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Using Python to grab seats in the library (automatic reservation)


Script function

When the system opens the seat, it can quickly reserve the designated position

You can set the appointment period

After running, I will always help you grab , Need to stop manually

Even if you encounter a stronger script, it will automatically help you grab a seat


First, solve the login problem , adopt F12 Find the login request package , Through analysis and comparison of packages, it can be found that generally only the user name and password parameters are changed , And then use requests.session() To request the login interface , Login successful .

Then make a reservation and grab your bag , Analyze the package to find the key parameters of the change , Generally, the only key parameter is the seat id、 Starting time 、 End time , Just copy the other parameters , Next, use the one that just logged in requests.session() Instance to request .


Since you help rob every day, you can't keep asking , One is to burden the server , Second, if there is any anti climbing strategy, it is easy to be found and blocked . So every day 12 spot ( The system reserves the opening hours ) Just send the reservation package when you get there .

What if the script crashes and fails to grab the seat set by itself , Return the result of the appointment , I found that someone had reserved the next seat automatically , You can also write your favorite seat on the list , You can't grab the next one .


( In order not to burden the school system , Code for reference only , Can't run directly )

import requests
from datetime import date
from datetime import timedelta
import json
import getopt
import sys
import time
global headers
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:80.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/80.0',
'Host': '',
# Login function
def login(id, pwd):
l_params = {
'id': id,
'pwd': pwd,
'act': 'login',
# The interface obtained through self analysis , The same below
login_url = ''
s = requests.session()
re = s.post(url=login_url, headers=headers, params=l_params)
# Return the instance of successful login
return s
# Reservation function
def yd(s, start, end, s_id):
y_params = {
"dialogid": "",
# Reserve a seat
"dev_id": s_id,
"start": start,
"end": end,
"start_time": "800",
"end_time": "2200",
y_url = ''
re = s.get(url=y_url, headers=headers, params=y_params)
res = json.loads(re.text)
msg = res['msg']
if msg == ' Successful operation !':
return 1
elif msg == '2020-09-11 Only in advance [1] Day appointment ':
return 0
return 2
# Script input prompt
def useage():
-i Student number ( Required )
-p password
-s seat id
-b Starting time , Format 13:00, The same below
-e End time
if __name__ == '__main__':
id = pwd = None
# Do not fill in the default to grab this seat in this time period
s_id = '100458282'
begin = '8:00'
end = '22:00'
# Process input
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'i:p:s:b:e:')
for name, value in opts:
if name == '-i':
id = value
if name == '-p':
pwd = value
if name == '-s':
s_id = value
if name == '-b':
begin = value
if name == '-e':
end = value
except getopt.GetoptError:
if not id:
if not pwd:
pwd = id
# First get the day after tomorrow
aftertomorrow = date.isoformat(date.today() + timedelta(days=2))
while True:
hour = int(time.strftime('%H',time.localtime(time.time())))
m = int(time.strftime('%M', time.localtime(time.time())))
# If the present tomorrow waits for the day after tomorrow , Here we are 12 spot , Start grabbing seats
if date.isoformat(date.today() + timedelta(days=1)) == aftertomorrow:
s = login(id, pwd)
start = aftertomorrow + ' ' + begin
endtime = aftertomorrow + ' ' + end
result = yd(s, start, endtime, s_id)
if result == 1:
# The appointment was successful
aftertomorrow = date.isoformat(date.today() + timedelta(days=2))
sleep_time = (23 - hour) * 3600 + (59 - m) * 60 + 35
print(' Program sleep {}s'.format(sleep_time))
elif result == 2:
# Be booked , Grab one id A seat for
s_id = str(int(s_id) - 1)
sleep_time = (23 - hour) * 3600 + (59 - m) * 60


I wonder what kind of reservation system your school library has , But most schools don't spend too much money on this , So the system is garbage , Most of them can follow this idea . And some schools use almost the same system as ours , It must be from the same company or the same template . If your school has a similar system , Code changes can be used .

After reading it, I want to do it myself, but I don't know how to analyze it ? Look at this

For Xiaobai who just learned to crawl , After reading, I can understand

My school's system homepage looks like this

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