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Python automatic operation GUI artifact pyautogui


We talked about how to use Python Realize page automation in the browser , No matter which way you implement , The corresponding operations are performed by locating the elements in the page .

Today, let's talk about how to realize automatic operation on the desktop . Similar to browser page Automation , Desktop automation also requires positioning the mouse on the desktop , Then perform corresponding operations according to the positioning position .

GUI Control artifact

Our hero today is  pyautogui,pyautogui It's pure. Python Of GUI Automation tools , Through it, the program can automatically control a series of mouse and keyboard operations to achieve the purpose of automated testing .

The installation of this module is the same :

pip3 install pyautogui

After installation, it can be used directly .

The mouse operation

Mouse movement

The most basic desktop operation is mouse operation , We can control the movement of the mouse :

# Move the mouse

The whole desktop is the origin with the upper left corner as the coordinate axis , All operations are based on this origin , To determine the operating position .

The first line is to move the mouse to the specified pixel (200,400) Location , The second line of code is to move the mouse to the right according to the current point 200px, Move down the 400px Move in this direction .

Both lines of code have a common parameter  duration, This parameter represents the movement time , That is, the mobile operation is completed within the specified time , The unit is seconds .

Run these two lines of code , Observe the changes of the screen mouse , Isn't that amazing ?

We can also get the mouse position :


It's easy to understand , Is to get the coordinate position of the mouse in the current screen , Run this line of code , We will get information such as the following :

Point(x=400, y=900)

Mouse click

Usually , Our mouse has left and right buttons , There is a button in the middle of the advanced mouse .

My mouse has only two buttons , There is no key in the middle , alas ~

pyautogui There are corresponding processes for these three key operations :

# Mouse click , Default left button
# Left click
# Right click
# Click in the middle

Mouse click , If you don't specify  button  Parameters , The default is to click the left button , The first two parameters are the position of the click coordinate .

Run this code , See what happens to your desktop ?

In addition to the mouse click operation , There are also double-click operations :

# Double left click
# Right click
# Double click the middle button

The operation function is also very simple , I believe you can see it at a glance , If you can't see at a glance , Please look more !

Friends who are familiar with the front end may immediately associate with , Mouse operation has the process of pressing and releasing , Our screen operation also has corresponding control :

# The mouse click
# Mouse release

Mouse drag

We can control the mouse to drag to the specified coordinate position , And set the operation time :


This operation is similar to the previous movement .

According to the experience of the previous movement , We also drag the mouse in the direction :


Mouse scrolling

In desktop operation , Sometimes we need to scroll the mouse up or down , At this time, we can use  scroll  This function controls :


The parameter is an integer , Indicates how many units to scroll up or down , This unit may vary depending on the operating system . If you scroll up , Pass in a positive integer , Scroll down to pass in negative integers .

Screen processing

Get a screenshot

Let's start with a scenario : Now I want to find a red dot on the screen , What would you do ? The usual way is to get the color value of the red dot , Then compare the points on the screen one by one , Until we find it .

pyautogui  It provides support for our operation scenario , There are three functions that do these three things .

im = pyautogui.screenshot()
rgb = im.getpixel((100, 500))
match = pyautogui.pixelMatchesColor(500,500,(12,120,400))

The first one is the function to get screen shots , It can return a Pillow Of image object ; The second is to get the color of the coordinate points specified in the screenshot , return rgb Color value ; The third is to compare the color of the specified coordinate point with the color of the target , Returns a Boolean value .

Let's upgrade the requirements :

I'm going to find it on the screen now edge Browser Icon , What would you do ?

The usual practice is to know first edge What does the browser icon look like , Is it green or blue , Is it fat or thin , Right ? Then match the icons on the screen , Until we find an icon that is the same as our target icon , And you get the result .

therefore , Our code is as follows :

# Image recognition ( One )
oneLocation = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('1.png')
# Image recognition ( Multiple )
allLocation = pyautogui.locateAllOnScreen('1.png')

You can capture the icon of an application on the desktop , Save as picture , Then use the above lines of code to identify , Recognition success , You will return results similar to the following :

Box(left=20, top=89, width=33, height=34)
[Box(left=20, top=89, width=33, height=34)]

This is where the picture is on the desktop , If you can't find the picture , It will return None.

Keyboard entry

Keyboard function

Keyboard input has the following common functions :

  • keyDown(): Analog key press
  • keyUP(): Analog key release
  • press(): Simulate a key press process , namely keyDown and keyUP The combination of
  • typewrite(): Analog keyboard output content

for instance , You usually input an exclamation point (!) How to operate the keyboard ?

Hold down shift Key , And then press and hold 1 Key , That's all right. . use  pyautogui  Control is :


Run the above code , If your mouse is in the edit box , You will get an exclamation point !

We can also output content directly :

pyautogui.typewrite('python', 1)

The first parameter is the output , The second parameter is the interval , The unit is seconds .

Run the above code , In your editor, there will be every 1 Seconds in sequence python Of 6 Letters .

Special symbols

Sometimes we need to enter some special symbol keys on the keyboard , such as Line break 、 Direction keys, etc , These have corresponding keyboard strings to represent :


Run the above code , The editor will output python After that, change the line .

For the strings corresponding to other special keys, please refer to the official instructions .

Shortcut key

If I want to copy a content , In most cases, the fast key will be used ctrl + c, According to the above , This is how we should achieve :


It is troublesome to write like this , And you need to control the sequence of pressing and releasing keys .

pyautogui  It provides us with a quick function :


The effect achieved is the same as the above 4 The line code is the same .

Message box

When you are simulating a desktop operation , If there is a branch operation, it needs to be judged according to the actual situation , Do you need a place where you can choose which branch to take ?

pyautogui  I have considered this situation with great consideration , You can interrupt the current operation by popping up a selection box , Select the action Branch .

way = pyautogui.confirm(' Leader , Which way should I go ?', buttons=[' Rural road ', ' waterway ', ' land route '])

This is us HTML Page confirm Selection box , After selecting the option , We can get the selected options , Then make a judgment based on this option , Enter the corresponding operation branch .

In addition to selecting the confirmation box , There are other message boxes :

# Warning box
alert = pyautogui.alert(text=' Warning ! Enemy Strike !', title=' Warning box ')
# Password box
password = pyautogui.password(' Please input a password ')
# Normal input box
input = pyautogui.prompt(' Please enter the command :')


pyautogui  The basic knowledge of is introduced here , This python The function of the module is very powerful , The functions are very simple , Yes python Beginners are friendly . After learning these basic knowledge , You can use a combination of these basics , To implement some interesting desktop Automation , Go and try it !

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