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Python common modules


Python Common library , See if there's anything you need .

Environmental management

 management Python Version and environment tools
p – Very simple interactive python Version management tools .
pyenv – ordinary Python Version management tools .
Vex – You can execute commands in a virtual environment .
virtualenv – Create independence Python Tools for the environment .
virtualenvwrapper- virtualenv A set of extensions .

Package management

 Management packages and dependent tools .
pip – Python Package and dependency management tools .
pip-tools – Guarantee Python A set of tools for package dependency update .
conda – Cross platform ,Python Binary package management tools .
Curdling – management Python Package's command line tools .
wheel – Python New standards for distribution , Intended to replace eggs.


 Local PyPI Warehouse services and agents .
warehouse – The next generation PyPI.
Warehousebandersnatch – PyPA Provided PyPI Mirror tool .
devpi – PyPI Service and packaging / test / Distribution tools .
localshop – Local PyPI service ( Customize the package and automatically pair PyPI Mirror image ).


Package as executable for distribution .

PyInstaller – take Python The program is converted into an independent execution file ( Cross platform ).
dh-virtualenv – Build and will virtualenv Virtual environment as a Debian Package to publish .
Nuitka – Script 、 modular 、 The package is compiled into an executable or extension module .
py2app – take Python The script becomes a standalone package (Mac OS X).
py2exe – take Python The script becomes a standalone package (Windows).
pynsist – One for creating Windows Tools for installing programs , Can be packaged in the installer Python In itself .

Building tools

Compile source code into software .

buildout – A build system , Create... From multiple components , Assemble and deploy applications .
BitBake – For embedded Linux Similar make Build tools for .
fabricate – Build tools that automatically find dependencies for any language .
PlatformIO – Multi platform command line build tool .
PyBuilder – pure Python Implementation of the continuous build tool .
SCons – Software build tools .

Interactive parsers

Interactive Python Parser .

IPython – Feature rich tools , Very effective use of interactive Python.
bpython- The interface is rich Python Parser .
ptpython – Advanced interactive Python Parser , Built on python-prompt-toolkit above .


Document management and MIME( Multipurpose Internet Mail expansion protocol ) Type detection .

imghdr – (Python Standard library ) Test picture type .
mimetypes – (Python Standard library ) Map the filename to MIME type .
path.py – Yes os.path Modules to be packaged .
pathlib – (Python3.4+ Standard library ) Cross platform 、 Object oriented path operation library .
python-magic- Third party library for file type detection libmagic Of Python Interface .
Unipath- Operating files and directories in an object-oriented way
watchdog – Manage file system events API and shell Tools 

Date and time

Operation date and time class library .

arrow- better Python Date time operation class library .
Chronyk – Python 3 Class library of , Time and date used to parse handwritten format .
dateutil – Python datetime Module expansion .
delorean- solve Python A library of tricky questions about date handling .
moment – One that deals with time and date Python library . Inspired by Moment.js.
PyTime – An easy-to-use Python modular , Used to manipulate dates through strings / Time .
pytz – Modern and historical versions of the world time zone definition . Bring the time zone database into Python.
when.py – Provide user-friendly functions to help users with common date and time operations .

Text processing

A library for parsing and manipulating text .


chardet – Character encoding detector , compatible Python2 and Python3.
difflib – (Python Standard library ) Help us make a differential comparison .
ftfy – Give Way Unicode The text is more complete and coherent .
fuzzywuzzy – Fuzzy string matching .
Levenshtein – Fast calculation of edit distance and similarity of strings .
pangu.py – Add spaces between Chinese, Japanese, Korean characters and alphanumeric characters .
pyfiglet -figlet Of Python Realization .
shortuuid – A generator Library , To produce a concise , I understand ,URL Safe UUID.
unidecode – Unicode Textual ASCII Transform form .
uniout – Print readable characters , Instead of escaping strings .
xpinyin – A library for converting Chinese characters into Pinyin .

Slug turn

awesome-slugify – One Python slug Chemical storage , Can keep Unicode.
python-slugify – Python slug Chemical storage , You can put unicode Turn into ASCII.
unicode-slugify – One slug Tools , Can generate unicode slugs , Need to rely on Django .


phonenumbers – analysis , format , Store , Verify phone number .
PLY – lex and yacc Parsing tools Python Realization .
Pygments – General syntax highlighting tool .
pyparsing – The framework for generating general parsers .
python-nameparser – Break down a person's name into separate parts .
python-user-agents – browser user agent Parser .
sqlparse – An unverified SQL Parser .

Special text formatting

 Some libraries for parsing and manipulating special text formats .


tablib – A module for processing table data in .


Marmir – Put the input Python Data structure converted to E-form .
openpyxl – One for reading and writing Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm Document library .
python-docx – Read , Query and modify Microsoft Word 2007/2008 docx file .
unoconv – stay LibreOffice/OpenOffice Conversion between any supported file formats .
XlsxWriter – One for creating Excel .xlsx Of documents Python modular .
xlwings – One makes it in Excel Easy to call Python The library of ( vice versa ), be based on BSD agreement .
xlwt / xlrd – Reading and writing Excel File data and format information .
relatorio – templated OpenDocument file .


PDFMiner – One is used to get from PDF A tool for extracting information from documents .
PyPDF2 – One can be divided , Merge and transform PDF Page Library .
ReportLab – Create rich text quickly PDF file .


Mistune – Fast and fully functional pure Python Realized Markdown Parser .
Python-Markdown – John Gruber’s Markdown Of Python Version implementation .


PyYAML – Python Version of YAML Parser .


csvkit – For conversion and operation CSV Tools for .


unp – A command line tool for unpacking archive files .

natural language processing

A library for processing human languages .

NLTK – An advanced platform , To build... For processing human language data Python Program .
jieba – Chinese word segmentation tools .
langid.py – Independent language recognition system .
Pattern – Python Network information mining module .
SnowNLP – A library for processing Chinese text .
TextBlob – Provide consistent... For common natural language processing tasks API.
TextGrocery – A simple and efficient short text classification tool , be based on LibLinear and Jieba.


The library used to generate project documents .

Sphinx – Python Document generator .
MkDocs – Yes Markdown Friendly document generator .
pdoc – One can replace Epydoc The library of , Can be generated automatically Python Library API file .
Pycco – Literary programming (literate-programming) Style document generator .

To configure

The library used to save and parse the configuration .

config – logging The hierarchical configuration module written by the module author .
ConfigObj – INI File parser , With verification function .
ConfigParser – (Python Standard library ) INI File parser .
profig – Configuration through multiple formats , It has the function of numerical conversion .
python-decouple – Completely isolate the settings from the code .

Command line tools

A library for creating command-line programs .

Command line program development

cement – Python The command-line framework for .
click – A package that creates a nice command-line interface through composition .
cliff – A framework for creating command line programs , You can create a command line program with multiple commands .
clint – Python Command line tools .
colorama – Cross platform color terminal text .
docopt – Python Style command line parameter parser .
Gooey – A command , Turn the command line program into a GUI Program .
python-prompt-toolkit – A library for building powerful interactive command-line programs .

Productivity tools

aws-cli – Amazon Web Services General command line interface .
bashplotlib – Basic drawing in terminal .
caniusepython3 – Decide which project is preventing you from transplanting to Python 3.
cookiecutter – from cookiecutters( Project template ) A command line tool for creating projects .
doitlive – A tool for live demonstration in the terminal .
howdoi – Get immediate programming answers from the command line .
httpie – A command line HTTP client ,cURL substitute , Easier to use .
PathPicker – from bash Select the document in the output .
percol – towards UNIX shell Traditional pipeline concept includes interactive selection function .
SAWS – An enhanced version of AWS Command line .
thefuck – Fix your previous command line instructions .
mycli – One MySQL Command line client , With automatic completion and syntax highlighting function .
pgcli – Postgres Command line tools , With automatic completion and syntax highlighting function .


A library for downloading .

s3cmd – One for management Amazon S3 and CloudFront Command line tools for .
s4cmd – Super S3 Command line tools , More powerful performance .
you-get – One YouTube/Youku/Niconico Video Downloader , Use Python3 To write .
youtube-dl – A small command line program , To download YouTube video .

The image processing

A library for manipulating images .

pillow – Pillow It's a much easier version of PIL.
hmap – Image histogram mapping .
imgSeek – An item that uses visual similarity to search for a set of images .
nude.py – Naked test .
pyBarcode – Don't use PIL Library in Python Barcode generated in the program .
pygram – similar Instagram The image filter .
python-qrcode – A pure Python Implementation of the two-dimensional code generator .
Quads – Computer art based on quadtree .
scikit-image – One for the ( science ) Image processing Python library .
thumbor – A small image service , With a cut , Size reset and flip function .
wand – MagickWand Of Python binding .MagickWand yes ImageMagick Of C API .


Optical character recognition library .

pyocr – Tesseract and Cuneiform An encapsulation of (wrapper).
pytesseract – Google Tesseract OCR Another package of (wrapper).
python-tesseract – Google Tesseract OCR A packaging class of .


A library for operating audio

audiolazy -Python Digital signal processing package .
audioread – Cross Library (GStreamer + Core Audio + MAD + FFmpeg) Audio decoding .
beets – A music library management tool and MusicBrainz Tagging tools
dejavu – Audio fingerprint extraction and recognition
django-elastic-transcoder – Django + Amazon Elastic Transcoder.
eyeD3 – A tool for operating audio files , Specifically, it includes ID3 Meta information MP3 file .
id3reader – One for reading MP3 Metadata Python modular .
m3u8 – One is used to parse m3u8 Module of file .
mutagen – One for processing audio metadata Python modular .
pydub – Through a simple 、 Simple high-level interface to operate audio files .
pyechonest – Echo Nest API Of Python client
talkbox – One to deal with speeches / The signal Python library
TimeSide – Open source web Audio processing framework .
tinytag – One for reading MP3, OGG, FLAC as well as Wave Library of file music metadata .
mingus – An advanced music theory and score package , Support MIDI File and playback functions .


Used to operate video and GIF The library of .

moviepy – A video editing module based on script , Suitable for multiple formats , Including moving pictures GIFs.
scikit-video – SciPy Video processing routines .


Geocoding addresses and libraries for handling latitude and longitude .

GeoDjango – World class geographic graphics web frame .
GeoIP – MaxMind GeoIP Legacy Database Python API.
geojson – GeoJSON Of Python Binding and tools .
geopy – Python Address coding toolbox .
pygeoip – pure Python GeoIP API.
django-countries – One Django Applications , Provides country selection functions for forms , Flag Icon static file and country field in model .


Use HTTP The library of .

requests – Humanized HTTP Request Library .
grequests – requests library + gevent , For asynchronous HTTP request .
httplib2 – comprehensive HTTP Client library .
treq – similar requests Of Python API Built on Twisted HTTP On the client side .
urllib3 – A pool with thread safe connections , Supporting documents post, Clear and friendly HTTP library .


Python Implemented database .

pickleDB – A simple , Lightweight key value storage database .
PipelineDB – streaming SQL database .
TinyDB – A miniature , For document databases .
ZODB – One Python Native object database . A database of key values and object graphs .

Database driven

A library used to connect and operate a database .

MySQL – awesome-mysql series
mysql-python – Python Of MySQL Database connector .
mysqlclient – mysql-python Branch , Support Python 3.
oursql – A better MySQL The connector , Support for native precompiled instructions and BLOBs.
PyMySQL – pure Python MySQL drive , compatible mysql-python.


psycopg2 – Python The most popular PostgreSQL Adapter .
queries – psycopg2 Encapsulation of Libraries , For and PostgreSQL Interact .
txpostgres – be based on Twisted The asynchronous PostgreSQL drive .

Other relational databases

apsw – the other one Python SQLite encapsulation .
dataset – Store... In a database Python Dictionaries – Can work together SQLite,MySQL, and PostgreSQL Work .
pymssql- A simple Microsoft SQL Server Database interface .

NoSQL database

cassandra-python-driver – Cassandra Of Python drive .
HappyBase – One for Apache HBase The design of the , Developer friendly Libraries .
Plyvel – A fast and feature rich LevelDB Of Python Interface .
py2neo – Neo4j restful Interface Python Encapsulate the client .
pycassa – Cassandra Of Python Thrift drive .
PyMongo – MongoDB The official Python client .
redis-py – Redis Of Python client .
telephus – be based on Twisted Of Cassandra client .
txRedis – be based on Twisted Of Redis client .


 A library that implements object relational mapping or data mapping techniques .

Relational database

Django Models – Django Part of .
SQLAlchemy – Python SQL Tools and object relational mapping tools .
awesome-sqlalchemy series
Peewee – A small one , Expressive ORM.
PonyORM – Provide generator oriented SQL Interface ORM.
python-sql – To write Python Style SQL Inquire about .

NoSQL database

django-mongodb-engine – Django MongoDB Back end .
PynamoDB – Amazon DynamoDB One of the Python Style interface .
flywheel – Amazon DynamoDB Object mapping tool .
MongoEngine – One Python Object document mapping tool , be used for MongoDB.
hot-redis – by Redis Provide Python Rich data types .
redisco – One Python library , Provision can persist in Redis Simple models and containers in .


butterdb – Google Drive Of a spreadsheet Python ORM.

Web frame

The whole stack web frame .

Django – Python The most popular web frame .
awesome-django series
Flask – One Python Micro frame . [https://
wesome-flask](https://link.zhihu.com/?target=https%3A//github.com/humiaozuzu/awesome-flask) series
Pyramid – A small one , Fast , Open source of grounding gas Python web frame .

awesome-pyramid series

Bottle – A quick little , Lightweight WSGI miniature web frame .
CherryPy – A minimalist Python web frame , obey HTTP/1.1 Agreement and have WSGI Thread pool .
TurboGears – A micro framework that can be extended to a full stack solution .
web.py – One Python Of web frame , It's simple , Powerful .
web2py – A whole stack web Framework and platform , Focus on simplicity and ease of use .
Tornado – One web Framework and asynchronous network library .


A library that allows or denies access to data or functions .

Carteblanche – Module to align code with thoughts of users and designers. Also magically handles navigation and permissions.
django-guardian – Django 1.2+ Implemented single object permissions .
django-rules – A small but powerful application , Provides object level rights management , And you don't need to use a database .


Content management system

django-cms – An open source , Enterprise class CMS, be based on Django.
djedi-cms – A lightweight but very powerful Django CMS , Considering the plug-ins , Inline editing and performance .
FeinCMS – be based on Django One of the most advanced content management systems built .
Kotti – An advanced ,Python Fan's web Application framework , be based on Pyramid structure .
Mezzanine – A powerful , Continuous , Flexible content management platform .
Opps – One for the magazine , Newspaper website and large flow portal website design CMS platform , be based on Django.
Plone – An open source application server Zope Above CMS.
Quokka – flexible , Scalable small CMS, be based on Flask and MongoDB.
Wagtail – One Django Content management system .
Widgy – Abreast of the times CMS frame , be based on Django.

Electronic Commerce

Framework and library for e-commerce and payment .

django-oscar – One for the Django Open source e-commerce framework .
django-shop – One is based on Django The store system .
Cartridge – One is based on Mezzanine Build shopping cart application .
shoop – One is based on Django Open source e-commerce platform .
alipay – Unofficial Python Alipay API.
merchant – One can receive payments from multiple payment platforms Django application .
money – Currency class library with optional CLDR-backed locale-aware formatting and an extensible currency exchange solution.
python-currencies – Display currency format and its value .


 To develop RESTful APIs The library of 


django-rest-framework – A powerful and flexible tool , Used to build web API.
django-tastypie – by Django application development API.
django-formapi – by Django Form validation for , establish JSON APIs .


flask-api – by flask Developed , You can browse Web APIs .
flask-restful – by flask Quick creation REST APIs .
flask-restless – by SQLAlchemy Define the database model to create RESTful APIs .
flask-api-utils – by Flask Handle API Presentation and validation .
eve – REST API frame , from Flask, MongoDB Wait for the drive .


cornice – One Pyramid Of REST frame .

Not related to the framework

falcon – One for building clouds API and web app Back end performance framework .
sandman – Automatically create... For existing database driven systems REST APIs .
restless – Frame independent REST frame , Based on from Tastypie What I learned .
ripozo – Quick creation REST/HATEOAS/Hypermedia APIs.


The library that implements the validation scheme .


Authomatic – Simple but powerful framework , Authentication / Licensing clients .
django-allauth – Django Verification application of .
django-oauth-toolkit – by Django User prepared OAuth2.
django-oauth2-provider – by Django Application provide OAuth2 Access .
Flask-OAuthlib – OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0 Client implementation , for Flask Use .
OAuthLib – One OAuth request - Signature logic is universal 、 Complete implementation .
python-oauth2 – A fully tested abstract interface . Used to create OAuth Client and server .
python-social-auth – A simple way to set up social verification .
rauth – OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly Of Python library .
sanction – A super simple one OAuth2 Client implementation .


jose – JavaScript Implementation of object signature and encryption draft .
PyJWT – JSON Web Draft token 01.
python-jws – JSON Web Draft signature 02 The implementation of the .
python-jwt – One for generating and verifying JSON Web Token module .

template engine

Template generation and lexical analysis of the library and tools .

Jinja2 – A modern , Designer friendly template engine .
Chameleon – One HTML/XML template engine . Imitated ZPT(Zope Page Templates), Optimized the speed .
Genshi – Python Template tools , Used to generate web The result of perception .
Mako – Python Super high speed lightweight template of the platform .


Libraries that handle events and task queues .

celery – An asynchronous task queue / Job queue , Based on distributed messaging .
huey – Small multithreaded task queue .
mrq – Mr. Queue - One Python Distributed worker Task queue , Use Redis and gevent.
rq – ordinary Python Job queue .
simpleq – A simple , Infinitely expandable , Based on Amazon SQS Queues .

Search for

A library and software that indexes data and performs search queries .

django-haystack – Django Modular search .
elasticsearch-py – Elasticsearch The official bottom floor of Python client .
elasticsearch-dsl-py -Elasticsearch The official senior Python client .
solrpy – solr Of Python client .
Whoosh – A fast pure Python Search engine library .

Dynamic news

A library for creating user activities .

django-activity-stream – Generate generic activity flows from your site's behavior .
Stream-Framework – Use Cassandra and Redis Create dynamic messaging and notification systems .

Resource management

management 、 Compress 、 Tools to narrow down web resources .

django-compressor – Link and inline JavaScript or CSS Compress into a separate cache file .
django-storages – One for Django Set of custom storage backend tools .
fanstatic – pack 、 Optimize , And static file dependency as Python To provide .
File Conveyor – A background resident program , Used to discover and synchronize files to CDNs, S3 and FTP.
Flask-Assets – Help you to web Integrate resources into your Flask app in .
jinja-assets-compressor – One Jinja Expand , To compile and compress your resources .
webassets – Package your static resources 、 Optimize and manage the generation of unique caches URL.


A library of cached data .

Beaker – A cache and session Library , Can be used in web Application and independence Python Scripts and applications .
django-cache-machine – Django Automatic caching and invalidation of models .
django-cacheops- With automatic granular event driven failure function ORM.
django-viewlet – Apply colours to a drawing template , At the same time, it has additional cache control function .
dogpile.cache – dogpile.cache yes Beaker Next generation alternatives to , Developed by the same author .
HermesCache – Python Cache Library , Has label based failures and dogpile effect Protection function .
johnny-cache – django Application caching framework .
pylibmc – libmemcached Interface Python encapsulation .


A library for sending and parsing e-mail .

django-celery-ses – with AWS SES and Celery Of Django email Back end .
envelopes – E-mail library for human use .
flanker – One email Address and Mime Parsing library .
imbox – Python IMAP library
inbox.py – Python SMTP The server .
inbox – An open source email toolkit .
lamson – Python Style SMTP application server .
mailjet – Mailjet API Realization , Used to provide bulk mail delivery , Statistics and other functions .
marrow.mailer – High performance extensible mail distribution framework .
modoboa – An email hosting and management platform , With modern 、 Simple Web UI.
pyzmail – establish , Send and parse email .
Talon – Mailgun library , Used to extract information and signatures .


A library for internationalization .

Babel – One Python International Library of .
Korean – A Korean word state library .

URL Handle

analysis URLs The library of

furl – One let handle URL Simpler and smaller Python library .
purl – A simple , Immutable URL class , Have a simple API To ask and deal with .
pyshorteners – A pure Python URL Shorten the library .
shorturl- Generate short URL And similar [
](https://link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//bit.ly) Short chain Python Realization .
webargs – An analysis HTTP The library requesting parameters , Built in for pop web Framework support , Include Flask, Django, Bottle, Tornado and Pyramid.

HTML Handle

Handle HTML and XML The library of .

BeautifulSoup – With Python The style is right HTML or XML To iterate , Search and modify .
bleach – A white list based HTML Clean up and text link library .
cssutils – One Python Of CSS library .
html5lib – A compatible standard HTML Document and fragment parsing and serialization Libraries .
lxml – One is very fast , Simple and easy to use , A full-featured library , Used for processing HTML and XML.
MarkupSafe – by Python Realization XML/HTML/XHTML Tag security string .
pyquery – An analysis HTML The library of , similar jQuery.
untangle – take XML Document conversion to Python object , Make it easy to access .
xhtml2pdf – HTML/CSS turn PDF Tools .
xmltodict – Like dealing with JSON Handle it the same way XML.

Web site crawling

Crawl the library of the network site

Scrapy – A fast and advanced framework for screen crawling and web page acquisition .
cola – A distributed crawler framework .
Demiurge – be based on PyQuery The reptile micro frame .
feedparser – Universal feed Parser .
Grab – Site crawling frame .
MechanicalSoup – For automatic interaction with web sites Python library .
portia – Scrapy Visual crawling .
pyspider – A powerful crawler system .
RoboBrowser – A simple ,Python Style library , Used to browse websites , Instead of having a browser installed independently .

Web content extraction

A library for web content extraction .

Haul – An extensible image crawling tool .
html2text – take HTML Convert to Markdown Rich text
lassie – Humanized web content retrieval database .
micawber - A small web content extraction Library , Used to from URLs Extract rich content .
newspaper – Use Python To extract news , Article extraction and content curation .
opengraph – One for parsing open content protocols (Open Graph Protocol) Of Python modular .
python-goose – HTML Content / Article extractor .
python-readability- arc90 company readability The tool Python High speed port
sanitize – Bring conditioning to the cluttered data world .
sumy – One for text files and HTML Page automatic summary of the module .
textract – Extract text from documents of any format ,Word,PowerPoint,PDFs wait .


A library for form operations .

Deform – Python HTML Form generation library , Yes formish Form generation library .
django-bootstrap3- Integrated Bootstrap 3 Of Django.
django-crispy-forms – One Django application , He can make you very elegant and DRY(Don’t repeat yourself) To create beautiful forms .
django-remote-forms- A platform is independent Django Form serialization tool .
WTForms – A flexible form validation and rendering Library .
WTForms-JSON- One WTForms Expand , Used for processing JSON data .

data validation

Data validation Library . More for form validation .

Cerberus – A mappings-validator with a variety of rules, normalization-features and simple customization that uses a pythonic schema-definition.
colander – One for the slave XML, JSON,HTML A system that validates and deserializes data obtained by a form or other similarly simple serialized data .
kmatch – One for matching / verification / Screening Python The language of the dictionary .
schema - One for Python Database for data structure validation .
Schematics – Data structure validation .
valideer – Lightweight and extensible data validation and adaptation Library .
voluptuous – One Python Data validation Library . Mainly to verify the incoming Python Of JSON,YAML Data such as .
Anti waste technology
A library that helps you fight e-waste .
django-simple-captcha – A simple 、 Highly customizable Django application , Can be for any Django Add verification code to the form .
django-simple-spam-blocker- One for the Django A simple electronic waste screening tool .


A library for marking .

django-taggit – ordinary Django Marking tools .

Management panel

Manage interface library .

Ajenti – A management panel that your server deserves .
django-suit – Django An alternative to the management interface ( It's free for non-commercial use only ).
django-xadmin – Django admin An alternative to , It has many good functions .
flask-admin – One for the Flask A simple and extensible management interface framework .
flower – One right Celery Cluster for real-time monitoring and providing web Tools for managing interfaces .
Grappelli – Django Management interface for a beautiful skin .
Wooey – One Django application , It can be for Python Script creation web The user interface .

Static site builder

Static site generator is a software , It takes text and templates as input , Then the output HTML file .

Pelican – Use Markdown or ReST To deal with content , Jinja 2 To make a theme . Support DVCS, Disqus..AGPL The license .
Cactus – Static site generator for designers .
Hyde – be based on Jinja2 Static site generator for .
Nikola – A static website and blog generator .
Tinkerer – Tinkerer It's a blog engine / Static site builder , from Sphinx drive .
Lektor – A simple and easy-to-use static CMS And blog engine .


Operating system process startup and communication library .

envoy – Than Python subprocess Modules are more user-friendly .
sarge – The other Kind of subprocess Packaging of modules .
sh – A complete subprocess Alternative Library .

Concurrency and parallelism

A library for concurrent and parallel operations .

multiprocessing – (Python Standard library ) Process based " Threads ” Interface .
threading – (Python Standard library ) Higher level thread interface .
eventlet – Support WSGI The asynchronous framework of .
gevent – A process based Python The network library , Use greenlet.
Tomorrow - A magic decorator syntax implementation for generating asynchronous code .

The Internet

A library for network programming .

asyncio – (Python Standard library ) asynchronous I/O, The event loop , Cooperation and tasks .
Twisted – An event driven network engine .
pulsar – Event driven concurrency framework .
diesel – be based on Greenlet Events I/O frame .
pyzmq – One ZeroMQ Message base Python encapsulation .
txZMQ – be based on Twisted Of ZeroMQ Message base Python encapsulation .


Help with WebSocket The library of .

AutobahnPython – to Python 、 The use of WebSocket & WAMP be based on Twisted and asyncio.
Crossbar – Open source unified application routing (Websocket & WAMP for Python on Autobahn).
django-socketio – to Django With WebSockets.
WebSocket-for-Python – by Python2/3 as well as PyPy Compiling WebSocket Client and server Libraries .

WSGI The server

compatible WSGI Of web The server

gunicorn – Pre-forked, Partly by C language-written .
uwsgi – uwsgi The purpose of the project is to develop a set of full stack tools , Used to build hosted services , from C Language writing .
bjoern – asynchronous , Very fast , from C Language writing .
fapws3 – asynchronous ( Only for the network end ), from C Language writing .
meinheld – asynchronous , Partly by C language-written .
netius – asynchronous , Very fast .
paste – Multithreading , Stable , Time-tested .
rocket – Multithreading .
waitress – Multithreading , It is it that drives Pyramid frame .
Werkzeug – One WSGI Tool library , Driving Flask , And it can be easily embedded into your project .

RPC The server

compatible RPC Server for .

SimpleJSONRPCServer – This library is JSON-RPC An implementation of the specification .
SimpleXMLRPCServer – (Python Standard library ) ordinary XML-RPC Server implementation , Single thread .
zeroRPC – zerorpc It's a flexible RPC Realization , be based on ZeroMQ and MessagePack.


cryptography – This package is intended to provide the basic content and methods of cryptography to Python developer .
hashids – stay Python To realize hashids .
Paramiko – SSHv2 Agreed Python (2.6+, 3.3+) , Provide client and server functions .
Passlib – Secure password storage / Hashiku ,
PyCrypto – Python Cryptography toolbox .
PyNacl – Network and cryptography (NaCl) Library Python binding .

Graphical user interface

A library for creating GUI programs .

curses – The built-in ncurses encapsulation , Used to create terminal GUI .
enaml – Use similar QML Of Declaratic Syntax to create a beautiful user interface .
kivy – One for creating natural user interaction (NUI) The library of the application , Can run in Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android as well as iOS On the platform .
pyglet – One Python Cross platform windows and multimedia libraries .
PyQt – Cross platform user interface framework Qt Of Python binding , Support Qt v4 and Qt v5.
PySide – P Cross platform user interface framework Qt Of Python binding , Support Qt v4.
Tkinter – Tkinter yes Python GUI A library of fact standards .
Toga – One Python Native , Operating system native GUI tool kit .
urwid – One for creating terminals GUI Application Library , Support component , Events and rich colors, etc .
wxPython – wxPython yes wxWidgets C++ Class library and Python The product of language mixing .
PyGObject – GLib/GObject/GIO/GTK+ (GTK+3) Of Python binding
Flexx – Flexx It's pure. Python Language written to create GUI The toolset of the program , It USES web Technology for interface display .

Game development

Great game development library .

Cocos2d – cocos2d It's used to develop 2D game , Examples and other graphics / The framework of interactive application . be based on pyglet.
Panda3D – Developed by Disney 3D The game engine , It is maintained by Carnegie Meron Entertainment Technology Center . Use C++ To write , in the light of Python It's completely encapsulated .
Pygame – Pygame It's a group. Python modular , Used to write games .
PyOgre – Ogre 3D Rendering engine's Python binding , It can be used to develop games, emulators, etc 3D application .
PyOpenGL – OpenGL Of Python Binding and related APIs.
PySDL2 – SDL2 Encapsulation of Libraries , be based on ctypes.
RenPy – A visual novel (visual novel) engine .


A library for generating and operating logs .

logging – (Python Standard library ) by Python Provide log function .
logbook – Logging Alternatives to the library .
Eliot – Create logs for complex and distributed systems .
Raven – Sentry Of Python client .
Sentry – Servers that record and collect logs in real time .


 A library for code base testing and test data generation .

The test framework

unittest – (Python Standard library ) Unit test framework .
nose – nose Expanded unittest The function of .
contexts – One Python 3.3+ Of BDD frame . suffer C# – Machine.Specifications Inspired by the .
hypothesis – Hypothesis It's based on advanced Quickcheck A test library of style features .
mamba – Python The ultimate test tool , Support BDD.
PyAutoGUI – PyAutoGUI It's a personal cross platform GUI Automatic test module .
pyshould- Should Assertion of style , be based on PyHamcrest.
pytest- A mature full function Python Testing tools .
green- clean , Colorful testing tools .
pyvows- BDD Style testing tools , suffer Vows.js Inspired by the .
Robot Framework – A general automation testing framework .

Web test

Selenium – Selenium WebDriver Of Python binding .
locust – Use Python Compiling , Extensible user load test tool .
sixpack – One that has nothing to do with language A/B The test framework .
splinter – Open source web Application testing tools .

Mock test

mock – (Python Standard library ) A library for forgery tests .
doublex – Python A powerful doubles The test framework .
freezegun – Different time is generated by forging date module .
httmock – in the light of Python 2.6+ and 3.2+ Generate The library of forged requests .
httpretty – Python Of HTTP request mock Tools .
responses – forge Python Medium requests A general library of libraries .
VCR.py – Record and replay... In your tests HTTP Interaction .

Object factory

factoryboy – One Python Test firmware used (test fixtures) Alternative Library .
mixer – Another test firmware (test fixtures) Alternative Library , Support Django, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Peewee etc. .
modelmommy – by Django Test create random firmware 

Code coverage

coverage – Code coverage measurement .

Pseudo data

faker – One Python library , Used to generate pseudo data .
fake2db – Pseudo database generator .
radar – Generate random dates / Time .

Error handling

FuckIt.py – FuckIt.py Use the most advanced technology to guarantee your Python Code can continue to run no matter right or wrong .

Code analysis and Lint Tools

 Code analysis , Libraries and tools for parsing and manipulating code bases .

The code analysis

code2flow – Take yours. Python and JavaScript Code to flowchart .
pycallgraph - This library can take your Python Application process ( Call graph ) Visualizing .
pysonar2 – Python Type inference and retrieval tools .

Lint Tools

Flake8 – Modular source check tool : pep8, pyflakes as well as co.
Pylint – A fully customizable source analyzer .
pylama – Python and JavaScript Code review tool .

Debugging tools

A library for code debugging .

The debugger

ipdb – IPython To enable the pdb.
pudb – Full screen , Console based Python The debugger .
pyringe – Can be in Python Debugger for attaching and injecting code in process .
wdb – A strange web The debugger , adopt WebSockets Work .
winpdb – A... With a graphical user interface Python The debugger , Remote debugging is possible , be based on rpdb2.
django-debug-toolbar – by Django Display various debugging information .
django-devserver – One Django An alternative to running a server .
flask-debugtoolbar – django-debug-toolbar Of flask edition .

Performance Analyzer

lineprofiler – Line by line performance analysis .
memoryprofiler – monitor Python Memory usage of code .
profiling – An interactive Python Performance analysis tool .


pyelftools – Analysis and analysis ELF Files and DWARF Debugging information .
python-statsd – statsd Server's Python client .

Science and technology and data analysis

A library for scientific computation and data analysis .

astropy – An astronomy Python library .
bcbio-nextgen – This toolkit provides best practice processing flow for fully automated high-throughput sequencing analysis .
bccb – Bioanalysis related code set
Biopython – Biopython It's a set of free tools for biological computing .
blaze – NumPy and Pandas Big data interface .
cclib – A library for parsing and interpreting the output of a computational chemistry package .
NetworkX – A high-performance software designed for complex networks .
Neupy – Perform and test various artificial neural network algorithms .
Numba – Python JIT (just in time) compiler , For scientific use Python , from Cython and NumPy Developer development .
NumPy – Use Python The basic package for Scientific Computing .
Open Babel – A chemical toolbox , Used to describe a variety of chemical data .
Open Mining – Use Python Mining business intelligence (BI) (Pandas web Interface ).
orange – By visual programming or Python Script data mining , Data visualization , Analysis and machine learning .
Pandas – Provide high performance , Easy to use data structure and data analysis tools .
PyDy – PyDy yes Python Dynamics Abbreviation , It is used to help the workflow of dynamic motion modeling , be based on NumPy, SciPy, IPython and matplotlib.
PyMC – Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling tool .
RDKit – Chemical informatics and machine learning software .
SciPy – By some based on Python , Used in mathematics , The ecosystem of open source software for science and Engineering .
statsmodels – Statistical modeling and Econometrics .
SymPy – One for symbolic mathematics Python library .
zipline – One Python Algorithmic transaction Library .

Data visualization

 A database for data visualization . See : awesome-javascript.
matplotlib – One Python 2D Drawing library .
bokeh – use Python Interactive web mapping .
ggplot – ggplot2 to R Provided API Of Python edition .
plotly – synergy Python and matplotlib Working web Drawing library .
pygal – One Python SVG Chart creation tool .
pygraphviz – Graphviz Of Python Interface .
PyQtGraph – Interactive real time 2D/3D/ Image drawing and Science / Engineering components .
SnakeViz – A browser based Python’s cProfile Module output result viewing tool .
vincent – hold Python Convert to Vega Grammar conversion tools .
VisPy – be based on OpenGL High performance scientific visualization tools .

Computer vision

Computer vision library .

OpenCV – Open source computer vision library .
SimpleCV – An open source framework for creating computer vision applications .

machine learning

Machine learning library . See : awesome-machine-learning.

Crab – flexible 、 Fast recommendation engine .
gensim – Humanized topic modeling library .
hebel – GPU Accelerated deep learning library .
NuPIC – Intelligent Computing Numenta platform .
pattern – Python Network mining module .
PyBrain – the other one Python Machine learning library .
Pylearn2 – One is based on Theano Machine learning library .
python-recsys – A recommendation system for the implementation of Python library .
scikit-learn – be based on SciPy Building machine learning Python modular .
pydeep – Python Deep learning library .
vowpalporpoise – Lightweight Vowpal Wabbit Of Python encapsulation .
skflow – One TensorFlow The simplified interface ( imitation scikit-learn).


MapReduce Frames and Libraries .

dpark – Spark Of Python Clone , A similar MapReduce Framework .
dumbo – This Python Modules can make it easy to write and run Hadoop Program .
luigi – This module helps you build a complex pipeline of batch jobs .
mrjob – stay Hadoop or Amazon Web Services Up operation MapReduce Mission .
PySpark – Spark Of Python API .
streamparse – Run... For fact flow Python Code . Integrated Apache Storm.

Functional programming

Use Python Do functional programming .

CyToolz – Toolz Of Cython Realization : High performance functional tools .
fn.py – stay Python Function programming in : Realize some functions that enjoy the missing function of functional programming .
funcy – Cool and practical functional tools .
Toolz – A set for iterators , Functional programming tools for functions and dictionaries .

The third party API

Used to access third parties API The library of . See : List of Python API Wrappers and Libraries.

apache-libcloud – One for all kinds of clouds Python library .
boto – Amazon Web Services Of Python Interface .
django-wordpress – WordPress models and views for Django.
facebook-sdk – Facebook Platform Python SDK.
facepy – Facepy Let and Facebook’s Graph API It's easier to interact with .
gmail – Gmail Of Python Interface .
google-api-python-client – Python With Google APIs Client library .
gspread – Google Of a spreadsheet Python API.
twython – Twitter API Encapsulation .

DevOps Tools

be used for DevOps Software and libraries .

Ansible – A very simple one IT Automation platform .
SaltStack – Infrastructure automation and management systems .
OpenStack – Open source software for building private and public clouds .
Docker Compose – Fast , Separate development environment , Use Docker.
Fabric – A simple ,Python Style tools , For remote execution and deployment .
cuisine – by Fabric Provides a series of advanced functions .
Fabtools – One for writing great Fabric File tool .
gitapi – Git Pure Python API.
hgapi – Mercurial Pure Python API.
honcho – Foreman Of Python Clone , Used to manage based on Procfile Application .
pexpect – Controlling interactive programs in a pseudo-terminal like Control the interaction program in a pseudo terminal , It's like GNU expect equally .
psutil – A cross platform process and system tool module .
supervisor – UNIX Process control system .

Task scheduling

Task scheduling Library .

APScheduler – Lightweight but powerful in-process task scheduling , Allows you to schedule functions .
django-schedule – One Django Scheduling application .
doit – A task execution and build tool .
gunnery – The multi-purpose task execution tool used by distributed system , have web Interactive interface .
Joblib – One group is Python Provide tools for lightweight assembly line .
Plan – If God helps to write crontab file .
schedule – Humanized Python Task scheduling Library .
Spiff – Use pure Python The realization of a powerful workflow engine .
TaskFlow – A... That will make it easy for you to perform tasks Python library , Consistent and reliable .

Foreign function interface

Libraries that use foreign function interfaces .

cffi – Used to call C The foreign function interface of the code .
ctypes – (Python Standard library ) Used to call C The foreign function interface of the code .
PyCUDA – Nvidia CUDA API Encapsulation .
SWIG – Simplified encapsulation and interface generator .

High performance

 Give Way Python Faster Library .
Cython – Optimization of the Python Static compiler . Use type mixing to make Python Translate it into C or C++ Module to get great performance improvement .
PeachPy – The embedded Python Of x86-64 Assembler . Can be used as Python Inline assembler or independent assembler , be used for Windows, Linux, OS X, Native Client perhaps Go .
PyPy – Use Python Realized Python. The interpreter uses black magic to speed up Python Running speed and no need to add additional type information .
Pyston – Use LLVM And the modern JIT technology-built Python Realization , The goal is to get good performance .
Stackless Python – An enhanced version of Python.

Microsoft Windows platform

stay Windows On the platform Python Programming .

Python(x,y) – For scientific applications Python Distribution version , be based on Qt and Spyder.
pythonlibs – Unofficial Windows platform Python Extended binary package .
PythonNet – Python And .NET Common language runtime (CLR) Integration of .
PyWin32 – in the light of Windows Of Python Expand .
WinPython – Windows 7/8 Portable development environment under the system .

Network visualization and SDN

 For network visualization and SDN( Software Defined Network ) Tools and libraries .
Mininet – A popular network simulator and use Python Compiling API.
POX – One is based on Python The software defines network applications ( for example OpenFlow SDN controller ) Open source development platform .
Pyretic – It's hot SDN A member of a programming language , Provides powerful abstraction capabilities for network switches and simulators .
SDX Platform – be based on SDN Of IXP Realization , Affected Mininet, POX and Pyretic.


 A library for programming hardware .
ino - operation Arduino Command line tools for .
Pyro – Python Robot programming library .
PyUserInput – Cross platform , Control mouse and keyboard module .
scapy – A great library for manipulating packets .
wifi – One Python Libraries and command line tools are used in Linux Operation on the platform WiFi.
Pingo – Pingo For the similar Raspberry Pi,pcDuino, Intel Galileo And so on API For programming .


 Help from Python 2 towards Python 3 Migrated Library .
Python-Future – This is it. Python 2 and Python 3 The lost compatibility layer between .
Python-Modernize – send Python The code is more modern in order to eventually migrate to Python 3.
Six – Python 2 and 3 Compatibility tools for .


 Does not belong to any of the above categories , But a very useful library .
blinker – A fast Python In process signals / Event distribution system .
itsdangerous – A series of assistive tools are used to transfer trusted data to untrusted environments .
pluginbase – A simple but very flexible Python Plug in system .
Pychievements – A... For creating and tracking achievements Python frame .
Tryton – A general business framework .

Algorithms and design patterns

Python Implementation of the algorithm and design patterns .
algorithms - One Python Algorithm module
python-patterns – Python A collection of design patterns .
sortedcontainers – Fast , pure Python Realized SortedList,SortedDict and SortedSet type .

Editor plugin

Editor and IDE Plug in for

Elpy – Emacs Python development environment .
Sublime Text
SublimeJEDI – One Sublime Text plug-in unit , Used to use the excellent auto completion Library Jedi.
Anaconda – Anaconda Take yours. Sublime Text 3 Become a fully functional Python IDE.


YouCompleteMe – The introduction is based on Jedi Of Python Auto completion engine .
Jedi-vim – binding Vim and Jedi Automatically complete the database Python Carry out automatic completion .
Python-mode – take Vim become Python IDE A multi in one plug-in .

Visual Studio

PTVS – Visual Studio Of Python Tools 

Integrated development environment

The popular Python Integrated development environment .

PyCharm – commercialized Python IDE , from JetBrains Development . There's also a free community version .
LiClipse – be based on Eclipse Free multilingual IDE . Use PyDev To support Python .
Spyder – Open source Python IDE.


 Online tools and simplified development API .

Continuous integration

 See : awesome-CIandCD.
Travis CI – A popular tool , Provide continuous integration services for your open source and private projects .( Support only GitHub)
CircleCI – A continuous integration tool , Parallel testing can be carried out very quickly . ( Support only GitHub)
Vexor CI – One is private app Provide tools for continuous integration , Supports pay per minute .
Wercker – be based on Docker platform , To build and deploy microservices .

Code quality

Codacy – Automated code review , Faster release of high quality code . It's free for open source projects .
QuantifiedCode – A data driver 、 Automatically 、 Continuous code review tool .

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