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Detailed explanation of Python pandas data processing high frequency operation



Introduce dependencies

Algorithm dependent

get data

Generate df

To be ranked high

Add column

Missing value processing

Hot coding alone

Replacement value

Delete column

Data filtering

Difference calculation

Data modification

Time format conversion

Set index columns

Broken line diagram

Scatter plot


Heat map

66 The most commonly used pandas Data analysis function

Import data from a variety of sources and formats

Derived data

Create test object

see 、 Check the data

Data selection

Data cleaning

Screening , Sort and group by

Data merging

Data statistics

16 A function , For data cleaning

1.cat function







8.pad+side Parameters /center





13.split Method +expand Parameters




Introduce dependencies #  The import module import pymysqlimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport time#  database from sqlalchemy import create_engine#  visualization import matplotlib.pyplot as plt#  If your equipment is equipped with Retina Of the screen mac, Can be in jupyter notebook in , Use the following line of code to effectively improve the image quality %config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'#  solve  plt  The problem of Chinese display  mymacplt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Arial Unicode MS']#  Set display Chinese   You need to install fonts first  aistudioplt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] #  Specify default font plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False  #  Used to display negative sign normally import seaborn as sns# notebook Rendering pictures %matplotlib inlineimport pyecharts#  Ignore version issues import warningswarnings.filterwarnings("ignore")  #  Download Chinese Fonts !wget https://mydueros.cdn.bcebos.com/font/simhei.ttf #  Copy the font file to  matplotlib' The font path !cp simhei.ttf /opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/Lib/python3,7/site-packages/matplotib/mpl-data/fonts.#  Generally, you only need to copy the font file to the system font field and record it , But in  studio There is no write permission on this path , So this method cannot be used  # !cp simhei. ttf /usr/share/fonts/#  Create system font file path !mkdir .fonts#  Copy files to this path !cp simhei.ttf .fonts/!rm -rf .cache/matplotlib

Algorithm dependent #  Data normalization from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler# kmeans clustering from sklearn.cluster import KMeans# DBSCAN clustering from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN#  Linear regression algorithm from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression#  Logic regression algorithm from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression#  Gauss bayes from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB#  Divide training / Test set from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split#  Accuracy report from sklearn import metrics#  Matrix report and mean square error from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, mean_squared_error get data from sqlalchemy import create_engineengine = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]:3306/ry?charset=utf8')#  Query the related table name and row number after insertion result_query_sql = "use information_schema;"engine.execute(result_query_sql)result_query_sql = "SELECT table_name,table_rows FROM tables WHERE TABLE_NAME LIKE 'log%%' order by table_rows desc;"df_result = pd.read_sql(result_query_sql, engine)

Generate df# list turn dfdf_result = pd.DataFrame(pred,columns=['pred'])df_result['actual'] = test_targetdf_result# df Take a seed dfdf_new = df_old[['col1','col2']]# dict Generate dfdf_test = pd.DataFrame({<!-- -->'A':[0.587221, 0.135673, 0.135673, 0.135673, 0.135673],                         'B':['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'],                        'C':[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]})#  Specifies the column name data = pd.DataFrame(dataset.data, columns=dataset.feature_names)#  Use numpy Generate 20 A specified distribution ( Such as standard normal distribution ) Number of numbers tem = np.random.normal(0, 1, 20)df3 = pd.DataFrame(tem)#  Generate a and df Random numbers of the same length dataframedf1 = pd.DataFrame(pd.Series(np.random.randint(1, 10, 135))) To be ranked high #  To be ranked high data_scaled = data_scaled.rename(columns={<!-- -->' Body oil level ': 'OILLV'}) Add column # df2dfdf_jj2yyb['r_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df_jj2yyb['cTime'])#  Add a new column based on salary Divide the data into 3 Group bins = [0,5000, 20000, 50000]group_names = [' low ', ' in ', ' high ']df['categories'] = pd.cut(df['salary'], bins, labels=group_names) Missing value processing #  Check the data for any missing values df.isnull().values.any()#  Check the missing values of each column df.isnull().sum()#  Extract a row with a null value in a column df[df[' date '].isnull()]#  Output the specific number of missing rows in each column for i in df.columns:    if df[i].count() != len(df):        row = df[i][df[i].isnull().values].index.tolist()        print(' Name :"{}", The first {} Line position has missing value '.format(i,row))#  Mode filling heart_df['Thal'].fillna(heart_df['Thal'].mode(dropna=True)[0], inplace=True)#  The empty values of the continuous value column are filled with the average value dfcolumns = heart_df_encoded.columns.values.tolist()for item in dfcolumns:    if heart_df_encoded[item].dtype == 'float':       heart_df_encoded[item].fillna(heart_df_encoded[item].median(), inplace=True) Hot coding alone df_encoded = pd.get_dummies(df_data) Replacement value #  Replace by column value num_encode = {<!-- -->    'AHD': {<!-- -->'No':0, "Yes":1},}heart_df.replace(num_encode,inplace=True) Delete column df_jj2.drop(['coll_time', 'polar', 'conn_type', 'phase', 'id', 'Unnamed: 0'],axis=1,inplace=True) Data filtering #  Take the first place 33 Row data df.iloc[32]#  A column with xxx Start of string df_jj2 = df_512.loc[df_512["transformer"].str.startswith('JJ2')]df_jj2yya = df_jj2.loc[df_jj2[" Transformer No "]=='JJ2YYA']#  Extract numbers that do not appear in the second column in the first column df['col1'][~df['col1'].isin(df['col2'])]#  Find row numbers with equal values in two columns np.where(df.secondType == df.thirdType)#  Include string results = df['grammer'].str.contains("Python")#  Extract column names df.columns#  View the unique value of a column ( species )df['education'].nunique()#  Delete duplicate data df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True)#  A value is equal to a column df[df.col_name==0.587221]# df.col_name==0.587221  The return value of each row judgment result (True/False)#  View the unique value and count of a column df_jj2[" Transformer No "].value_counts()#  Time period filtering df_jj2yyb_0501_0701 = df_jj2yyb[(df_jj2yyb['r_time'] &gt;=pd.to_datetime('20200501')) &amp; (df_jj2yyb['r_time'] &lt;= pd.to_datetime('20200701'))]#  Numerical filtering df[(df['popularity'] &gt; 3) &amp; (df['popularity'] &lt; 7)]#  A column of string is intercepted df['Time'].str[0:8]#  Random selection num That's ok ins_1 = df.sample(n=num)#  Data De duplication df.drop_duplicates(['grammer'])#  Sort by a column ( Descending )df.sort_values("popularity",inplace=True, ascending=False)#  Take the maximum value of a row df[df['popularity'] == df['popularity'].max()]#  Take the maximum of a column num That's ok df.nlargest(num,'col_name')#  Maximum num Draw a horizontal column df.nlargest(10).plot(kind='barh')

Difference calculation # axis=0 or index Move up and down , periods Indicates the number of moves , For timing, move down , Move up when negative .print(df.diff( periods=1, axis=‘index‘))print(df.diff( periods=-1, axis=0))# axis=1 or columns Move left and right ,periods Indicates the number of moves , Shift right for timing , Move left when negative .print(df.diff( periods=1, axis=‘columns‘))print(df.diff( periods=-1, axis=1))#  Rate of change calculation data[' Closing price ( element )'].pct_change()#  With 5 Data as a data sliding window , In this 5 Average on data df[' Closing price ( element )'].rolling(5).mean() Data modification #  Delete last line df = df.drop(labels=df.shape[0]-1)#  Add a row of data ['Perl',6.6]row = {<!-- -->'grammer':'Perl','popularity':6.6}df = df.append(row,ignore_index=True)#  A column of decimals to percentages df.style.format({<!-- -->'data': '{0:.2%}'.format})#  Reverse transfer df.iloc[::-1, :]#  Make a PivotTable with two columns pd.pivot_table(df,values=["salary","score"],index="positionId")#  Calculate the two columns at the same time df[["salary","score"]].agg([np.sum,np.mean,np.min])#  Perform different calculations for different columns df.agg({<!-- -->"salary":np.sum,"score":np.mean}) Time format conversion #  Timestamp to time string df_jj2['cTime'] =df_jj2['coll_time'].apply(lambda x: time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(x)))#  Time string to time format df_jj2yyb['r_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df_jj2yyb['cTime'])#  Time format to timestamp dtime = pd.to_datetime(df_jj2yyb['r_time'])v = (dtime.values - np.datetime64('1970-01-01T08:00:00Z')) / np.timedelta64(1, 'ms')df_jj2yyb['timestamp'] = v Set index columns df_jj2yyb_small_noise = df_jj2yyb_small_noise.set_index('timestamp') Broken line diagram fig, ax = plt.subplots()df.plot(legend=True, ax=ax)plt.legend(loc=1)plt.show()

plt.figure(figsize=(20, 6))plt.plot(max_iter_list, accuracy, color='red', marker='o',         markersize=10)plt.title('Accuracy Vs max_iter Value')plt.xlabel('max_iter Value')plt.ylabel('Accuracy')

Scatter plot plt.scatter(df[:, 0], df[:, 1], c="red", marker='o', label='lable0')   plt.xlabel('x')  plt.ylabel('y')  plt.legend(loc=2)  plt.show()  

Histogram df = pd.Series(tree.feature_importances_, index=data.columns)#  Take the maximum of a column Num Draw a horizontal column in a row df.nlargest(10).plot(kind='barh')

Heat map df_corr = combine.corr()plt.figure(figsize=(20,20))g=sns.heatmap(df_corr,annot=True,cmap="RdYlGn")

66 The most commonly used pandas Data analysis function df # whatever pandas DataFrame object  s # whatever pandas series object Import data from a variety of sources and formats pd.read_csv(filename) #  from CSV file  pd.read_table(filename) #  From delimited text files ( for example CSV) in  pd.read_excel(filename) #  from Excel file  pd.read_sql(query, connection_object) #  from SQL surface / Read from the database  pd.read_json(json_string) #  from JSON Format string ,URL Or file .pd.read_html(url) #  analysis html URL, String or file , And extract the table into the data frame list  pd.read_clipboard() #  Get the contents of the clipboard and pass it to  read_table() pd.DataFrame(dict) #  From the dictionary , The key of the column name , The value of the data in the list Derived data df.to_csv(filename) #  write in CSV file  df.to_excel(filename) #  write in Excel file  df.to_sql(table_name, connection_object) #  write in SQL surface  df.to_json(filename) #  With JSON Format write file Create test object pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(20,5))               # 5 Column 20 Row random floating point number  pd.Series(my_list)                               #  Create a sequence from an iterative sequence  my_list df.index = pd.date_range('1900/1/30', periods=df.shape[0]) #  Add date index see 、 Check the data df.head(n)                       # DataFrame Before n That's ok  df.tail(n)                       # DataFrame Last n That's ok  df.shape                         #  Number of rows and columns  df.info()                        #  Indexes , Data types and memory information  df.describe()                    #  Summary statistics for numeric columns  s.value_counts(dropna=False)     #  View unique values and counts  df.apply(pd.Series.value_counts) #  Unique values and counts for all columns Data selection Use these commands to select a specific subset of the data .df[col]               #  Return with label col The column of  df[[col1, col2]]      #  Returns the column as a new DataFrame s.iloc[0]             #  Select by location  s.loc['index_one']    #  Select by index  df.iloc[0,:]          #  first line  df.iloc[0,0]          #  The first element of the first column Data cleaning df.columns = ['a','b','c']                  #  To be ranked high  pd.isnull()                                 #  Null check , return Boolean Arrray pd.notnull()                                #  And pd.isnull()  contrary  df.dropna()                                 #  Delete all rows with null values  df.dropna(axis=1)                           #  Delete all columns with null values  df.dropna(axis=1,thresh=n)                  #  Delete all with less than n A non null Row of values  df.fillna(x)                                #  Replace all null values with x s.fillna(s.mean())                          #  Replace all null values with the mean ( The mean can be replaced by almost all functions in the statistics module  ) s.astype(float)                             #  Convert the data type of the series to float s.replace(1,'one')                          # 1  use  'one' s.replace([1,3],['one','three'])            #  Replace all values equal to   Replace with all 1 'one' , and  3  use  'three' df.rename(columns=lambda x: x + 1)          #  Renaming Columns  df.rename(columns={<!-- -->'old_name': 'new_ name'})#  Selective renaming  df.set_index('column_one')                  #  Change index  df.rename(index=lambda x: x + 1)            #  Large scale index renaming Screening , Sort and group by df[df[col] &gt; 0.5]                      #  Column  col  Greater than  0.5 df[(df[col] &gt; 0.5) &amp; (df[col] &lt; 0.7)]  #  Less than  0.7  Greater than 0.5 The line of  df.sort_values(col1)                   #  Press col1 Sort values in ascending order  df.sort_values(col2,ascending=False)   #  Press col2  Values are sorted in descending order   Sort  df.sort_values([col1,col2],ascending=[True,False]) # Press  col1  Ascending sort , then  col2  Sort in descending order  df.groupby(col)                        # Return from a column GROUPBY object  df.groupby([col1,col2]) #  Returns from multiple columns groupby object  df.groupby(col1)[col2]                 #  Returns the average of the values in  col2, Group by value in  col1 ( The average value can be replaced by almost all functions in the statistics module  ) df.pivot_table(index=col1,values=[col2,col3],aggfunc=mean) #  Create a PivotTable group through  col1 , And calculate the average  col2  and  col3 df.groupby(col1).agg(np.mean)          #  Find each unique... In all columns col1  Group average  df.apply(np.mean)                      #np.mean()  Apply this function on each column  df.apply(np.max,axis=1)                # np.max()  Apply functions on each line Data merging df1.append(df2)                   #  take df2 add to  df1 At the end of  ( Each column should be the same ) pd.concat([df1, df2],axis=1)      #  take  df1 Add columns to df2 At the end of  ( Lines should be the same ) df1.join(df2,on=col1,how='inner') # SQL The style will be column df1 And df2 The column in which the row is located col Join columns with the same value .'how' It could be a  'left', 'right', 'outer', 'inner' Data statistics df.describe()    #  Summary statistics for numeric columns  df.mean()        #  Returns all columns of the mean  df.corr()        #  return DataFrame Correlation between columns in  df.count()       #  Returns the number in each data frame column with a non null value  df.max()         #  Returns the highest value in each column  df.min()         #  Returns the minimum value in each column  df.median()      #  Returns the median of each column  df.std()         #  Returns the standard deviation of each column 16 A function , For data cleaning #  Import dataset import pandas as pddf ={<!-- -->' full name ':['  Schoolmate Huang ',' Huang Zhizun ',' Huanglaoxie  ',' Chen Dami ',' Sun shangxiang '],     ' English name ':['Huang tong_xue','huang zhi_zun','Huang Lao_xie','Chen Da_mei','sun shang_xiang'],     ' Gender ':[' male ','women','men',' Woman ',' male '],     ' Id card ':['463895200003128433','429475199912122345','420934199110102311','431085200005230122','420953199509082345'],     ' height ':['mid:175_good','low:165_bad','low:159_bad','high:180_verygood','low:172_bad'],     ' Home address ':[' Guangshui, Hubei Province ',' Xinyang, Henan ',' Guangxi Guilin ',' Xiaogan, Hubei ',' Guangdong guangzhou '],     ' Phone number ':['13434813546','19748672895','16728613064','14561586431','19384683910'],     ' income ':['1.1 ten thousand ','8.5 thousand ','0.9 ten thousand ','6.5 thousand ','2.0 ten thousand ']}df = pd.DataFrame(df)df1.cat function

For string splicing

df[" full name "].str.cat(df[" Home address "],sep='-'*3)2.contains

Determine whether a string contains a given character

df[" Home address "].str.contains(" wide ")3.startswith/endswith

Determine whether a string is represented by … start / ending

#  The first line “  Huang Wei ” It starts with a space df[" full name "].str.startswith(" yellow ") df[" English name "].str.endswith("e")4.count

Calculates the number of occurrences of a given character in a string

df[" Phone number "].str.count("3")5.get

Gets the string at the specified location

df[" full name "].str.get(-1)df[" height "].str.split(":")df[" height "].str.split(":").str.get(0)6.len

Calculate string length

df[" Gender "].str.len()7.upper/lower

English case conversion

df[" English name "].str.upper()df[" English name "].str.lower()8.pad+side Parameters /center

To the left of the string 、 Add the given character to the right or left

df[" Home address "].str.pad(10,fillchar="*")      #  amount to ljust()df[" Home address "].str.pad(10,side="right",fillchar="*")    #  amount to rjust()df[" Home address "].str.center(10,fillchar="*")9.repeat

Repeat string several times

df[" Gender "].str.repeat(3)10.slice_replace

Use the given string , Replace the character at the specified position

df[" Phone number "].str.slice_replace(4,8,"*"*4)11.replace

The character at the specified position , Replace with the given string

df[" height "].str.replace(":","-")12.replace

The character at the specified position , Replace with the given string ( Accept regular expressions )

replace Pass in regular expression , It's easy to use ;- Don't worry about whether the following case is useful , You just need to know , How easy it is to use regular data cleaning ;

df[" income "].str.replace("\d+\.\d+"," Regular ")13.split Method +expand Parameters

collocation join Methods are powerful

#  Common usage df[" height "].str.split(":")# split Method , collocation expand Parameters df[[" Height description ","final height "]] = df[" height "].str.split(":",expand=True)df# split Method collocation join Method df[" height "].str.split(":").str.join("?"*5)14.strip/rstrip/lstrip

Remove blanks 、 A newline

df[" full name "].str.len()df[" full name "] = df[" full name "].str.strip()df[" full name "].str.len()15.findall

Using regular expressions , To match... In a string , Returns a list of search results

findall Using regular expressions , Do data cleaning , It's really fragrant !

df[" height "]df[" height "].str.findall("[a-zA-Z]+")16.extract/extractall

Accept regular expressions , Extract the matching string ( Be sure to put parentheses )

df[" height "].str.extract("([a-zA-Z]+)")# extractall Extract the composite index df[" height "].str.extractall("([a-zA-Z]+)")# extract collocation expand Parameters df[" height "].str.extract("([a-zA-Z]+).*?([a-zA-Z]+)",expand=True

That's all Python Pandas Details of high-frequency operation of data processing , More about Python Pandas For data processing information, please pay attention to other relevant articles on the software development network !

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