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Python scientific tool -- Matplotlib visualization (histogram, histogram, pie chart)


One 、 Draw column ( shape ) chart

  • Histogram (bar chart), It is a statistical report chart that takes the length of a rectangle as a variable , The data distribution is represented by a series of longitudinal stripes with different heights , Used to compare two or more values ( Different time or different conditions ).
    Or say , It refers to the comparison between different things or the advantages and disadvantages of the same thing at different times , It can clearly reflect the difference of data , Generally, it is used to reflect the comparison between classification items .
    pyplot Plot the function in the histogram bar, Its grammatical form .
    plt.bar(x, height, width=0.8, bottom=None, *, align=‘center’, **kwargs)
    Parameter description :
    1)x: Express x The number of divisions of the shaft .
    2)height: Express x The data value corresponding to the axis ,y value ( The height of the column ).
    3)width: Width of each column .(0,1) Between float, Default 0.8.
    4)bottom: Histogram y The starting point of the boundary . Default 0.
    5)align: x The position where the coordinate on the axis is aligned with the cylinder .center( In the middle ),edge( edge ).
    6)color: Columnar fill color
    7)tick_label: Label name of each column
    8)alpha: The transparency of the column fill color
    9)edgecolor: The border color of the column
    10)linewidth: Width of column border line

Two 、bar() Practice

  • draw 2007–2016 National employment in , Histogram of urban employees and rural employees (Employedpopulation.csv).
    among , Employed persons nationwide ( ten thousand people ) Use a red column to indicate , Urban employees ( ten thousand people ) Use a green column to show , Rural employees ( ten thousand people ) Use blue columns to show .

1. Source code

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Emp_data= np.loadtxt('Employedpopulation.csv',delimiter = ",",
# Set up matplotlib Normal display of Chinese and minus sign 
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['SimHei'] # Show Chinese in bold 
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus']=False # The minus sign is displayed normally 
# Create a drawing object , And set the width and height of the object 
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
# Draw a histogram of all employed persons 
plt.bar(Emp_data[0],Emp_data[1], width = 0.3,color = 'red')
# Draw a histogram of urban employees 
plt.bar(Emp_data[0],Emp_data[2],width = 0.3,color = 'green')
# Draw a histogram of rural employees 
plt.bar(Emp_data[0],Emp_data[3], width = 0.3,color = 'blue')
x = [i for i in range(2006,2017)]
plt.xlabel(' year ')
plt.ylabel(' personnel ( ten thousand people )')
plt.title("2007-2016 Year town 、 Histogram of rural and all employed persons ")
# Add legend 
plt.legend((' Full employment ',' Urban employment ',' Rural employment '))

2. Adjust the width of the histogram , Position of column display after translation ¶

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Emp_data= np.loadtxt('Employedpopulation.csv',delimiter = ",",
# Set up matplotlib Normal display of Chinese and minus sign 
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['SimHei'] # Show Chinese in bold 
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus']=False # The minus sign is displayed normally 
# Create a drawing object , And set the width and height of the object 
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
# Draw a histogram of all employed persons , Translate the column forward 0.3
plt.bar(Emp_data[0]-0.3,Emp_data[1], width = 0.3,color = 'red')
# Draw a histogram of urban employees 
plt.bar(Emp_data[0],Emp_data[2],width = 0.3,color = 'green')
# Draw a histogram of rural employees , Translate the column backwards 0.3,
plt.bar(Emp_data[0]+0.3,Emp_data[3], width = 0.3,color = 'blue')
x = [i for i in range(2006,2017)]
plt.xlabel(' year ')
plt.ylabel(' personnel ( ten thousand people )')
plt.title("2007-2016 Year town 、 Histogram of rural and all employed persons ")
# Add legend 
plt.legend((' Full employment ',' Urban employment ',' Rural employment '))

3. Add words to the picture text, plt.text()

Use the loop to set the position of text increase .
for x,y in zip(X,Y1):
plt.text(x+a, y+b, ‘%.2f’ % y, ha=‘center’, va= ‘bottom’)
among a,b For offset .

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Emp_data= np.loadtxt('Employedpopulation.csv',delimiter = ",",
# Set up matplotlib Normal display of Chinese and minus sign 
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['SimHei'] # Show Chinese in bold 
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus']=False # The minus sign is displayed normally 
# Create a drawing object , And set the width and height of the object 
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
# Draw a histogram of all employed persons , Translate the column forward 0.3
plt.bar(Emp_data[0]-0.3,Emp_data[1], width = 0.3,color = 'red')
# Draw a histogram of urban employees 
plt.bar(Emp_data[0],Emp_data[2],width = 0.3,color = 'green')
# Draw a histogram of rural employees , Translate the column backwards 0.3,
plt.bar(Emp_data[0]+0.3,Emp_data[3], width = 0.3,color = 'blue')
# Gituga text
X = Emp_data[0] # Set up X coordinate 
Y1 = Emp_data[1] # Set up y coordinate 
for x, y in zip(X, Y1):
plt.text(x - 0.3, y +1000, '%i' % y, ha='center')
Y2 = Emp_data[2]
for x, y in zip(X, Y2):
plt.text(x , y + 1000, '%i' % y, ha='center')
Y3 = Emp_data[3]
for x, y in zip(X, Y3):
plt.text(x + 0.3, y + 1000, '%i' % y, ha='center')
x = [i for i in range(2006,2017)]
plt.xlabel(' year ')
plt.ylabel(' personnel ( ten thousand people )')
plt.title("2007-2016 Year town 、 Histogram of rural and all employed persons ")
# Add legend 
plt.legend((' Full employment ',' Urban employment ',' Rural employment '))

4. Select column chart when there are few comparative data (bar()). You can also convert a column chart to a bar chart (barh())

plt.barh(y, width, height=0.8, left=None, *, align='center', **kwargs)

barh() Function height Represents the width of the horizontal column .

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Emp_data= np.loadtxt('Employedpopulation.csv',delimiter = ",",
# Set up matplotlib Normal display of Chinese and minus sign 
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['SimHei'] # Show Chinese in bold 
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus']=False # The minus sign is displayed normally 
# Create a drawing object , And set the width and height of the object 
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
# Draw a histogram of all employed persons , Translate the column forward 0.3
plt.barh(Emp_data[0]+0.3,Emp_data[1], color = 'red',height=0.3)
# Draw a histogram of urban employees 
plt.barh(Emp_data[0],Emp_data[2],color = 'green',height=0.3)
# Draw a histogram of rural employees , Translate the column backwards 0.3,
plt.barh(Emp_data[0]-0.3,Emp_data[3], color = 'blue',height=0.3)
# Gituga text
y = [i for i in range(2006,2017)]
plt.ylabel(' year ')
plt.xlabel(' personnel ( ten thousand people )')
plt.title("2007-2016 Year town 、 Histogram of rural and all employed persons ")
# Add legend 
plt.legend((' Full employment ',' Urban employment ',' Rural employment '))

5.bar() And barh() Selection of graph

  • Column chart and bar chart are drawn , It can be observed from the figure that , The abscissa and ordinate exchange positions .
    Advantages of bar charts : When the text to draw different items is long and there are too many categories , Because the space of horizontal axis of column graph is limited , It is not always possible to display all the text , The bar chart can completely display the text information , Without truncation or omission .
    Such as , Calculate the purchase price of a book on different websites . And draw bar chart and column chart .
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
# Different website book price data 
price = [39.5, 39.9, 45.4, 38.9, 33.34,37.89,37.5]
# Create a canvas 
# Draw the first picture 
name=[' dangdang ', ' China Book Network ', ' Jingdong Mall books ',
' Tmall ',' Suning e-buy ',' TaoBao ',' Amazon - E-book ']
plt.barh(range(7), price, height=0.7, color='steelblue', alpha=0.8)
# Draw from the bottom up 
plt.yticks(range(7),name )
plt.xlabel(" Price ")
plt.ylabel(' Different platforms ')
plt.title(" Different platforms 《XX》 The price list of the book -- Bar chart ")
for x, y in enumerate(price):
plt.text(y + 0.2, x - 0.1, '%s' % y)
plt.ylabel(' Price ')
plt.xlabel(' Different platforms ')
plt.title(" Different platforms 《XX》 The price list of the book -- Bar charts ")
for x, y in enumerate(price):
plt.text(x-0.2, y + 0.5, '%s' % y)
# Compare the effect of bar chart and bar chart !

3、 ... and 、 Draw histogram

  • Histogram (Histogram) Also known as mass distribution diagram , It's a two-dimensional statistical chart . It is represented by a series of longitudinal stripes or line segments with different heights , Generally, the horizontal axis is used to represent the category of data , Number or proportion in vertical axis .
    plt.hist(x, bins=10, range=None,
    weights=None, cumulative=False, bottom=None,
    histtype=‘bar’, align=‘mid’, orientation=‘vertical’,
    rwidth=None, log=False, color=None,
    label=None, stacked=False)

  • Parameter description :
    1)x: Specify the data to draw the histogram .
    2)bins: Specify the number of histogram bars . receive int, Sequence or auto.
    3)range: Specify the upper and lower bounds of histogram data , Ignore lower or higher outliers . The default contains the maximum and minimum values of plot data .
    4)density=True Indicates the frequency distribution ;density=False It represents the frequency distribution . Default False.
    5)weights: This parameter can set the weight for each data point . And x Weight array with the same shape . take x Each element in is multiplied by the corresponding weight value and then counted . If density The value is True, Then the weight will be normalized . This parameter can be used to draw the histogram of the merged data .
    6)cumulative: Whether it is necessary to calculate the cumulative frequency or frequency . Boolean value , If True, Then calculate the cumulative frequency . If density The value is True, Then calculate the cumulative frequency .
    7)bottom: You can add a baseline to each bar of the histogram , The default is 0. The bottom of each column is relative to y=0 The location of . If it's a scalar value , Then each column is relative to y=0 Up / The downward offset is the same . If it's an array , Move the corresponding column according to the value of the array element .
    8)histtype: Specifies the type of histogram , The default is ’bar’, besides , also ’barstacked’,‘step’, ‘stepfilled’.
    9)align: Set the alignment of bar boundary values , The default is mid, And then there is left and right.
    10)orientation: Set the placement direction of histogram , The default is vertical direction .
    11)rwidth: Set the width of the histogram bar .
    12)color: Set the fill color of the histogram .
    13)edgecolor: Set the histogram border color .
    14)label: Set the label of histogram , It can be done by legend Show its legend .
    15)stacked: When there are multiple data , Whether it is necessary to stack the histograms , Default horizontal placement .

Four 、hist() Practice

1. Salary distribution
Draw the employee salary of a company (salary.csv) Distribution map .
By segment 1000-3000,3000-5000,5000-7000,7000-9000,9000~12000 Statistics of employees' wages .

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
salary= np.loadtxt('salary.csv',delimiter = ",",
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
group = [i for i in range(1000,13000,2000)]
plt.hist(salary, group,rwidth=0.8,histtype='bar')

2.hist() The return value of

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
salary= np.loadtxt('salary.csv',delimiter = ",",
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
group = [i for i in range(1000,13000,2000)]
return_V=plt.hist(salary, group,rwidth=0.8,histtype='bar')
print(return_V) # Returns a tuple 

3.hist() Default frequency of ,density=True Frequency distribution

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
salary= np.loadtxt('salary.csv',delimiter = ",",
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
group = [i for i in range(1000,13000,2000)]
plt.hist(salary, group,rwidth=0.8,histtype='bar',density=True)

4. Not in groups , Set up bins Parameter plot distribution

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
salary= np.loadtxt('salary.csv',delimiter = ",",
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
x=[i for i in range(1000,14000,1000)]

5.histtype Parameters .
Specifies the type of histogram (‘bar’( Default ),‘barstacked’,‘step’,‘stepfilled’)
1).'bar’ Is a traditional bar histogram ;
2).'barstacked’ Is a stacked bar histogram ;
3).'step’ Is an unfilled bar histogram , Only outer border ;
4).‘stepfilled’ Is a filled histogram .
When histtype The value is ’step’ or ’stepfilled’,rwidth The setting is invalid , That is, the spacing between columns cannot be specified , Connected together by default

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
salary= np.loadtxt('salary.csv',delimiter = ",",
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
x=[i for i in range(1000,14000,1000)]

5、 ... and 、 The pie chart

  • The pie chart (Pie Graph) Is the ratio of the size of items in a data series to the sum of items .
    The data points in the pie chart are displayed as a percentage of the whole pie chart . The pie chart can clearly reflect the parts and the parts 、 The proportional relationship between the part and the whole . It is easy to display the size of each group of data relative to the total number , And the display mode is intuitive .
    For example, the profit proportion of different categories 、 Proportion of sales of different types of customers 、 The proportion of each component in the total .
    pyplot The function for drawing pie chart in is pie, Its grammatical form :
    pie(x, explode=None, labels=None, colors=None, autopct=None,
    pctdistance=0.6, shadow=False, labeldistance=1.1, startangle=None,
    radius=None, counterclock=True, wedgeprops=None, textprops=None,
    center=(0, 0), frame=False, rotatelabels=False, hold=None, data=None)

  • Parameter description :
    1)x: Drawing pie chart data ;
    2)labels: Description of each area ( The outside of the pie chart shows );
    3)explode : The distance from the center of each area ;
    4)startangle : Starting angle , The default graph is from x The axis is drawn counterclockwise , If set =90 From y Draw in the positive direction of the axis ;
    5)shadow : Draw a shadow under the pie chart . The default value is :False, No shadows ;
    6)labeldistance :label The drawing position of the mark , The ratio to the radius , The default value is 1.1, Such as 1 It's on the inside of the pie ;
    7)autopct : Control the percentage setting in the pie chart , have access to format String or format function
    '%1.1f’ Refers to the number of digits before and after the decimal point ( Didn't fill in the blanks );
    8)pctdistance : Be similar to labeldistance, Appoint autopct The position scale of , The default value is 0.6;
    9)radius : Control the pie radius , The default value is 1;counterclock : Specify the direction of the pointer ; Boolean value , Optional parameters , The default is :True, That is, counter clockwise . Change the value to False It can be changed to clockwise .wedgeprops : Dictionary type , Optional parameters , The default value is :None. The parameter dictionary is passed to wedge Object is used to draw a pie chart . for example :wedgeprops={‘linewidth’:3} Set up wedge The line width is 3.
    10)textprops : Set the label (labels) And the format of proportional text ; Dictionary type , Optional parameters , The default value is :None. Pass to text The dictionary parameter of the object .
    11)colors: The color of the pie chart .
    12)center : A list of floating point types , Optional parameters , The default value is :(0,0). The center of the icon .
    13)frame : Boolean type , Optional parameters , The default value is :False. If it is true, Drawing axis frames with tables .

  1. rotatelabels : Boolean type , Optional parameters , The default is :False. If True, Rotate each label To the specified angle .

6、 ... and 、pie() Practice

draw 2016 Urban and rural employees in (Employedpopulation.csv) The pie chart of .

1. Source code

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Import 2016 Annual employment data 
Emp_data= np.loadtxt('Employedpopulation.csv',delimiter = ",",
# Set up matplotlib Normal display of Chinese and minus sign 
# extract 2016 The annual urban employment data and rural employment data are assigned to X
X = [Emp_data[2],Emp_data[3]]
# Create a drawing object , Set the canvas to square , The pie chart drawn is a positive circle 
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
label = [' Urban employment ',' Rural employment '] # Define the label of the pie chart , Tags are lists 
explode = [0.01,0.02] # Set the distance from the center of the circle n radius 
# Draw the pie chart ( data , radius , The label corresponding to the data , Keep two decimal places for the percentage )
plt.pie(X,explode = explode, labels=label,autopct='%.3f%%')
# Add the title 
plt.title("2016 Pie chart of urban and rural employment in ")
# Add legend 
' Urban employment ',' Rural employment '})

2. Set the color of the pie chart

  • 1. Set up color The parameter is pie chart color
    2. stay matplotlib in , There are many ways to set colors .
    (1) Commonly used red, Shorthand for r;green, Shorthand for g;blue, Shorthand for b;yellow, Shorthand for y;cyan, Shorthand for c ;magenta, Shorthand for m;black, Shorthand for k;white, Shorthand for w.
    (2)X11 Series of colors correspond to specific color codes by name , Later, CSS Color code is also based on its development , stay matplotlib in ,X11/CSS4 The relevant color names and hexadecimal codes are stored in a dictionary , You can view it in the following ways .
    import matplotlib._color_data as mcd
    for key in mcd.CSS4_COLORS:
    print(‘{}: {}’.format(key, mcd.CSS4_COLORS[key]))
    (3) RGB/RGBA Tuples
    All the colors have RGB Three primary colors make up , stay matplotlib in , Can be represented by a tuple red, green, blue The proportion of the three primary colors , And an optional alpha Value for transparency , The range of values is 0 To 1, Usage is as follows
    plt.pie(x=[1,2,3,4], colors=[(0.1, 0.2, 0.5),(0.1, 0.3, 0.5),(0.1, 0.4, 0.5),(0.1, 0.5, 0.5)])
import matplotlib._color_data as mcd
for key in mcd.CSS4_COLORS:
print('{}: {}'.format(key, mcd.CSS4_COLORS[key]))
# Create a drawing object , Set the canvas to square , The pie chart drawn is a positive circle 
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
# Set the color of the pie chart 
plt.pie(X,explode = explode, labels=label,autopct='%.3f%%',colors=color)
# Add the title 
plt.title("2016 Pie chart of urban and rural employment in ")
# Add legend 
' Urban employment ',' Rural employment '})

3. Set text labels

  • textprops={‘fontsize’:18,‘color’:‘k’} Set the font size to 18, The color black ¶
# Create a drawing object , Set the canvas to square , The pie chart drawn is a positive circle 
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
label = [' Urban employment ',' Rural employment '] # Define the label of the pie chart , Tags are lists 
explode = [0.01,0.02] # Set the distance from the center of the circle n radius 
# Set text labels 
plt.pie(X,explode = explode, labels=label,autopct='%.3f%%',
# Add the title 
plt.title("2016 Pie chart of urban and rural employment in ")
# Add legend 
' Urban employment ',' Rural employment '})

4. Set the separation and shadow of pie chart

  • Pie chart separation explode Value settings , shadow :shadow=True
# Create a drawing object , Set the canvas to square , The pie chart drawn is a positive circle 
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
label = [' Urban employment ',' Rural employment '] # Define the label of the pie chart , Tags are lists 
# Set the radius of each item from the center of the circle 
explode = [0.0,0.06]
# Set text labels 
plt.pie(X,explode = explode, labels=label,autopct='%.3f%%',
# Add the title 
plt.title("2016 Pie chart of urban and rural employment in ")
# Add legend 
' Urban employment ',' Rural employment '})

5. Set start angle startangle

plt.pie(X,explode = explode, labels=label,autopct='%.3f%%',
# Add the title 
plt.title("2016 Pie chart of urban and rural employment in ")
# Add legend 
' Urban employment ',' Rural employment '})

6. Project practice

  • Know the advanced mathematics of a class 、 Program design course examination results (student.xlsx), It is required to draw a pie chart to show the results of each course (85 More than )、 pass (60-84 branch )、 fail, (60 Below ) The proportion of .
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Set up matplotlib Normal display of Chinese and minus sign 
# Import student grades Advanced mathematics ma, Programming pr
data= np.loadtxt('student.csv',delimiter=',',
# Count the number of people in each score segment 
for num in data.T:
for i in num:
if i>=85:
elif i>=60:
# Define the label and distance of the pie chart 
label = [' good ',' pass ',' fail, ']
explode =[0.0,0.0,0.08]
# Color the pie chart 
plt.title(" Distribution of advanced mathematics ")
plt.pie(ma_count[0], labels=label,autopct='%.2f%%',explode=explode,
plt.title(" Program design score distribution ")
plt.pie(ma_count[1], labels=label,autopct='%.2f%%',explode=explode,
# Add legend 

If set to five levels : good , good , secondary , pass , fail, .

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Set up matplotlib Normal display of Chinese and minus sign 
# Import student grades Advanced mathematics ma, Programming pr
data= np.loadtxt('student.csv',delimiter=',',
# Count the number of people in each score segment 
# Create an empty list 
for num in data.T:
# Set initial value 
for i in num:
if i>=95:
# The number of outstanding people 
elif i>=85:
# Get good numbers 
elif i>=70:
# Get a medium number 
elif i>=60:
# The number of people who have passed 
# The number of people who failed 
# Define the label and distance of the pie chart 
label = [' good ',' good ',' secondary ',' pass ',' fail, ']
# It refers to the distance between this block and the center point 
explode =[0.05,0.05,0.05,0.05,0.05]
# Color the pie chart 
# Five colors are set 
plt.title(" Distribution of advanced mathematics ")
plt.pie(ma_count[0], labels=label,autopct='%.2f%%',explode=explode,
# Add legend 
plt.title(" Program design score distribution ")
plt.pie(ma_count[1], labels=label,autopct='%.2f%%',explode=explode,
# Add legend 
#loc=4 Position it in the lower right corner , Otherwise, it will be placed where other systems think it is most appropriate 

above ,matplotlib Library about histograms , Histogram , Bar chart , That's all for the pie chart , Have you learned ?

If you need the above data table to simulate , Please contact the editor QQ:2122961493 receive .

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