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Run mavsdk-python flight control application on Shumei School under px4-jmavsim software simulation environment


    The four axes of the sky DIY” Wechat official account training materials are right Pixhawk Aircraft installation Raspberry Pi Introduced , About software simulation , This paper introduces the in Ardupilot Flight control system software simulation , Run the... Sent by Shumei Dronekit Flight control application , This article is about PX4 Flight control system software simulation environment , Run the... Sent by Shumei MAVSDK-Python Flight control application .

Basic simulation environment :

    stay PC Or the operating system installed on the laptop is ubuntu 20.04.2, It can also be 16.0.4,PX4 The software simulation environment of is installed on this machine .

    In Shumei sect ( such as :Raspberry Pi 3B) What's installed on ubuntu-mate desktop 16.04.2( You can download it at this address :https://releases.ubuntu-mate.org/archived/xenial/armhf/), The flight control application will be installed on this machine .

       In addition, it needs to be installed on Shumei pie python3.6, because MAVSDK-Python This program requires 3.6 Previous versions of python, Carry out orders :sudo apt install python3.6.

    The establishment of basic simulation environment and how to communicate with Rasberry Pi establish wifi Connect , Please refer to wechat official account “ The four axes of the sky DIY” Training materials and articles :《Pixhawk UAV extended tutorial (2)--- Shumei sect installation ubuntu-mate System and necessary settings 》.

Follow the steps below to realize the MAVSDK-Python Flight control application program control software simulation environment PX4 Flight control system :

1. stay PC Or on a laptop ( hypothesis :IP The address is install PX4 development environment

Reference resources px4 Articles on the official website :https://docs.px4.io/master/en/dev_setup/building_px4.html

2. stay PC Or on a laptop ( hypothesis :IP The address is start-up jmavsim Software emulation (SITL)

stay PX4 The installation directory PX4-Autopilot in , Enter the command :

make px4_sitl_default jmavsim

3. stay PC Or on a laptop ( hypothesis :IP The address is Start the ground station ( If you don't want to see 3D According to the effect , This item can be omitted )

Get into QGroundControl In the installation directory , Enter the command :


stay QGroundControl Check the parameters on the :MAV_BROADCAST, Should be set to Always broadcast.

4. stay PC Or on a laptop ( hypothesis :IP The address is install mavlink-router

Reference resources mavlink-router Articles on the official website :https://github.com/mavlink-router/mavlink-router

5. stay PC Or on a laptop ( hypothesis :IP The address is start-up mavlink-router

  stay mavlink-router Directory , Enter the command :

./mavlink-routerd -e


./mavlink-routerd -e

notes :mavlink-router The function is in PC Or laptop and Raspberry Pi The establishment between is based on UDP Communication connection , Also is to And Establish a connection between (udp Routing of information ).

6. In Shumei sect ( hypothesis :IP The address is Installation on MAVSDK-Python

Reference resources MAVSDK Articles on the official website :https://mavsdk.mavlink.io/develop/en/getting_started/installation.html

notes :MAVSDK-Python It is used in the reference materials on the official website pip Where available python3.6 -m pip Instead of .

7. In Shumei sect ( hypothesis :IP The address is Start manually on the mavsdk_server

perform :

./mavsdk_server -p 50051

notes :

a. If it is not started manually mavsdk_server, Application and mavsdk_server There will be unstable connections between , Unknown cause .

b. my mavsdk_server edition (arm edition ) yes v0.36.0

8. modify MAVSDK-Python Under the table of contents examples/takeof_and_land.py file


drone = System()

Change it to :

drone = System(mavsdk_server_address="localhost",port=50051)

And then execute :

python3.6 takeoff_and_land.py

Can be viewed QGroundControl Flight interface and jmavsim 3D Show , Unlock , take off , Flight route , land , locked .

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