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Getting started with Python asynchronous task framework celery


brief introduction

Celery It's using python Write a distributed task scheduling framework .

It has several main concepts :

celery application

User written code scripts , Used to define the tasks to be performed , And then through broker Send the task to the message queue


agent , Through message queuing on the client and worker To coordinate between .
celery Itself does not contain message queues , It supports message queuing RabbitMQRdisAmazon SQSZookeeper
More about Broker See official documents


database , Used to store the results returned by the task .


Worker , Used to perform broker Assigned tasks .


Mission , Defined tasks to be performed

Version for

Celery5.1 requirement :

Celery It's a least funded project , So we don't support Microsoft Windows.

For more detailed version requirements, see the official documents

Use pip install :

pip install -U Celery


Celery It also defines a set of packages , For installation Celery And given dependencies .

Can be in pip Implement braces in the command to specify these dependencies .

pip install "celery[librabbitmq]"
pip install "celery[librabbitmq,redis,auth,msgpack]"

See the official document for the specific supported dependency packages .

Easy to use

1. Select a broker

Use celery First, you need to select a message queue . Install any of the previously mentioned... That you are familiar with celery Supported message queues .

2. Write a celery application

First we need to write a celery application , It is used to create tasks and manage wokers, It should be able to be imported by other modules .

Create a tasks.py file :

from celery import Celery
app = Celery('tasks', broker='redis://localhost:6379/0')
def add(x, y):
return x + y

The first parameter tasks Is the name of the current module , It can omit , It is recommended to use the current module name .

The second keyword parameter broker='redis://localhost:6379/0’ Specify that we use Redis As message queue , And specify the connection address .

3. function celery Of worker service

cd To tasks.py In the directory , Then run the following command to start worker service

celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=INFO

4. Call task

 from tasks import add

By calling the delay To perform the corresponding task .celery Will send the execution command to broker,broker Then send the message to worker Services to execute , If all goes well, you will be in worker In the service log, you can see the logs of receiving and executing tasks .

5. Save results

If you want to track the status of the task and save the returned results of the task ,celery Need to send it somewhere .celery Provides a variety of results .

We are here to reids For example , modify tasks.py The code in , Add one Redis Back end .

app = Celery('tasks', broker='redis://localhost:6379/0', backend='redis://localhost:6379/1')

See the official documentation for more results .

Restart worker service , Reopen python Interpreter

 from tasks import add
result = add.delay(4,4)

ready() Method returns whether the task is completed :


You can also wait for the results to complete , But this method is rarely used , Because it converts asynchronous calls into synchronous calls


Use... In your application celery

Create project

Project structure :



from celery import Celery
app = Celery('proj',
)# To configure
result_expires=3600, # Result expiration time

In this module, we created a Celery modular . Use... In your project celery Just import this instance .


from .celery import app
def add(x, y):
return x + y
def mul(x, y):
return x * y
kdef xsum(numbers)
return sum(numbers)

start-up worker

celery -A proj worker -l INFO

Call task

 from proj.tasks import add
add.delay(2, 2)

stay django Use in celery

In your django Project use celery, First you need to define a Celery Example .

If you django The project is as follows :

- proj/
- manage.py
- proj/
- __init__.py
- settings.py
- urls.py

So the recommended way is to create a new proj/proj/celery.py Module to define celery instances :file:proj/proj/celery.py

import os
from celery import Celery
# by `celery` Set default django Set up modules
app = Celery('proj')
# Set configuration source
# Load all registered django Tasks in the application
@app.task(bind=True) def debug_task(self): print(f'Request: {

Then you need to be in your proj/proj/init.py Import this application into the module . So that's a guarantee Django Load application at startup , For convenience @shared_task The use of decorators .


from .celery import app as celery_app
__all__ = ('celery_app',)

Please note that , This sample project layout is suitable for larger projects , For simple projects , You can use a single module that contains definitions of applications and tasks .

Next, let's explain celery.py The code in , First , We set up celery Command line program environment variables DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE The default value of :

os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'proj.settings')

This line is used to load the current django Project environment settings , Especially when it needs to be used in asynchronous tasks ORM. It must be before creating an application instance .

app = Celery('proj')

We also added Django Set the module as Celery Configuration source of . This means that we don't have to use multiple configuration files , It's directly in the Django Configuration in the configuration file of Celery.

app.config_from_object('django.conf:settings', namespace='CELERY')

Uppercase namespaces mean all Celery Configuration items must be specified in uppercase , And CELERY_ start , So for example broker_url Set to CELERY_BROKER_URL.

for example ,Django The project's configuration file may include :


CELERY_TIMEZONE = "Asia/Shanghai"

Next , A common practice for reusable applications is in a separate tasks.py All tasks defined in the module Celery There is a way to automatically discover these modules :


Use the lines above ,Celery Will be in accordance with the tasks.py Contract to automatically discover tasks from all installed applications :

- app1/
- tasks.py
- models.py
- app2/
- tasks.py
- models.py

This eliminates the need to manually add modules to CELERY_IMPORTS Setting up .

Use @shared_task Decorator

The tasks we write may exist in reusable applications , Reusable applications cannot rely on the project itself , Therefore, you cannot import directly celery Application example .

@shared_task The decorator can let us not need any specific celery Instance creation task :demoapp/tasks.py

# Create your tasks here
from demoapp.models import Widget
from celery import shared_task
def add(x, y):
return x + y
def mul(x, y):
return x * y
def xsum(numbers):
return sum(numbers)
def count_widgets():
return Widget.objects.count()
def rename_widget(widget_id, name):
w = Widget.objects.get(id=widget_id)
w.name = name

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