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Python reading and writing Excel files


List of articles

    • 01 Pandas What is it? ?
    • 02 install Pandas
    • 03 Write data to Excel file
    • 04 from Excel Read data from

stay Python in , Want to read and write Excel How to file , There are many ways , For example, it can be used xlrd、openpyxl、pandas And other modules can be implemented , It's just that there are some differences between reading and writing in different modules .

I like to use it myself pandas, It's strong enough .

01 Pandas What is it? ?

Pandas Is an open source third party Python library , be based on Numpy and Matplotlib Built on , The mainstream of data analysis in the industry 【 Three piece set 】(NumPy、Matplotlib、Pandas).Pandas Has become a Python Necessary advanced tools for data analysis , It's as powerful 、 flexible 、 Data analysis tools that can support any programming language , Very popular .

02 install Pandas

The first way ( recommend ):

Open the terminal , Input :pip install pandas Command to install .

The second way :

find Pandas Download library for :https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/

Then download the version you want .

03 Write data to Excel file

Excel It's a table , It contains 【 That's ok 】 and 【 Column 】, These are two areas that we need to focus on , Whether it's reading data , Or write data , It's actually operating on rows and columns .

Very simple , Let's implement a simple 【 User table 】, The general idea is :

  1. First import pandas library
  2. Prepare the data , And create a worksheet
  3. Custom index ( I added it on purpose )
  4. Write data to excel In the table ( Here... Will be created automatically excel file )

The specific code is as follows :

# First step , Import pandas library , Take an alias 
import pandas as pd
# The second step , Prepare the data , And create a worksheet 
# DataFrame Data frame , Key concepts 
# It is equivalent to us 【 workbook 】 One of them 【 Worksheet 】
df = pd.DataFrame({

'name':[' Zhang San ', ' Li Si ', ' Wang Wu '],
'age':[22, 33, 44]
# The third step ,Pandas The default index will be used 
# But let's customize the index , Otherwise, the generated worksheet will have its default index , Not so good 
df = df.set_index('id')
# Step four , Writes data to excel In file 

04 from Excel Read data from

There's a premise , You have to have one first excel file , Don't be too nervous to forget .

Just one key method :read_excel()

You can specify which file to read ? Which worksheet to read ? Which line to start with ?……

We , Let's look at the code , It's simple :

# Parameters 1: Specify read hello.xlsx file 
# Parameters 2:header = 3 It means starting from the fourth line , Because the index is from 0 At the beginning 
# Parameters 3:sheet_name Specify the worksheet to read 
user= pd.read_excel('user.xlsx', header=3, sheet_name='sheet1')
# Output column name 
# If your Excel There is no opening title in , It can be used header = None To set it up 
user= pd.read_excel('user.xlsx', header=None)
user.columns = ['id', 'name', 'age']
# adopt index_id To assign id Column as index 
user = pd.read_excel('user.xlsx', index_col='id')
# head The default is before output 5 That's ok , At this point, the default index will not be generated 
# skiprows Skip the first few lines 
# usecols Use the data in those columns 
# dtype Set the type of a column 
peoples = pd.read_excel('user.xlsx', skiprows = 3, usecols='E:H', dytpe={
'ID':str, 'gender':str, 'birthday':str})

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