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Python and JS implement reverse encryption parameter cracking


Resource download address :https://download.csdn.net/download/sheziqiong/85795438
Resource download address :https://download.csdn.net/download/sheziqiong/85795438

js Reverse encryption parameter cracking

The background that

Some websites url The composition contains encryption parameters , The encryption method of these parameters is written in JavaScript in , and js Usually compressed , Obfuscation and encryption ; The project passed AJAX The breakpoint ,hook Method first find the encryption entry , Secondly through playwright Mount the encryption method to window In the object , To use the browser environment to execute JavaScript Purpose of method , Thus, without knowing the specific encryption logic , Analog parameter encryption .

Specific goals

  1. obtain url:https://spa6.scrape.center/, In the website 100 Title of movie data , Score and profile fields , And save to MySQL in .

2. result

Methods to analyze

List of pp. url analysis

This is a AJAX request ,token Parameters are encryption parameters ,limit The parameter indicates the number of movies displayed per page ,offset According to observation , by ( The current number of pages -1)*10;
To observe token Construction , Let's play one AJAX The breakpoint , In a AJAX Ask for a moment to stop , Use the call stack to find token The generation entry of

View the call stack by , find token Generate entry ,

stay 169 Line break point , Refresh web page , And will _0x2fa7bd['a'] and this['$store']['state']['url']['index'] Add to watch Monitoring ,
Easy to find _0x2fa7bd[‘a’] It's a method , The parameter passed in is /api/movie
At this time there is 2 This path can take ,1 Is click chunk-4dec7ef0.e4c2b130.js:1, Check the construction logic of this method , And use python Simulate the method , The second way is to direct _0x2fa7bd['a'] Mount to browser window In the object , Which method to choose depends on the complexity of the method , Here, we first click in to view the method ,
stay return Place a breakpoint , Refresh , Look at the change of variables

  1. Compare the current timestamp with /api/movie Construct a list
  2. use , Concatenate this list to form a string , use SHA1 Encryption forms 40 individual 16 Hexadecimal number
  3. And then form a list with time stamps , And use , Concatenate into strings
  4. Use string base64 Method is encrypted to 64 Printable characters

If you use python If you implement it, you need to import hashlib call sha1 Method , Import base64 call encode Method , It's more complicated , Here we go to mount window Object mode

  1. Download the location where the encryption method is changed js file

  2. vscode Open the file , Add the following sentence to the next line after the method call window.encrypt = Object(_0x2fa7bd['a']); It means to change the method into window An attribute of an object

  3. call playwright Library override js Load path

    from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
    browser = sync_playwright().start().chromium.launch()
    page = browser.new_page()
    lambda route: route.fulfill(path='./ project 6/chunk.js'))
    lambda route: route.fulfill(path='./ project 6/chunk-id.js'))
  4. therefore playwright The browser instance of has the ability to call the encryption method , Then we write a method , Let the browser execute this one JavaScript Method , Its function is to make the parameters passed in , Implement this encryption method and return the output

def get_token(self, params):
result = self.page.evaluate(
'()=>{return window.encrypt("%s")}' % params)
return result

So the list page url The construction is completed , Next use requests/aiohttp/scrapy And so on url that will do

Details page url analysis

Or a AJAX request , Yes 2 Encryption parameters ,2 All of them are 64 Bit string , Maybe they all used base64 Encryption method ,token The construction method of may be the same as that of the list page , The front one , Let's call it id Unclear

  1. First investigate token Encryption entry for , See if the method is consistent with the list page , If the same , See what the encryption parameters are

    It can be seen that token The encryption method is the same , But the encryption parameters are different ,/api/movie/ZWYzNCN0ZXVxMGJ0dWEjKC01N3cxcTVvNS0takA5OHh5Z2ltbHlmeHMqLSFpLTAtbWIx, stay /api/movie/ It is also spliced on the basis of id, Then the next direction is id The encryption construction method of , but id By looking at the call stack, we can't find , So another way , That's it base64 Encryption method , Well, it's probably using btoa Method , We can use tampermonkey Plug in write a simple JavaScript Script , Conduct hook Capture

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name hookbase64 # Script name 
    // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
    // @version 0.1
    // @description try to take over the world!
    // @author You
    // @match https://spa6.scrape.center/ # Target website 
    // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=greasyfork.org
    // @grant none
    // ==/UserScript==
    (function() {
    'use strict';
    function hook(object,attr){
    var func=object[attr] # Let's define a method 
     # Then rewrite this method 
    console.log('hooked',object,attr) # The console outputs the invoked objects and properties 
    var ret=func.apply(object,arguments) # Call the first method 
    console.log('ret',ret) # The console outputs the returned results 
    debugger # a key : Enter debugging here 
    return ret # Return results 
    hook(window,'btoa') # Instantiate this method , The object is window, The method is 'btao'

    Cancel all breakpoints on the page , Refresh

    Strangely, it didn't trigger js Script run
    What might be the reason ? It could be this id Not included on this page AJAX Generated in the request , It may be in the URL of the list page AJAX The request generates , Check it out

    Sure enough debug Live in the , But this parameter has a timestamp again , This is not the call ( Here is token The formation process of ) Click on ``` Continue with the script ```

    eureka , A parameter is a string of meaningless characters , By calling stack , Find its upper calling method step by step

    Finally, we found the structure entrance , Enter to view its encryption method , by 2 String together , use base64 Encrypted into 64 Bit string , A string is fixed , The other is the passed in parameter , This parameter must be the unique identification code that distinguishes each step of the movie , Next, go to the list page JSON file

    It can be inferred that ID Field is the parameter passed in

    Then we will continue to use the list page method , Use this method with playwright Mount to window In the object , structure id Generate the method

    def get_id(self, params):
    result = self.page.evaluate(
    '()=>{return window.encrypt_id("%s")}' % params)
    return result

    url After they are all constructed , Here's what happens .

The script structure

Resource download address :https://download.csdn.net/download/sheziqiong/85795438
Resource download address :https://download.csdn.net/download/sheziqiong/85795438

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