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[principle + code] Python implements TOPSIS analysis method (good and bad solution distance method)



Comprehensive evaluation method

What is? Topsis Law


 TOPSIS Algorithm steps of method

Data forward

Data standardization

Consider whether to weight ?( Entropy weight method )

Normalize and calculate the score ( Unweighted )

The best and the worst ( weighting )

TOPSIS Evaluation of law


(AHP) Analytic hierarchy process legal weight

Every word

Comprehensive evaluation method

Evaluation methods are generally divided into two categories . One is Subjective weighting method , Most take Determine the weight based on the comprehensive consultation score , Such as : Composite index method 、 Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method 、 Analytic hierarchy process 、 Efficiency coefficient method, etc . The other is objective weighting method , according to The correlation between each index or the variation degree of each index value To determine the weights , Such as : Principal component analysis 、 Factor analysis 、 Ideal solution, etc .

So far , The main evaluation methods used Yes : Principal component analysis 、 Factor analysis Law 、TOPSIS Law ( This article explains in detail )、 Rank sum ratio method 、 Grey correlation method 、 Entropy weight method 、 Analytic hierarchy process 、 Fuzzy evaluation method 、 Matter element analysis 、 Cluster analysis 、 Value Engineering 、 Neural network method, etc .

Do you feel too much , In fact, when you step into machine learning and algorithms , And the path of modeling , Knowledge is learning more , The more you learn, the more you learn . It is said that : Someone outside the person , behind , The ocean of knowledge is endless , No end for learning , Of course we have to make a boat , Otherwise, it has not entered the sea 3 Seconds you will be drowned , Ha ha ha !

What is? Topsis Law

This method constructs the positive ideal solution and negative ideal solution of the evaluation problem ( The optimal solution and the worst solution of each index ), By calculating the relative closeness of each scheme to the ideal scheme , That is, the degree of approaching the positive ideal solution and the negative ideal solution , To sort the schemes , So as to select the best scheme .

TOPSIS Law It is a method of ranking according to the proximity of a limited number of evaluation objects to the idealized goal , It is to evaluate the relative advantages and disadvantages among the existing objects 【 Each index value of the optimal solution reaches the optimal value of each evaluation index , Each index value of the worst solution reaches the worst value of each evaluation index 】

TOPSIS Law It is especially suitable when there are multiple groups of evaluation objects , It is required to test the evaluation object and the optimal solution 、 The distance of the worst solution

Principle thought

Determine the best plan and the worst plan

  Calculate each evaluation object and the optimal scheme 、 The closeness of the worst case ( A typical : Entropy weight method )

  Calculate the degree of closeness between each evaluation object and the optimal scheme

Here's one MATLAB Code case , You can use , From entropy weight method to score , This article focuses on Python From the angle of .


%% First step : Copy data to workspace , And name this matrix X
load data_water_quality.mat % The name of the data is data_water_quality
%% The second step : Determine whether you need to forward
[n,m] = size(X);
disp([' share ' num2str(n) ' Two evaluation objects , ' num2str(m) ' Evaluation indicators '])
Judge = input([' this ' num2str(m) ' Whether an indicator needs to be processed forward , Please enter 1 , No need to input 0: ']);
if Judge == 1
Position = input(' Please enter the column of the indicator that needs forward processing , For example 2、3、6 Three columns need to be handled , So you need to type in [2,3,6]: ');%[2,3,4]
disp(' Please enter the indicator type of these columns to be processed (1: Very small , 2: The middle type , 3: Interval type ) ')
Type = input(' for example : The first 2 Columns are very small , The first 3 Columns are interval type , The first 6 Columns are intermediate , enter [1,3,2]: '); % [2,1,3]
for i = 1 : size(Position,2)
X(:,Position(i)) = Positivization(X(:,Position(i)),Type(i),Position(i));
disp(' The forward matrix X = ')
%% The third step : Normalize the forward matrix
Z = X ./ repmat(sum(X.*X) .^ 0.5, n, 1);
disp(' Standardized matrix Z = ')
%% Step four : Let the user decide whether to increase the weight ( You can decide the weight yourself , The entropy weight method can also be used to determine the weight )
disp(" Please enter whether you need to increase the weight vector , Need to enter 1, No need to input 0")
Judge = input(' Please enter whether you need to increase the weight : ');
if Judge == 1
Judge = input(' To determine the weight using the entropy weight method, please enter 1, Otherwise input 0: ');
if Judge == 1
if sum(sum(Z<0)) >0 % If previously standardized Z There are negative numbers in the matrix , Then, we should renew our understanding of X Standardize
disp(' Originally standardized Z There are negative numbers in the matrix , So you need to X Re standardize ')
for i = 1:n
for j = 1:m
Z(i,j) = [X(i,j) - min(X(:,j))] / [max(X(:,j)) - min(X(:,j))];
disp('X The standardization matrix obtained by re standardization Z by : ')
weight = Entropy_Method(Z);
disp(' The weight determined by entropy weight method is :')
disp([' If you have 3 Indicators , You need to enter 3 A weight , For example, they are 0.25,0.25,0.5, Then you need to enter [0.25,0.25,0.5]']);
weight = input([' You need to type in ' num2str(m) ' Weights .' ' Please enter this as a line vector ' num2str(m) ' A weight : ']);
OK = 0; % Used to judge whether the user's input format is correct
while OK == 0
if abs(sum(weight) -1)<0.000001 && size(weight,1) == 1 && size(weight,2) == m % Note floating point numbers
OK =1;
weight = input(' There's something wrong with your input , Please re-enter the weight line vector : ');
weight = ones(1,m) ./ m ; % If you do not need to add weights, the default weights are the same , That is to say, all are 1/m
%% Step five : Calculate the distance from the maximum and the distance from the minimum , And calculate the score
D_P = sum([(Z - repmat(max(Z),n,1)) .^ 2 ] .* repmat(weight,n,1) ,2) .^ 0.5; % D+ The distance vector from the maximum
D_N = sum([(Z - repmat(min(Z),n,1)) .^ 2 ] .* repmat(weight,n,1) ,2) .^ 0.5; % D- The distance vector from the minimum
S = D_N ./ (D_P+D_N); % Non normalized score
disp(' The final score is :')
stand_S = S / sum(S)
[sorted_S,index] = sort(stand_S ,'descend')

 TOPSIS Algorithm steps of method

Forward ( Each column turns to very large )
Standardization ( Each element is standardized )
normalization ( The sum of each column is 1 )
Calculate weight ( Find the sum of each line )

Data forward

Some data are as big as possible , Some data is close to a certain value, the better , Some are the best in a range , This different direction and interval makes the analysis confusing , To simplify the analysis, we forward the data , Make him as old as possible . Generally speaking , Common data can be divided into four categories :

    Very large indicators ( Benefit indicators ): The larger the index value, the better .
    Very small index ( Cost index ): The smaller the index value, the better .
    Intermediate indicators : The closer the index value is to a certain value, the better .
    Interval index : The index value is the best in a certain range , There is no good or bad value in the interval .

Very small indicators are transformed into very large indicators :( Prevalence )

# Very small index -> Very large indicators
def dataDirection_1(datas):
return np.max(datas)-datas # A set of formulas (1)

Intermediate indicators are transformed into very large indicators :(ph The closer the value is. 7 The better )

# Intermediate indicators -> Very large indicators
def dataDirection_2(datas, x_best):
temp_datas = datas - x_best
M = np.max(abs(temp_datas))
answer_datas = 1 - abs(datas - x_best) / M # A set of formulas
return answer_datas

  Interval indicators are transformed into very large indicators : The value of expectation index is best to fall in a certain interval ( Such as body temperature )

# Interval index -> Very large indicators
def dataDirection_3(datas, x_min, x_max):
M = max(x_min - np.min(datas), np.max(datas) - x_max)
answer_list = []
for i in datas:
if(i < x_min):
answer_list.append(1 - (x_min-i) /M) # A set of formulas
elif( x_min <= i <= x_max):
answer_list.append(1 - (i - x_max)/M)
return np.array(answer_list) 

So sometimes , We are not sure about the best interval value , Maybe we are under different experts or information , It is found that the interval value fluctuates , Let's take a simple example , Suppose a certain indicator is officially given as [4,5], But there will be a problem , In some cases 5.5 and 3.5 It's good , If the latter is adopted, it will be too extreme , It is too limited to adopt the former , So how should we do it ? Here we redefine a formula , Added Maximum tolerance interval .

def dataDirection_3(datas, x_min, x_max, x_minimum, x_maximum):
def normalization(data):
if data >= x_min and data <= x_max:
return 1
elif data <= x_minimum or data >= x_maximum:
return 0
elif data > x_max and data < x_maximum:
return 1 - (data - x_max) / (x_maximum - x_max)
elif data < x_min and data > x_minimum:
return 1 - (x_min - data) / (x_min - x_minimum)
return list(map(normalization, datas))

  The above conversion , In fact, they are ultimately converted to positive values , Whatever your method is , All roads lead to Rome

Data standardization

After positive transformation , Another problem is All values have their dimensions , Take the table values that have been normalized as an example , If you calculate the distance directly , So it must be that the more vital people are, the healthier they are , For example, vital capacity is much larger than other values , In order to eliminate the influence of data dimension, we need to standardize the data . The method for standardizing the data of each column is as follows : 

Construct weighted gauge matrix , Attribute to normalize the vector , That is, each column element is divided by the norm of the current column vector ( Use cosine distance measurement ) 

# Use sklearn The bag inside , Do not use traditional methods
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler,StandardScaler,scale
def temp2(A):
return A
# This method is suitable for most types of data , It is widely used . We can see from the formula that , After the transformation, the mean value will become 0, And the variance and standard deviation will become 1( A formula considering variance ), If you don't understand this part, you might as well reason in the book .

  Principle of essence :

data = data / np.sqrt((data ** 2).sum())

other :

def Standard(datas):
K = np.power(np.sum(pow(datas,2),axis = 0),0.5)
for i in range(len(K)):
datas.iloc[: , i] = datas.iloc[: , i] / K[i]
return datas 

  Here, you can use customized standardized formulas , Write the original code , however sklearn Faster and simpler , Machine learning has just been updated in the early stage .

Consider whether to weight ?( Entropy weight method )

  Entropy weight method It is an objective weighting method , In the specific use process , According to the dispersion of the data of each index , The entropy weight of each index is calculated by using information entropy , Then the entropy weight is modified according to each index , So as to obtain a more objective index weight .

If you have certain indicators , More expert knowledge verification , Then you can also calculate the weight index according to the algorithm , Make some minor adjustments by yourself , Maybe it works better .

# Entropy weight method, etc
def entropy(df):
# Returns the index of each sample
# Sample size , The number of indicators
# One sample per line , One indicator per column
# Here is the normalization
data= (data0-minium)*1.0/(maxium-minium)
## Computation first j Indicators , The first i The proportion of samples in this index
# Yes ln0 Handle
# # Calculate the entropy of each index
# # Calculate weight
# recodes=np.sum(data*w,axis=1)
return w
sns.barplot(recodes,df.columns, orient='h')

Normalize and calculate the score ( Unweighted )

def Score(sta_data):
z_max = np.amax(sta_data , axis=0)
z_min = np.amin(sta_data , axis=0)
# Calculate the distance between each sample point and the maximum value
tmpmaxdist = np.power(np.sum(np.power((z_max - sta_data) , 2) , axis = 1) , 0.5) # Distance per sample Z+ Distance of
tmpmindist = np.power(np.sum(np.power((z_min - sta_data) , 2) , axis = 1) , 0.5) # Distance per sample Z+ Distance of
score = tmpmindist / (tmpmindist + tmpmaxdist)
score = score / np.sum(score) # normalization
return score

The best and the worst ( weighting )

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def topsis(data, weight=None):
# normalization
data = data / np.sqrt((data ** 2).sum())
# The best and worst solution
Z = pd.DataFrame([data.min(), data.max()], index=[' Negative ideal solution ', ' Positive ideal solution '])
# distance
weight = entropyWeight(data) if weight is None else np.array(weight)
Result = data.copy()
Result[' Positive ideal solution '] = np.sqrt(((data - Z.loc[' Positive ideal solution ']) ** 2 * weight).sum(axis=1))
Result[' Negative ideal solution '] = np.sqrt(((data - Z.loc[' Negative ideal solution ']) ** 2 * weight).sum(axis=1))
# The composite score index
Result[' The composite score index '] = Result[' Negative ideal solution '] / (Result[' Negative ideal solution '] + Result[' Positive ideal solution '])
Result[' Sort '] = Result.rank(ascending=False)[' The composite score index ']
return Result, Z, weight

TOPSIS Evaluation of law

Topsis Law The advantages of :
(1) The subjectivity of data is avoided , No objective function is required , Do not pass the test , And it can well describe the comprehensive impact of multiple impact indicators
(2) For data distribution and sample size 、 There is no strict limit on the number of indicators , It is suitable for small sample data , Also suitable for multiple evaluation units 、 Multi index large-scale system , More flexible 、 convenient
Topsis Law The shortcomings of :
(1) Data required for each indicator , It will be difficult to select the corresponding quantitative indicators
(2) The number of uncertain indicators is appropriate , To better describe the impact of indicators
(3) There must be more than two subjects to be used


After the different indicators are normalized , And then standardize , normalization , Finally, it can be visualized , Ha ha ha , I feel a little rhymed , What about this visualization ?

Pretty good , It's a radar chart , As for how to draw a radar chart , I won't go into details here , my 《 Cool Visualization 》 The column has , Click below for details , You can jump .

Python Visual artifact for radar mapping pyecharts

Get the above table first , In the process of Visualization

  Reasonably determining the index weight is the application of TOPSIS The key to comprehensive evaluation

Evaluation results 、 The quality of the evaluation method , It has a strong subjectivity . Marxism tells us “ Specific analysis of specific problems . Under the guidance of the principle of universality of contradiction , Specifically analyze the particularity of the contradiction , And find the right way to solve the contradiction .”. How to put your thoughts in the paper 、 The principle of selecting method 、 Index selection 、 The weight structure is shown in as much detail as possible , Is the key to the successful application of the method .

Modeling , Remember not to think qualitatively all the time , We should sum up what our predecessors have done , Learn to innovate independently , To achieve real progress and promotion

(AHP) Analytic hierarchy process legal weight

Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a qualitative and quantitative decision analysis method , By judging the relative importance of each measurement index , Then the weight of each index in the decision-making scheme is obtained , Entropy weight method is a weight determination method based on data , The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a weight determination method based on experience .

Be careful : The feature vector mentioned in the analytic hierarchy process 、 Eigenvalue is not a concept in matrix , It's redefined .

1) Construct index pairwise comparison matrix

Because qualitative determination of weight inevitably has deviation ,Santy Et al. Proposed to use the consistent matrix method , Construct pairwise comparison matrix . Co ownership M Evaluation indicators .

 2) Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix

Step 1 : First, column normalization is performed on the contrast matrix , That is, each element is divided by the sum of the current column elements

 Step 2: Sum the normalized matrix in rows , Get... For each line “ Eigenvector ”

Step 3: Normalize the eigenvectors by columns , obtain “ Index weight ” 

 Step 4: Multiply each column of the comparison matrix by “ Index weight ” The elements at the corresponding positions in the matrix

3) Judge the consistency of pairwise comparison matrix

Definition : Consistency indicators CI Defined as

The closer to 0, Explain that the better the consistency , That is, the construction of the contrast matrix is reasonable . But many “ Small ” It is still an artificial choice , So introduce “ Consistency ratio ” To measure .

Definition : Consistency ratio CR, among CI Is a consistency indicator ,RI Is a random consistency index ( Look-up table is ):

  This paper mainly introduces Python,Topsis Knowledge about , As for the analytic hierarchy process , The following will introduce in detail , It's just a brief mention here .

Every word

come on. !

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