
        =  [K2, D, B, E, O]
L(K3)  :=  [K3] + merge(L(D), L(A), [D, A])
        =  [K3] + merge([D, O], [A, O], [D, A])
        =  [K3, D] + merge([O], [A, O], [A])
        =  [K3, D, A] + merge([O], [O])
        =  [K3, D, A, O]
L(Z)  :=  [Z] + merge(L(K1), L(K2), L(K3), [K1, K2, K3])
       =  [Z] + merge([K1, A, B, C, O], [K2, D, B, E, O], [K3, D, A, O], [K1, K2, K3])
       =  [Z, K1] + merge([A, B, C, O], [K2, D, B, E, O], [K3, D, A, O], [K2, K3])
       =  [Z, K1, K2] + merge([A, B, C, O], [D, B, E, O], [K3, D, A, O], [K3])
       =  [Z, K1, K2, K3] + merge([A, B, C, O], [D, B, E, O], [D, A, O])
       =  [Z, K1, K2, K3, D] + merge([A, B, C, O], [B, E, O], [A, O])
       =  [Z, K1, K2, K3, D, A] + merge([B, C, O], [B, E, O], [O])
       =  [Z, K1, K2, K3, D, A, B] + merge([C, O], [E, O], [O])
       =  [Z, K1, K2, K3, D, A, B, C] + merge([O], [E, O], [O])
       =  [Z, K1, K2, K3, D, A, B, C, E] + merge([O], [O], [O])
       =  [Z, K1, K2, K3, D, A, B, C, E, O]

3.1 Understand the core idea of the algorithm

MRO The essence is The order , And for generating this order C3-MRO Algorithm , In essence, it is a Sorting algorithm .

Individual is from Multi attribute sorting To understand from the perspective of C3-MRO Algorithm .

The core problem in multi-attribute sorting , In fact, that is Determine the priority between attributes .

know of Three laws of robotics Do you ? If you see it for the first time . You might as well know .

As a programmer , This is the problem we will face sooner or later XD

Personally think that , We can put C3-MRO The core idea of the algorithm is summarized as MRO The three law

Ⅰ. MRO Ensure that the subclass is in front of the parent .

Ⅱ. MRO Monotonicity should be maintained , But it cannot be violated Ⅰ.

Ⅲ. MRO Local priority should be followed , But it cannot be violated Ⅰ or Ⅱ .

that ,MRO The three law How is it embodied in the specific algorithm ?

Ⅰ. The subclass is in front of the parent

This is the basic foothold of inheritance and polymorphism .

example : Subclasses can overload the properties and methods of the parent class ( This feature is called polymorphism )

This law is mainly reflected in the algorithm :

(1)C It is its own subclass , So in the main formula of the algorithm, we will first put C Pull it out , Then recursively call its parent class in order


This operation is trivial , It seems a little unworthy of its highest status as the first law ?

No , On the contrary , The greatest truths are the simplest

it is to be noted that , The algorithm is recursive Of , This Small operation It will build a whole in layers of recursion step by step Great order .

We can think about the process of recursion :

Recursion calls itself again and again , The last layer recurses in object return .

The outer layer of recursion takes out the current class ( That is to say object Subclasses of ), Put it at the front .

The outer layer of recursion takes out the current class (object Subclasses of subclasses of ), Put it at the front .

The outer layer of recursion takes out the current class (object Subclasses of subclasses of subclasses of ), Put it at the front .


The call starts at the bottom of the inheritance structure tree ( Now up ), Recursive return is in the reverse order of the call ( The first reversal , Now down );

Each time the current class is placed at the top of the sequence , It will construct a sequence opposite to the traversal order ( The second reversal , Now up );

So the final generated sequence is in the same direction as the recursive call ( The truth that the opposite is the right ).

This little operation , Actually, let's finish Traverse up the inheritance structure tree .

(2)merge Search for good heads and extract ( Judgment not included in the native parent sequence at the end )


(1) It determines that our general direction is to follow the inheritance structure all the way up , But there's a problem , That is how to choose the direction of the next step when the concrete inheritance generates bifurcation :

Here we assume that class C(A, B)

C -> A Then what should we do next ,C -> A -> B -> O still C-> A -> O -> B ?

Obviously , To ensure subclasses B In his father's class O In front of , Our decision should be C -> A -> B -> O .

As the winner of the dark magic war ,C3-MRO The algorithm can naturally make the same smart decisions .

We judge by visual observation of graphics , So how does the algorithm do it ?

Let's take a look at the specific derivation :

O Appear in other sequences as headers ( Does not contain the last native parent sequence ) In the tail of

O The rest are still not inherited ( The inherited ones have been extracted out ) The parent class of the class

The above two lines are essentially the same , therefore merge Pass through Find a good header in the sequence that does not contain the last native parent The operation of is completed The choice at the bifurcation of the inheritance structure . In fact, I prefer to name this operation * Recognize one's family * XD

Ⅱ. monotonicity

A class of MRO Maintained and contained in any of its subclasses MRO in .

example :C Of MRO in B1 and B2, And B1 stay B2 Before , It's in C Of any subclass of MRO in , Also exist B1 and B2, And B1 stay B2 Before .

Monotonicity ensures the most basic MRO Of stability , It will not change due to different query starting points .

in fact ,C3-MRO The algorithm can finally stand out , The main reason is that Python 2.3 The first part of the version is candidate Black magic in , Only it shows good monotony .

The rest of the dark magic can deal with most of the multi inheritance problems , However, monotony cannot be maintained under certain circumstances .

This law is mainly reflected in the algorithm : The equality form of the main formula of the algorithm and the logic of its recursive traversal .

L(C)= [C]+merge(L(B1),L(B2),⋯,L(BN),[B1,B2,⋯,BN])

L(C)  :=  [C] + merge(L(A), L(B), [A, B])
        =  [C] + merge([A, O], [B, O], [A, B])
        =  [C, A] + merge([O], [B, O], [B])      #  We found that  O  Not a good start , So I skipped it
        =  [C, A, B] + merge([O], [O],) 
        =  [C, A, B, O]

in fact , this Similar to mathematical induction , Any subsequent round of calculation is based on the results of the previous round , Nature can keep monotony . Of course ,merge The specific operation is also very important , But it's really hard to illustrate , So I won't state it here .

Ⅲ. Local priority

The base class higher in the inheritance sequence , The higher the priority .

example :class C(A, B) Contains semantics : Build type C, Inherit first A, Secondly, inheritance B.

This is a Python Basic syntax design of multiple inheritance , In order to Ensure programmer control over inheritance .

No matter what language it is , It is necessary to ensure that users have full control .

This law is mainly reflected in the algorithm :merge The last native parent sequence in .


actually merge The last native parent sequence only works in some cases .

If you don't believe it, you can look back 3.0 An example at the end of the section , In the process of actual derivation, remove merge The native parent sequence at the end , Eventually you will find that the results have not been affected .

So when will it work ? Let's take a special example :

It is assumed here that class B(O, A)

L(B)  :=  [B] + merge(L(O), L(A), [O,A])  
        =  [B] + merge([O], [A,O], [O,A])
           #  Here we first take  O  For the head , But it clearly appears at the end of the second sequence , Not a good start
           #  We start with the head of the second sequence  A  continue , But what we found was that , It's not a good start
           #  Then take the head of the third sequence O , unfortunately , It's not . Final , There is no good beginning , trigger TypeError

Here suddenly jumped out TypeError yes Python The painstaking efforts of designers , The purpose is to prevent developers from creating this kind of in OOP A conceptually logically chaotic inheritance system , Solve the problem of multiple inheritance from the root .

But here we don't talk about OOP Related issues of concept , Just for “MRO The three law ” Say the reason :

  1. First , In consideration of local priority , We should choose B -> O -> A, But that's what it's all about In violation of article Ⅰ The laws of .

  2. ok , Let's just leave it alone The first Ⅲ The laws of 了 , go B -> A -> O got . However, in some complex structures ( In view of the length , No show here , Its essence is that programmers cannot effectively control inheritance priority ) There will be again Monotony is broken , The first Ⅱ The law is violated The situation of .

stay 1 in , The most important part Ⅰ The law is broken ; stay 2 in , The first Ⅱ Law and article Ⅲ The law is broken at the same time .

In fact? , And Three laws of robotics The same thing ,MRO The three law Under certain circumstances Generate confrontation between laws .

Although we have designed priorities between laws to deal with , But confrontation will definitely be a Bad situation , Because it must Violate at least one of these laws .

We just TypeError In the case of , All three laws are threatened , So we need to avoid this happening .

Python Language designers take this into account , Just throw it out TypeError, Prevent developers from creating ambiguous and confusing inheritance structures .

Have to say , Even close 20 Looking back on today, years later , This algorithm is still elegant and efficient .

Please note that : Thought and algorithm are essentially one and two sides , Complete decoupling is unrealistic , Therefore, the author here only selects the easy to understand part to say , More content is left for you to comprehend .

3.2 Complete the algorithm with code

Talk is cheap. Show me the code.

Don't talk nonsense , Put it in code. .

The author wrote C3-MRO Of Python Code implementation , Please refer to the notes for specific instructions .

Wikipedia The content on is also edited and updated by the author

def c3_mro(cls):
    if cls is object:
        #  The discussion assumes that the top-level base class is  object , Recursive termination
        return [object]
    #  structure  C3-MRO  The general formula of the algorithm , Recursion begins
    merge_list = [c3_mro(base_cls) for base_cls in cls.__bases__]
    mro = [cls] + merge(merge_list)
    return mro
def merge(in_lists):
    if not in_lists:
        #  If the merged content is empty , Returns an empty  list
        #  Cooperate with the exclusion space below  list  operation , Recursive termination
        return []
    #  Traverse to merge  MRO
    for mro_list in in_lists:
        #  Take the head
        head = mro_list[0]
        #  Traverse to merge  MRO( Same as the outer layer ), Check whether there is a head in the tail
        for cmp_list in in_lists:
            if cmp_list is mro_list:
            if head in cmp_list[1:]:
            #  Select the good head
            next_list = []
            for merge_item in in_lists:
                if head in merge_item:
                if merge_item:
                    #  Exclude empty  list
            #  Recursion begins
            return [head] + merge(next_list)
        #  There is no good beginning , Cause the wrong type
        raise TypeError

3.3 Questions to be considered and commented

Next I will give two Open questions , If you are interested, you can leave your views on these two issues in the comment area .q(≧▽≦q)

The devil triangle inheritance problem

There is a base class O, Defines the method f,A Class inherited O class ,B Class inherited O Classes and A class . So there's a problem ,B Class f How to call ?

Horror diamond inheritance problem :

There is a base class O , Defines the method f ,A Classes and B Class inherited O class ,C Class inherited A and B class . So there's a problem ,D Class f How methods should be called ?

stay Python3 Popular today , This is the most normal operation .

( hold O regard as object ,Python 3 All classes inherit from by default object

But in the use of Python 2.2 A typical class Of 21 At the beginning of the century , These two problems do not know how many developers Brilliant XD!

Some people are afraid of it , In the name of devil and terror .

Of course ,C3-MRO These two problems have been well solved .

But if the context of specific language implementation is stripped , Look at it purely from the perspective of object-oriented design , The answers to these two questions are completely open .

Discussion and exchange are the necessary ways of knowledge dissemination , You may wish to leave your views on these two issues in the comment area .(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

4. Reference source

  1. The Python 2.3 Method Resolution Order

  2. The paper A Monotonic Superclass Linearization for Dylan

  3. C3 Linearization algorithm and MRO—— understand Python More inheritance in

  4. C3 linearization

  5. The thread on python-dev started by Samuele Pedroni

  6. PEP 253 -- Subtyping Built-in Types

  7. Python Method parsing order MRO-C3 Algorithm

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